Chaosforge Forum

DoomRL => Bug Reports => Topic started by: Sradac on February 25, 2011, 23:01

Title: [] Game crashes at startup
Post by: Sradac on February 25, 2011, 23:01
Here's the log, every time I try and open the neweset version I get this...

--- Logging start : 2/26/2011 0:58:37 ---
<TSystems/0/0> Initialized.
<TDoom/0/0> Initialized.
<TTextModeOutput/0/0> Initialized.
<TTextModeOutput/0/0> Setting ASCII video to 80x25 color.
<TTextModeOutput/0/0> ASCII Video 80x25 color set.
<TTextModeInput/0/0> Initialized.
<TTextModeInput/0/0> Terminal Keyboard system ready.
<TLua> Lua closed.
<TDoom/0/0> Doom destroyed.
<TDoom/0/0> Closed.
<TSystems/0/0> Closed.
<TTextModeOutput/0/0> Closed.
<TTextModeInput/0/0> Closed.
--- Logging end   : 2/26/2011 0:58:37 ---

Windows XP.  Last version worked just fine, not a single problem.  Now, apparently Doom is destroyed. Fresh download, fresh install.  Re downloaded and unzipped several times, same problem.
Title: Re: [] Game crashes at startup
Post by: Kornel Kisielewicz on February 26, 2011, 00:45
That's not much helpful... does the game generate an "error.log"? If so, what are it's contents?
Title: Re: [] Game crashes at startup
Post by: Sradac on February 26, 2011, 01:09
oddly enough no there was no error.log  However, I fixed the problem.  Instead of choosing to "save" the file in internet explorer, I just chose "open" instead and directly unzipped the temp file instead of saving it to disk.  Works fine now.

The site says the newest version is 2.33 mb, but when I was saving to disk the file was always 2.31, looks like something was stopping the download before it  could finish completely saving.

Love assemblies!
Title: Re: [] Game crashes at startup
Post by: ParaSait on February 26, 2011, 05:47
Sup with these weird errors today? Lol...