Chaosforge Forum

DoomRL => Discussion => Topic started by: The DoomRLguy on November 14, 2009, 12:18

Title: Outsmarting hell itself?
Post by: The DoomRLguy on November 14, 2009, 12:18
I'm a noob. How do you "outsmart hell itself" and get to JC? Even though I've never been farther than level 17, I'm curious.
Title: Re: Outsmarting hell itself?
Post by: Jarkko on November 14, 2009, 14:27
Nuke the Cyberdemon while invincible. This requires some luck as you need to have found a thermonuclear bomb and find a globe of invincibility on the previous level(s) close to the stairs or have some homing phase devices.

It's always good to carry around a nuke. You can use it in the Cyberdemon fight if get to a point where you know you can't win and his next shot will kill you, using a nuke still gets you a win. If you get lucky with the invincibility you can take on JC if you fancy your chances.

Also a word of warning: don't nuke cybie when invincible on an angel of pacifism game if you don't have another nuke for JC! You can't kill him and getting killed by JC doesn't count as a win.
Title: Re: Outsmarting hell itself?
Post by: AStranger on November 14, 2009, 15:13
Also a word of warning: don't nuke cybie when invincible on an angel of pacifism game if you don't have another nuke for JC! You can't kill him and getting killed by JC doesn't count as a win.

It's very good advice, but... whoops my message got spoily, so stop reading until the spoiler tag works again.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Outsmarting hell itself?
Post by: Frankosity on November 14, 2009, 17:29
Just out of curiosity, does it count as a win if you nuke JC? If so, does it count as a partial, normal or full win?
Title: Re: Outsmarting hell itself?
Post by: UnderAPaleGreySky on November 14, 2009, 17:42
That would depend on how you do it, i.e. whether or not you survive the nuking.