Chaosforge Forum

DoomRL => Discussion => Topic started by: Glowie on October 31, 2005, 16:55

Title: Doom the Movie
Post by: Glowie on October 31, 2005, 16:55
This forum needs more off topic, so here it comes!

Has anyone seen DooM the movie? Has anyone *cough* downloaded *cough* it? Was it good?
Since I broke my finger and can't play World of Warcraft or type code fast, maybe I should *cough* download *cough* it. Of course I can always play roguelikes, but it's much slower now.
So if someone has seen it, can you recommend it? :)

PS. Yes, this was my first post.
Title: Doom the Movie
Post by: Igor Savin on October 31, 2005, 17:44
Quoting: Glowie
This forum needs more off topic, so here it comes!

That's the spirit ;).

Wel, I'm going to it as soon as I get to Moscow (that'll be November 7th), maybe as self-present for my 18th birthday, which will be November 18th ;)). There are very mixed review of the movie all around, but generally - plot is all changed, so be prepared; it's not Doom, it's just Doom-inspired stuff. But as such, it's said to be one hell of an action, and there's some 1st person view, just like in a game in there ;))).

Download, download it, you'll be the first one of our bunch to take a taste :). Consider it being a scout - but no spoilers ;).
Title: Doom the Movie
Post by: Malek Deneith on November 01, 2005, 01:00
Hmm ... my friend watched it at cinema. His description:

"Mars - check
UAC Corporoation - check
UAC research labs on mars - check
Something REALLY fucked up - check
BFG - check
All the monsters are mutants and infect humans with some virus - W ... T .. F ?? ... So much for keeping up with the game's story"
Title: Doom the Movie
Post by: Kornel Kisielewicz on November 01, 2005, 03:35
Quoting: Glowie
This forum needs more off topic, so here it comes!

That's the spirit! :-D. As long as it is even remotely on-topic it can go into the Discussion forum ;-).

Quoting: Glowie
maybe I should *cough* download *cough* it.

Rather not. Simillary to the Matrix sequels, Doom is a movie that is fun only on the big screen.
Title: Doom the Movie
Post by: Glowie on November 01, 2005, 17:06
Quoting: Kornel Kisielewicz
Rather not. Simillary to the Matrix sequels, Doom is a movie that is fun only on the big screen.

I'd like to go to the cinema, but there is one little problem. They wouldn't let me in, I'm too young ;)

I've read some reviews about it too and I got to admit I'm a little disappointed because there are no cool demons, but zombie like scientists. I wanted to see the hell and such but no :(

Anyways I'm downloading it because I probably don't have time for a full anime series and I want to watch something.

As a side note congratulations already, Igor!

By the way, have you guys read any Doom fanfiction? My friend read about 300 page pdf book about Doom and explained 2 hours the plot to me :) I'm not sure where it's now though. (After knowing everything I just read some chapters here and there)
Title: Doom the Movie
Post by: Malek Deneith on November 01, 2005, 17:38
I've read Doom: the comic
Title: Doom the Movie
Post by: Kornel Kisielewicz on November 03, 2005, 04:06
Quoting: Malek
I've read Doom: the comic

Kheh, funny :-P. But quite poor plot-wise :-/
Title: Doom the Movie
Post by: jake250 on November 03, 2005, 04:18
Quoting: Glowie
I wanted to see the hell and such but no :(

What do you mean? They don't "come" from hell, ok, but they are the same. I saw imp, hell knight and pinky, so its still Doom to me.
Title: Doom the Movie
Post by: Glowie on November 03, 2005, 17:32
Quoting: jake250
What do you mean? They don't "come" from hell, ok, but they are the same. I saw imp, hell knight and pinky, so its still Doom to me.

I think they do come from hell, at least everything I've read says so. You should read the prelude and endings to Doom. I'm not gonna explain the whole idea here if you don't ask me, but here are some links you might find interesting:

Well now I have watched the movie. The reviews pretty much say the important: it's action without complex plot. If you like that kind of movies you should watch it. At least I liked it and particularly the first person view part, it was just like the game! The monster things look a bit like imps and such but they dont breathe fire :( If I'd have to compare it to some other movie, I'd say it's very much like Resident Evil, though I liked Doom more.  It had same kind of shocking things and brainless monsters to kill.
Title: Doom the Movie
Post by: JimmyJ on November 05, 2005, 21:34
No hellspawn?? Forget it, its tampering with perfection!!
Title: Doom the Movie
Post by: Anticheese on February 14, 2006, 09:32
Quoting: Malek

"Mars - check
UAC Corporoation - check
UAC research labs on mars - check
Something REALLY fucked up - check
BFG - check
All the monsters are mutants and infect humans with some virus - W ... T .. F ?? ... So much for keeping up with the game's story"

Most unfortunatly the BFG was renamed to "Bio Force Gun" and looked pretty much like what the plasma gun in Doom3 looked like, Only alot better looking and the shots were transperent.

The part about the virus involved UAC doing genomic research, Mapping out the last 10% of human genome. From then on they made a serum, Whether you were turned into a superhuman or a demon depended on whether you were genetically good or evil.

And I havent even watched the movie yet.
Quoting: Glowie
The monster things look a bit like imps and such but they dont breathe fire

Imps dont breath fire, They throw it.

You were thinking of dragons, Or the D&D imps. Or fire Meepits. Or fire elementals. Or arcane spellcasters. Or monsters with class levels. Or *splat*


We regret to inform you the author of this post cannot make it to work today.
Title: Doom the Movie
Post by: jake250 on February 14, 2006, 13:42
For anyone interested, this movie IMO, is a very good horror/action movie with elements classic to the game Doom 3, although being at the same time quite different. It is really worth a look, best results around midnight :P

The plot is interesting, IMO, nothing complex, but its "working well" and is well done. A simple but well done plot is better than a complex one no one understand.

Hope you'll like the movie! :P
Title: Doom the Movie
Post by: Anticheese on February 14, 2006, 18:57
Well its been pulled off the big screen here so I'm stuck waiting for it to come out on DVD..

I think the reason why they made the plotline have genomic research instead of hell is because Doom3 allready did that and there would be a big stink over how much the movie would have been a ripoff..
Title: Doom the Movie
Post by: jake250 on February 14, 2006, 23:17
Quoting: Anticheese
I'm stuck waiting for it to come out on DVD..

It isn't out for you yet? It is me (canada/quebec, if your wondering).
Title: Doom the Movie
Post by: Anticheese on February 15, 2006, 04:38
Lets see, It takes 3 months for most movies to get here, 4 or so more months for the DVD to come out and the broadband is crappy here (compared to, Say the U.S or others)
Title: Doom the Movie
Post by: Glowie on February 15, 2006, 17:46
Quoting: Anticheese
Imps dont breath fire, They throw it.

Ah yeah sorry about that. I confirmed it and you were correct. I always thought that imps somehow shoot from their mouth/breathe it. The old Doom 1/2 graphics are misleading. :)
Title: Doom the Movie
Post by: Santiago Zapata on February 24, 2006, 15:22
I really didnt like it too much... the plot was... there was no plot :p

it was too much residentevilesque.... I must say that I expected a lot more from it, I couldnt see the gates of hell or anything similar, and it all seemed to me like it was happening on a 3 stories building instead of a giant base

I would have prefered much more an adaptation of the doom 1 plot, but I guess that's just my way of thinking... I really enjoyed Advent Children, but I guess DooM is just not good to produce that kind of things
Title: Doom the Movie
Post by: Kornel Kisielewicz on February 24, 2006, 15:27
Quoting: Santiago Zapata
I really didnt like it too much... the plot was... there was no plot :p

What destroyed Doom: the Movie was political correctness :-/. Need I elaborate on that?
Title: Doom the Movie
Post by: Anticheese on February 25, 2006, 03:15
Howso was it PC?

(Examples in the movie, I havent seen it yet, It dosent come out on DVD untill the 23'rd of march.)
Title: Doom the Movie
Post by: Kornel Kisielewicz on February 25, 2006, 04:44
Oh come on -- no Hell, no Big FUCKing Gun, no Cyber nor Spiderdemon? This supposed to be Doom? I rather see it as some shitty second grade SciFi movie :-/.
Title: Doom the Movie
Post by: jake250 on February 25, 2006, 05:54
Quoting: Kornel Kisielewicz
Oh come on -- no Hell, no Big FUCKing Gun, no Cyber nor Spiderdemon? This supposed to be Doom? I rather see it as some shitty second grade SciFi movie :-/.

Im sorry but I think saying this is just stupid... they made it more serious, no hell and what? there are still many thing about Doom even if its not what YOU think make doom. If you dont like the movie for this, then im sorrry, but its not a way to judge it. The movie is not perfect, but stop expecting a movie to be EXACTLY LIKE THE GAME. Look like its what everyone wanted so everyone get "omg this movie sucks"...

Yet, its one of the best movie I saw, with some bad stuff here and there but nothing serious. Now please, if your going to insult the game, gives a real reason... and yeah, elaborate, 'cause I guess I don't get it.
Title: Doom the Movie
Post by: Obscillesk on February 25, 2006, 06:09
I'll elaborate cause I know exactly what he's talking about.  Its not hard to make a Doom movie, you get a guy (I guess for a proper movie you'd need to give him a proper team and have dialogue but meh) who walks around and shoots demons.  Not biological expiriments and a terrible scheme about DNA somehow controlling good or evil.  

Beyond that, the only gun that was featured that is from the game is the BFG, and last I checked, if we're going by original Doom, is very large, silvery, and has a huge charge time before firing a large green ball of massive AoE death.

Beyond that, the imps ran around being sneaky.  Thats not Doom either.  The movie was a Resident Evil clone, pure and simple.  Except Resident Evil was good.

How can you take Hell (a very important and integral feature) out of Doom?  Thats weak.  Straight up, its weak.  The movie is Doom in name only.  Its like making a StarCraft movie and putting zombies and crazed humans in place of the Zerg and Protoss.

However, I will give them points, the pinkie looked damn good.  They did that right, what I saw of the imps when they weren't being pussies looked very good as well.  I can handle the BFG not being perfect, but still, its not hard to do.  I wouldn't hate it so much if it weren't called Doom, because its not Doom.  Its a thing of principle you know?
Title: Doom the Movie
Post by: Kornel Kisielewicz on February 25, 2006, 16:55
I'll state myself clear.

The beauty of Doom, in my humble opinion, is the struggle of a single soldier against the unundestandable, and unimaginable forces of hell. It's the war between humans, and something that is beyond our imagination. It's the feeling of hopelessness, when the soldier understands that he is "on the shores of Hell, and the only way out is through". It's the feeling of complete loneliness, and the feeling of complete resignation. The wierd war between one man, and something he never thought could exist. It's something magical, uncomprehensible, unknown. It's like the old stories of Howard Phillip Lovecraft, where the puny little humans battle against the illogical cosmic forces of the Old Ones.

It's not only a bloodbath. It's a story about sanity.

Doom the movie has none of it. Absolutely none. So for me, Doom the movie, is another Aliens movie, with known actors starring as the Aliens. But there is no Doom there.

Consider the name Doom itself. Doom is named Doom, becase of the feeling that the world is Doomed. Where's that feeling in the movie?

Needles to say, that's also the reason I dislike Doom 3. It lost that feeling of a world beyond mortal comprehension, it lost the feeling of total doom...
Title: Doom the Movie
Post by: Santiago Zapata on February 25, 2006, 19:05
I was pissed off by the movie almost as much as I was with Final Fantasy The Spirits Within...

Doing a movie that pays homage to a saga such as Doom is a hard thing, but I wonder why dont they just *ask fans* what they'd like to see? what is *Doom* for them, what universe they do perceive?

It is like the plot designer never played Doom, or wasnt given enough freedom to do what he wanted... a movie like this *has to* satisfy the fan base, even if people that dont know the game reject the movie because -it looks too much like a video game- or anything.... in the end, for them, it is just another crappy action movie, but for us it is a lost oportunity.

Just hope they dont screw up with the castlevania one that is coming soon :'(   (And it seems they will... I have been told the director is the same of Alien vs Predator... somebody shoot me..)
Title: Doom the Movie
Post by: Kornel Kisielewicz on February 25, 2006, 19:16
Quoting: Santiago Zapata
somebody shoot me..

Anubis pulls out the combat shotgun.
Anubis pumps a shell into the chamber.
Anubis fires!
Title: Doom the Movie
Post by: Anticheese on February 28, 2006, 18:14
That post 3 posts up was really..really..good.

I fully agree with that one.


Quoting: Santiago Zapata
(And it seems they will... I have been told the director is the same of Alien vs Predator... somebody shoot me..)

Kornel allready did it, But it seems there is still life..

Now where did I put my BFG?


On the subject of game-to-movies, It seems that Peter Jackson (Dir. LOTR, King Kong) is doing the Halo movie..

I wonder how that one will turn out, Perhaps the dissapointment of DOOM the movie will jade moviegoers a bit..
Title: Doom the Movie
Post by: Kornel Kisielewicz on March 02, 2006, 07:57
Quoting: Anticheese
On the subject of game-to-movies, It seems that Peter Jackson (Dir. LOTR, King Kong) is doing the Halo movie..

Although he did a great Return of the King, the other two LotR adaptations were average. And te King Kong movie was a piece of shit. So I guess that's still a matter of chance.
Title: Doom the Movie
Post by: Obscillesk on March 02, 2006, 15:25
King Kong had its moments, I could watch a giant ape fight t-rexes all day myself.  Not much for the storyline though

And yeah, Kornel's post is a lot more epic than mine on why the Doom movie wasn't Doom, good response
Title: Doom the Movie
Post by: RickVoid on March 29, 2006, 00:02
Video game to movie transitions have always been disapointing to me.
Mario Brothers -> Super Mario Brothers the Movie *Shudders*
Resident Evil -> Resident Evil the Movie (Which wasn't that bad, but I didn't really feel it.)
Doom -> Doom the Movie (All I've seen is the prievues, and they made me want to cry...)

There's another one coming out soon, but I can't remember which game series it's based off. But it did look good.

Currently waiting for Metroid: The Movie, where Samus has to save the Mushroom Kingdom with her powersuit conspicuously absent (replaced by strategically placed ribbons) while she comes to grips with her own sexuality. (Hint: She likes boobies!)
Title: Doom the Movie
Post by: Kornel Kisielewicz on March 29, 2006, 00:09
What about Mortal Kombat? :-P
Title: Doom the Movie
Post by: Malek Deneith on March 29, 2006, 00:51
Quoting: Kornel Kisielewicz
What about Mortal Kombat? :-P

Mortal Kombat wasn't too bad ... at least the first one ...
Title: Doom the Movie
Post by: RickVoid on March 29, 2006, 00:59
Haven't seen the Mortal Kombat movie, but Street Fighter was pretty bad.

I want a good Legacy of Kain movie, preferrably chronicling the events of Blood Omen. *drools*
Title: Doom the Movie
Post by: Malek Deneith on March 29, 2006, 01:44
Quoting: RickVoid
I want a good Legacy of Kain movie, preferrably chronicling the events of Blood Omen. *drools*

With our (gamers) rotten luck Uwe Boll would probably amking it :/
Title: Doom the Movie
Post by: RickVoid on March 29, 2006, 04:23
Quoting: Malek
Quoting: RickVoid
I want a good Legacy of Kain movie, preferrably chronicling the events of Blood Omen. *drools*
With our (gamers) rotten luck Uwe Boll would probably amking it :/


Oh dear sweet jesus mary and joseph...

Title: Doom the Movie
Post by: Obscillesk on March 29, 2006, 16:44
Far as I know he's the rat bastard that makes all of them.  I heard he gets funding through these wierd German tax laws, something about miserable failures generating fallback money or something.
Title: Doom the Movie
Post by: Malek Deneith on March 29, 2006, 17:13
Thank god that he WON'T be making Metal Gear Solid after-all