Chaosforge Forum
DoomRL => Discussion => Topic started by: grommile on October 05, 2010, 15:14
Trying to decide what to try next, given the following:
- There's nothing left to do on ITYTD that would feel like any kind of actual achievement (I've got Scavenger Gold and Strongman Silver, after all).
- I'm quickly getting tired of levels 1-3 on HMP (out of 25 HMP games on, only five games got further than L3; the tally of deaths includes two cases of "zoned into L2 in the middle of a lost soul room")
- Beating HNTR with Ammochain wouldn't feel like much of an achievement given that I've beaten it on AoSh.
- I don't really enjoy melee games on HNTR and above because of the dependency on giftdropping.
- My pistol technique breaks down a short way into Hell on HNTR. (Ao100 best: 19, with pistols. AoMr best: 19.)
- AoLT/AoI/AoH/AoP/AoRA/AoPc/AoMs don't appeal. (Ao100 does, partly because it doesn't have the Hellgate, but it's a bit on the long side...)
- I hate the Hellgate level and am sometimes tempted to go back to 0.9.9 so that I don't have to put up with it.
Why, specifically, do you hate the Hellgate?
On reflection, it's not so much that I hate the Hellgate itself, as that I hate the Hellgate being level 15. I disapprove of the mid-game boss being harder than the standard endgame boss (easier than the bonus boss, though...)
Start having a crack at ultra-violence games? The things you learn from ultra-violence are practical for any other game-type (and happen to be about my level of playable-ness right now). Also, getting 3 shotguns on level 1 is a blast for some builds.
Ammo-chain away if you need to. Once you get used to UV, try some other builds. It basically makes the other skill levels seem a lot easier (other than N! of course).
On reflection, it's not so much that I hate the Hellgate itself, as that I hate the Hellgate being level 15. I disapprove of the mid-game boss being harder than the standard endgame boss (easier than the bonus boss, though...)
Quite odd that you would find the hellgate so troubling. Do you bring along a rocket launcher?
It's pretty much "the wall but several times easier", which admittedly also describes the final boss.
Quick Edit: Oh, I get it, you're playing on AoMr. Yeah, that'd make it pretty tricky.