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DoomRL => Mortem Archives => Post Mortem => Pre-0.9.9 => Topic started by: Shinji_Ikari_9th on April 12, 2006, 01:23

Title: YASD * 3
Post by: Shinji_Ikari_9th on April 12, 2006, 01:23
Re-Downloaded the game so I could start from scratch on the Post Mortems, and figured I'd post my top 3.

Here they are.

Mortem number 1:

DoomRL (v.0.9.8 (WIN-S)) roguelike post-mortem character dump

Reaper, level 8 soldier, killed by a baron of hell
on level 15 of the Phobos base.
He survived 92173 turns and scored 50451 points.

He killed 916 out of 925 hellspawn. (99%)
He was a real killing machine...

He stormed the Chained Court.
He ventured into the Halls of Carnage.
He fought on Hell's Arena.
He faced The Wall.

-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------

Health -2/80 Experience 45938/8
ToHit +0 ToDmg Ranged +0 ToDmg Melee +0

-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------

Ironman (Level 3)
Hellrunner (Level 1)
Tough as nails (Level 3)
Reloader (Level 1)

-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------

[a] [ Armor ] nothing
[ Weapon ] advanced rocket launcher (4d5) [0/1]
[c] [ Boots ] plasteel boots [8/8] (90%)

-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------

[a] blue armor [2/2] (100%)
red armor [4/4] (94%)
[c] chaingun (1d6)x5 [33/50]
[d] plasma rifle (1d8)x8 [40/40]
[e] 10mm ammo (x100)
[f] 10mm ammo (x100)
[g] 10mm ammo (x100)
[h] 10mm ammo (x100)
10mm ammo (x100)
[j] 10mm ammo (x100)
[k] rocket (x10)
[l] rocket (x10)
[m] rocket (x10)
[n] power cell (x50)
  • power cell (x4)

-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------

185 former humans
175 former human sergeants
148 former human captains
142 imps
134 demons
26 lost souls
21 cacodemons
18 barons of hell
18 hell knights
2 arachnotrons
10 former human commanders

-- History ---------------------------------------------------

He started his journey on the suface of Phobos.
On level 2 he battled through a maze of rooms.
Afterwards he fought on Hell's Arena.
On level 3 he battled through a maze of rooms.
On level 4 he battled through a maze of rooms.
On level 5 he battled through a maze of rooms.
On level 6 he battled through a maze of rooms.
He then stormed the Chained Court.
On level 7 he found a hellish city.
Afterwards he witnessed the Wall.
On level 8 he battled through a maze of rooms.
On level 9 he battled through a maze of rooms.
On level 10 he battled through a maze of rooms.
On level 11 he found hellish caves.
On level 12 he found a hellish city.
On level 13 he battled through a maze of rooms.
He then ventured into the Halls of Carnage.
On level 14 he battled through a maze of rooms.
On level 15 he battled through a maze of rooms.
There finally he was killed by a baron of hell.

-- General ---------------------------------------------------

He's the first brave soul to have ventured into Hell...



Moren number 2:

DoomRL (v.0.9.8 (WIN-S)) roguelike post-mortem character dump

Reaper, level 5 soldier, killed by a demon
on level 11 of the Phobos base.
He survived 45458 turns and scored 14094 points.

He killed 253 out of 259 hellspawn. (98%)
He held his right to remain violent.

He stormed the Chained Court.
He fought on Hell's Arena.

-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------

Health -6/70 Experience 11455/5
ToHit +0 ToDmg Ranged +0 ToDmg Melee +0

-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------

Ironman (Level 2)
Tough as nails (Level 2)
Reloader (Level 1)

-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------

[a] [ Armor ] nothing
[ Weapon ] chaingun (1d6)x5 [45/50]
[c] [ Boots ] protective boots [4/4] (97%)

-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------

[a] fastload combat shotgun (6d3) [5/5]
10mm ammo (x50)
[c] 10mm ammo (x100)
[d] 10mm ammo (x100)
[e] 10mm ammo (x100)
[f] 10mm ammo (x100)
[g] 10mm ammo (x100)
[h] 10mm ammo (x100)
10mm ammo (x100)
[j] 10mm ammo (x100)
[k] shotgun shell (x50)
[l] shotgun shell (x50)
[m] rocket (x10)
[n] rocket (x10)
  • rocket (x10)
[p] rocket (x10)
[q] rocket (x2)
[r] power cell (x50)
power cell (x30)

-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------

62 former humans
38 former human sergeants
25 former human captains
45 imps
31 demons
24 lost souls
4 cacodemons
6 hell knights

-- History ---------------------------------------------------

He started his journey on the suface of Phobos.
On level 2 he battled through a maze of rooms.
Afterwards he fought on Hell's Arena.
On level 3 he battled through a maze of rooms.
On level 4 he battled through a maze of rooms.
He then stormed the Chained Court.
On level 5 he battled through a maze of rooms.
On level 6 he found a hellish city.
On level 7 he found hellish caves.
On level 8 he battled through a maze of rooms.
On level 9 he battled through a maze of rooms.
On level 10 he battled through a maze of rooms.
On level 11 he battled through a maze of rooms.
There finally he was killed by a demon.

-- General ---------------------------------------------------

Before him 2 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
2 of those were killed.



Morem number 3:

DoomRL (v.0.9.8 (WIN-S)) roguelike post-mortem character dump

Reaper, level 7 soldier, killed by a baron of hell
on level 13 of the Phobos base.
He survived 77130 turns and scored 42769 points.

He killed 844 out of 853 hellspawn. (99%)
He held his right to remain violent.

He stormed the Chained Court.
He fought on Hell's Arena.

-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------

Health -9/80 Experience 39217/7
ToHit +0 ToDmg Ranged +0 ToDmg Melee +0

-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------

Ironman (Level 3)
Tough as nails (Level 3)
Reloader (Level 1)

-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------

[a] [ Armor ] nothing
[ Weapon ] chaingun (1d6)x5 [50/50]
[c] [ Boots ] plasteel boots [8/8] (68%)

-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------

[a] blue armor [2/2] (88%)
blue armor [2/2] (96%)
[c] blue armor [2/2] (100%)
[d] rocket launcher (4d4) [0/1]
[e] plasma rifle (1d8)x8 [40/40]
[f] combat shotgun (6d3) [5/5]
[g] 10mm ammo (x48)
[h] 10mm ammo (x100)
10mm ammo (x100)
[j] shotgun shell (x50)
[k] rocket (x5)
[l] rocket (x10)
[m] power cell (x30)
[n] power cell (x50)
  • power cell (x50)

-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------

179 former humans
157 former human sergeants
141 former human captains
143 imps
135 demons
23 lost souls
22 cacodemons
3 barons of hell
9 hell knights
1 arachnotron
7 former human commanders

-- History ---------------------------------------------------

He started his journey on the suface of Phobos.
On level 2 he battled through a maze of rooms.
Afterwards he fought on Hell's Arena.
On level 3 he battled through a maze of rooms.
On level 4 he battled through a maze of rooms.
On level 5 he battled through a maze of rooms.
On level 6 he battled through a maze of rooms.
He then stormed the Chained Court.
On level 7 he battled through a maze of rooms.
On level 8 he found hellish caves.
On level 9 he battled through a maze of rooms.
On level 10 he battled through a maze of rooms.
On level 11 he found hellish caves.
On level 12 he found a hellish city.
On level 13 he found a hellish city.
There finally he was killed by a baron of hell.

-- General ---------------------------------------------------

Before him 3 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
3 of those were killed.



The reason that I had so many kills on the first game was that I found a lever that spawed hostiles on one of the early levels. I just camped out and fraged whatever was spawned, no worse than a Former Human Captain. Actually had a stockpile of 10mm ammo close to where I was. Not only that, except for the lever I was using, and one other lever in the same room (Never did check that one.), the whole floor was covered with guns and shotgun ammo.

If you find a lever like this, and you have the supplies, I strongly recomend that you try this tactic.
Title: YASD * 3
Post by: JimmyJ on April 12, 2006, 02:26
Quoting: Shinji_Ikari_9th
If you find a lever like this, and you have the supplies, I strongly recomend that you try this tactic

I really like using that strategy, although most of the time i am worried by what ELSE may come out of the lever IE: Lava, fire, etc...
Title: YASD * 3
Post by: Anticheese on April 12, 2006, 02:27
No quad-posting for you :-)

All of the mortems and posts are consolidated into one post, My reasoning for this is that it is semi-unethical to multipost in a timespace of 5 minutes, This makes your post have alot more sense to it and overall cuts down on the "spammyness" of it.

If you feel angry at me, Please do not.


Well done on the games, It looks like you have done really well with them on your near-first goes on that new installation of DoomRL. My file has some 89 dead people on it...

You do not need to reinstall DoomRL, I am fairly sure (80%) that by deleting score.dat you will have the effect of a clean installation.

Spawnscumming is not a new tactic, But I too would endorse it between levels 2 and 10, Any further than that and you run the risk of getting something really nasty lusting for your blood.
Title: YASD * 3
Post by: JimmyJ on April 12, 2006, 02:34
Quoting: Anticheese
You do not need to reinstall DoomRL, I am fairly sure (80%) that by deleting score.dat you will have the effect of a clean installation.

I confirm that, i often delete the score.dat.......but yeah, pulling a lever and getting BoH's on your ass is NOT fun!!!!!!!!
Title: YASD * 3
Post by: Kornel Kisielewicz on April 12, 2006, 02:52
Or even better Arachnos ;-].
Title: YASD * 3
Post by: JimmyJ on April 12, 2006, 05:58
Hehe, make a homemade spiders lair..

What would really SUCK is if it was possible for a cyberdemon to spawn...
Title: YASD * 3
Post by: Anticheese on April 12, 2006, 10:35
Thankfully that is impossible, The Cyberdemon I would guess is not on the spawn table and is only force generated once in the entire game.
Title: YASD * 3
Post by: JimmyJ on April 13, 2006, 01:28
yes, just like how DoomII level 30 doesn't spawn spider masterminds or spider demons }:)
Title: YASD * 3
Post by: Anticheese on April 13, 2006, 05:47
TSM Is a boss monster.

So of course it wont be generated.

I am fairly sure though that the Icon of Sin does spawn Arachnotrons though.
Title: YASD * 3
Post by: jake250 on April 13, 2006, 14:44
Quoting: Anticheese
I am fairly sure though that the Icon of Sin does spawn Arachnotrons though.

What the Icon of Sin doesn't spawn : CyberDemon, SpiderMastermind, Former Human (trooper, sergeant or marine) and lost soul (I think, never saw one spawned, they prefer pain elemental :P)

Arachnotrons are DEFINITIVELY spawned.
Title: YASD * 3
Post by: Turgor on April 13, 2006, 21:58
Quoting: Shinji_Ikari_9th
I found a lever that spawed hostiles on one of the early levels. I just camped out and fraged whatever was spawned

Try doing this till you hit level 10!

Ok, but seriously don't do that, i've done it once and it was the tediest(sp?) couple of hours i've ever spend playing DoomRL.

Quoting: jake250
and lost soul (I think, never saw one spawned, they prefer pain elemental :P)

Yeah i think you're right there.. but it's hard to be completely sure.
Title: YASD * 3
Post by: Anticheese on April 13, 2006, 23:54
Quoting: Turgor

Ok, but seriously don't do that, i've done it once and it was the tediest(sp?) couple of hours i've ever spend playing DoomRL.

Yeah, it should have been: "Ok, but seriously don't do that, I've done it once and it was the most tedious couple of hours I've ever spent playing DoomRL."

Sorry for that.


The Icon of Sin will spawn Pain Elementals, which will in turn spawn Lost Souls, which will fly in front of your rockets before you can hit John Romero's head on a stick.


As for Powerleveling? It is a major help, but at present there are two problems:

Problem the first: It will crash 0.9.8 after about 100 monsters (will be fixed in the next version)

Problem the second: It is REALLY boring after half an hour.

But that said, If you can get to level 15 or something please savescum it and post it on the forums :-)
Title: YASD * 3
Post by: JimmyJ on April 14, 2006, 00:29
Why would we want it to be posted?? If there was something SPECIAL about it, then maybe, but why would we want it? Its just getting to level 15.
Do we really want to start that close to the cyberdemon, without even doing the work?
Title: YASD * 3
Post by: Turgor on April 14, 2006, 00:38
It'll be usefull for... testing purposes! yes that's it, we need such a savegame for testing. So please spend your whole day getting to level 15. Come to think of it, even higher levels may be more usefull? what happens when you level after you've maxed all your skills? Is character level stored in just one byte and will the game freeze once you reach level 256 or 257?

The mind boggles, mainly at the time it would take 0.o

@Anticheese: Thanks for the corrections, but I will always be lazy when it comes to capitalization of the i when it means 'I' (That's not an imp, but me. So it should say @)
Title: YASD * 3
Post by: JimmyJ on April 14, 2006, 00:58
Oh, i must be crazy or something, i though you mean level 15 as in the GAME LEVEL, not the character i get it :)
Title: YASD * 3
Post by: Anticheese on April 14, 2006, 01:23
Does anyone have any insight into the workings of savedgame files? It would be interesting to see what could happen if we figured out how to decrypt them...

Oh and a quick little edit: Imps and anything else that is a name will allways start with a capital letter.
Title: YASD * 3
Post by: Kornel Kisielewicz on April 15, 2006, 19:28
Quoting: Turgor
Is character level stored in just one byte and will the game freeze once you reach level 256 or 257?

Actually the maximum level is 11, and it requires an insane amount of experience -- and the game probably would crash once you would reach it :-].

Quoting: Anticheese
Does anyone have any insight into the workings of savedgame files? It would be interesting to see what could happen if we figured out how to decrypt them...

Don't ^_^.
If you do, I'll start to encode them with a true encryption algo :-P.
Title: YASD * 3
Post by: Turgor on April 16, 2006, 00:09
Thank god, only 11 levels. That's possible to reach. I cannot help but notice you say the game will probably crash by then, so you're not sure yourself.

To the Testmobil!
I've got absolutely nothing to do untill wednesday, apart from a few hours tomorrow visiting my sister.. and i'm gonna spend all that time playing roguelikes. I need a live. But first to play DoomRL!
Title: YASD * 3
Post by: Kornel Kisielewicz on April 16, 2006, 10:44
Quoting: Turgor
Thank god, only 11 levels. That's possible to reach. I cannot help but notice you say the game will probably crash by then, so you're not sure yourself.

Notice also that I wrote --

Quoting: Kornel Kisielewicz
it requires an insane amount of experience

Title: YASD * 3
Post by: Turgor on April 16, 2006, 16:31
Yes, that part sounded like a challenge to me :-P
Title: YASD * 3
Post by: Kornel Kisielewicz on April 16, 2006, 19:32
Quoting: Turgor
Yes, that part sounded like a challenge to me :-P

I'll tell you the exact amount once I get home -- but don't count on it to much -- it was about two-three more trailing zeros than level 10 :-P
Title: YASD * 3
Post by: Shinji_Ikari_9th on April 17, 2006, 21:59
I see thy challange,  and I shall engage mine enemy to see if I can reach it mineself.

(Wish me luck.)
Title: YASD * 3
Post by: Kornel Kisielewicz on April 18, 2006, 01:24
Oh my, but there really is NO SENSE in doing that :-|
Title: YASD * 3
Post by: Thomas on April 19, 2006, 12:32
Quoting: Kornel Kisielewicz
Oh my, but there really is NO SENSE in doing that :-|

Is it REALLY that hard to reach 11 by powerleveling? Are we talking millions of XP? 10s of millions?
Title: YASD * 3
Post by: Kornel Kisielewicz on April 20, 2006, 15:29
const ExpTable : array[1..11] of LongInt =
              (     0,    500,   1500,
                 5000,  10000,  18000,
                25000,  40000,  60000,
                80000, 10000000);

10 million as it seems :-]

But I'm absolutely positive that the game would crash once you'd achieve that level.
Title: YASD * 3
Post by: Thomas on April 21, 2006, 01:05
Quoting: Kornel Kisielewicz
10 million as it seems :-]

But I'm absolutely positive that the game would crash once you'd achieve that level.

Wow. The CD gives 2000, so that's 5000 CDs!
Title: YASD * 3
Post by: Kornel Kisielewicz on April 21, 2006, 03:32
Quoting: Thomas
Wow. The CD gives 2000, so that's 5000 CDs!

That's a big CD shack I'd say :-P