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DoomRL => Mortem Archives => Post Mortem => Pre-0.9.9 => Topic started by: jake250 on March 23, 2006, 20:08

Title: Hell's Fortress, MYSTERY SOLVED + Screen + Save!
Post by: jake250 on March 23, 2006, 20:08

This is 4 pic, it'll explain pretty much everything :P

I missed one/two line of text immediately before (forgot to take a pic) but thats no big deal.

First, I cheated there : I kept my save everytime, then load, then try to get the exit relatively close so I could get to the next level. At the last level before the cyberdemon, I got an invulnerability globe (like wingie said) and used the thermonuclear bomb to kill the cyberdemon. Then you see in the screenshot how it looks.

Want to see? Well,

TO DOWNLOAD, RIGHT CLICK AND SAVE AS! Otherwise it doesn't work.

Inside is the save file, you'll start in Hell's Fortress (with 0 change of winning, your level 2 here).

Im doing all this so everyone can understand everything, with no mistake. The only thing im wondering if its possible to kill him...

Again, thanks to wingie, he is the one who discovered all that first.

 DoomRL (v.0.9.8 (WIN-S)) roguelike post-mortem character dump

 Jake, level 2 soldier, sacrificed himself to kill the Cyberdemon
 on level 20 of the Phobos base.
 He survived 11546 turns and scored 0 points.

 He killed 41 out of 296 hellspawn. (14%)
 Who gave him the ticket to hell, anyway?

 He found the Phobos Arena.

-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------

  Health -154/60   Experience 1036/2
  ToHit +3  ToDmg Ranged +0  ToDmg Melee +0

-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------

    Ironman        (Level 1)
    Eagle Eye      (Level 1)

-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------

    [a] [ Armor      ]   nothing
    [ Weapon     ]   nothing
    [c] [ Boots      ]   nothing

-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------

-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------

    10 former humans
    5 former human sergeants
    1 former human captain
    4 imps
    5 lost souls
    1 cacodemon

-- History ---------------------------------------------------

 He started his journey on the suface of Phobos.
 On level 2 he battled through a maze of rooms.
 On level 3 he battled through a maze of rooms.
 On level 4 he found hellish caves.
 On level 5 he found hellish caves.
 On level 6 he found a hellish city.
 On level 7 he found a hellish city.
 On level 8 he battled through a maze of rooms.
 On level 9 he found hellish caves.
 On level 10 he battled through a maze of rooms.
 On level 11 he found hellish caves.
 On level 12 he battled through a maze of rooms.
 On level 13 he found hellish caves.
 On level 14 he found a hellish city.
 On level 15 he battled through a maze of rooms.
 On level 16 he battled through a maze of rooms.
 On level 17 he found hellish caves.
 On level 18 he battled through a maze of rooms.
 On level 19 he found a hellish city.
 Then at last he found the Phobos Arena.
 There finally he sacrificed himself to kill the Cyberdemon.

-- General ---------------------------------------------------

 Before him 5 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
 2 of those were killed.

 Some rumours though, say that the Cyberdemon was killed already!
 Is he immortal? 3 souls claim to have killed him...
 1 sacrificed itself for the good of mankind.
 1 killed the bastard and survived.
 1 showed that it can outsmart hell itself.

Title: Hell's Fortress, MYSTERY SOLVED + Screen + Save!
Post by: Turgor on March 23, 2006, 20:18
jake you cheater! ;P

hehe i was gonna do this with a bit higher leveled (i had about level 10 in mind) char tonight.. but you beat me to it with efficiency! Congrats

now i'll just wait and see who's the first one to spoil the screens you get after defeating Carmack, if at all possible. (but not before i see them myself, even if i have to sacrifice my entire evening :D)
Title: Hell's Fortress, MYSTERY SOLVED + Screen + Save!
Post by: Malek Deneith on March 23, 2006, 21:09
Oh ... my ... god ... Kornel that was so EVIL...

Great job on confirming that jake ^^
Title: Hell's Fortress, MYSTERY SOLVED + Screen + Save!
Post by: wingie on March 23, 2006, 23:09
Awesome! I am vindicated!
Title: Hell's Fortress, MYSTERY SOLVED + Screen + Save!
Post by: JimmyJ on March 24, 2006, 01:44
lol Kornel, your secret is revealed!
Title: Hell's Fortress, MYSTERY SOLVED + Screen + Save!
Post by: sn0rb on March 25, 2006, 18:38
Just a note- there's no picture on John Carmack's monsterlook screen. How unusual. I was at least expecting an ANSI image of John Romero's Head on a Stick =/
Title: Hell's Fortress, MYSTERY SOLVED + Screen + Save!
Post by: jake250 on March 25, 2006, 19:36
Quoting: sn0rb
Just a note- there's no picture on John Carmack's monsterlook screen. How unusual. I was at least expecting an ANSI image of John Romero's Head on a Stick =/

Guess he didn't wanted to reveal the secret to anyone, even the one who made ASCII picture :P
Title: Hell's Fortress, MYSTERY SOLVED + Screen + Save!
Post by: Kornel Kisielewicz on March 25, 2006, 19:54
Quoting: jake250
Guess he didn't wanted to reveal the secret to anyone, even the one who made ASCII picture :P

Umm, yes, I didn't want to tell Kornel about that secret :-P.
Title: Hell's Fortress, MYSTERY SOLVED + Screen + Save!
Post by: JimmyJ on March 25, 2006, 20:59
Quoting: Kornel Kisielewicz
Umm, yes, I didn't want to tell Kornel about that secret :-P.

lol, but why didn't you put the ANSI picture of the head in there?
Title: Hell's Fortress, MYSTERY SOLVED + Screen + Save!
Post by: Kornel Kisielewicz on March 26, 2006, 20:14
Quoting: jimmyj
lol, but why didn't you put the ANSI picture of the head in there?

1) I didn't have it
2) I didn't have the time :-]
Title: Hell's Fortress, MYSTERY SOLVED + Screen + Save!
Post by: Anticheese on March 27, 2006, 02:18
You posted a link to a piciture to ASCII converter a while ago.

I'm pretty sure a mugshot of John Carmack would be easy to come by...

Perhaps in the next version?