Chaosforge Forum

DoomRL => Discussion => Topic started by: zchris13 on January 20, 2010, 20:17

Title: Melee weapons and mods, an inquiry into
Post by: zchris13 on January 20, 2010, 20:17
Exactly what it says on the tin.  What mods can I slap onto my chainsaw?

I know I can slap a bulk mod, and it will be better than a power mod, but what about the others.

Specifically, what about agility?
Title: Re: Melee weapons and mods, an inquiry into
Post by: metroidRL on January 20, 2010, 20:33
Yes you can put any other mod on the chainsaw but.....

It only increase accuaracy which is pretty useless in AoB challenge or a meele build.

The point is that other mods (other that the bulk mod) on any meele weapon is useless.
Title: Re: Melee weapons and mods, an inquiry into
Post by: Stormlock on January 20, 2010, 22:49
What about tech and power? Does power change it to 4d7 instead of 5d6? Does tech actually let you melee faster?
Title: Re: Melee weapons and mods, an inquiry into
Post by: Moniker on January 20, 2010, 23:33
Assuming chainsaws work the same as combat knives (and why wouldn't they?), yes & yes.
Title: Re: Melee weapons and mods, an inquiry into
Post by: zchris13 on January 21, 2010, 17:42
I was just wondering... and yes, power mods do what you think they do.  Bulk mod is still way better.
Title: Re: Melee weapons and mods, an inquiry into
Post by: Stormlock on January 21, 2010, 20:21
Well, Tech mod is viable though, if the speed increase works. 1.00 > .80 speed is 25% increase in speed, and therefore damage. (Although that means applying armor more, chainsaw does massive damage anyways) assuming you're upgrading the chainsaw anyways, you've probably got brute 2 or 3, so your average damage is already 20 or 23. Adding an extra 3.5 isn't as good as 25% more attacks except vs a target with 6 or 9 armor, depending on brute level 2 or 3. Especially if you're berserking for one shot kills anyways and want your berserk time to last longer.
Title: Re: Melee weapons and mods, an inquiry into
Post by: UnderAPaleGreySky on January 21, 2010, 21:31
1.00 > .80 speed is 25% increase in speed
Just a little issue here. I don't recall .20 being 25% of 1.00.
Title: Re: Melee weapons and mods, an inquiry into
Post by: Stormlock on January 22, 2010, 00:32
It's 25% of .80. In 8 seconds, a bulk modded chainsaw will hit 8 times for 40d6. A tech modded chainsaw will hit 10 times (25% more than 8) for 40d6.

This is why getting the third level of SoaG is such a huge bonus. Moving from .60 to .40 is 50% more shots. Well, until you run out of ammo anyways.
Title: Re: Melee weapons and mods, an inquiry into
Post by: Sylph on January 22, 2010, 09:44
Just a little issue here. I don\'t recall .20 being 25% of 1.00.

Percentages always confuse people.
.20 is not 25% of 100, but that wasnt what he said, he said 1.00 is 125% of 0.8.
Title: Re: Melee weapons and mods, an inquiry into
Post by: ZZ on January 22, 2010, 11:31
Nope, the thing which confuses people is that decrease in time isn't equal increase in speed. The example here shows it well.

*ZZ proposes an end of math lesson here
Title: Re: Melee weapons and mods, an inquiry into
Post by: zchris13 on January 22, 2010, 20:21
No. I like the academic beat downs being administered. They please me.  It is also sort of the whole point of this type of thread. (just to clarify: Number crunching. beat downs are a part of that)
Title: Re: Melee weapons and mods, an inquiry into
Post by: Madtrixr on January 22, 2010, 21:21
...I hate math. So much.
Title: Re: Melee weapons and mods, an inquiry into
Post by: leonresevil2 on January 24, 2010, 02:37
Um, speaking of math and percentages, do the percentages in the game actually accumulate, or stack? To clarify, SoaG reduces fire time by 20%. Do 3 levels of it accumulate to reduce by 20%, or do they stack to reduce 20%, then reduce 20% of that, then 20% of that?

Because all the times I have done Finesse 2 then a tech mod, my fire speed comes out to be 0.56 seconds... so I think they do stack, but I wasn't sure if this was because of the tech mod, or maybe from Ammochain. I think they should stack, because SoaG 3 + Fin 2 + WK 2 + X number of Tech mods = 0 firing speed? That would be insane.
Title: Re: Melee weapons and mods, an inquiry into
Post by: Stormlock on February 01, 2010, 16:10
This was mentioned in another topic. Multiple levels of one bonus stack for skills, different skills and tech mods multiply with eachother.

Tech mods work by reducing the firing rate of the weapon by 15% then rounding to the nearest decimal. So for a standard 1 sec firing rate it goes 1>.8>.7>.6 (Dunno what the floor is, but the first tech mod makes a big difference.)

So a pistol with SoaG 3, Finesse 2 (Finesse is 15% per level right?), and 3 Tech mods works out to:  1*.4*.7*.6 = .168 firing time. Throw in Gun Kata and you can chew through ammo faster than a chain gun.
Title: Re: Melee weapons and mods, an inquiry into
Post by: leonresevil2 on February 18, 2010, 20:02
This was mentioned in another topic. Multiple levels of one bonus stack for skills, different skills and tech mods multiply with eachother.

Tech mods work by reducing the firing rate of the weapon by 15% then rounding to the nearest decimal. So for a standard 1 sec firing rate it goes 1>.8>.7>.6 (Dunno what the floor is, but the first tech mod makes a big difference.)

So a pistol with SoaG 3, Finesse 2 (Finesse is 15% per level right?), and 3 Tech mods works out to:  1*.4*.7*.6 = .168 firing time. Throw in Gun Kata and you can chew through ammo faster than a chain gun.

Well, you can use up ammo faster, but you will actually be more accurate, and be able to fire-fire-kill-instantReload, then switch quickly to the next target. Dualgunner would change the numbers a slight amount, but 120% of even .18 is still a very good fire speed. Plus each bullet should be more lethal than even the best chaingun (and maybe even plasma rifle?) An advanced pistol with 3 tech mods and 3 power mods (3 seems to be the max of any type, as far as I have been able to test in, plus SoaG 3, Fin 3, HR 2, DM, DG, and MGK, would lead to an unstoppable beast as far as I can see. Ammo would be an issue, but the lethal dual shots, quick fire, quick moves, and instant reloads would be quite powerful. And I thought pistols weren't that great!

But I may understand now why AoMarksmanship doesn't give you an advanced pistol to start. It would be possible to get this build most times, and that would make the challenge incredibly easy if you can pull it off.