Chaosforge Forum

DoomRL => Bug Reports => Topic started by: Ugm on December 07, 2006, 03:40

Title: Some sounds' volume
Post by: Ugm on December 07, 2006, 03:40
The chainsaw motor often sounds as if it were far away even if it's always next to the player. Sometimes it is even completely silent.

I also noticed, that Cacodemons produce very unpleasant high frequency shriek. It's very annoying at closer distances, so even if it's taken from original doom, I would suggest turning it down a bit.
Title: Re: Some sounds' volume
Post by: DaEezT on December 07, 2006, 03:42
I also noticed, that Cacodemons produce very unpleasant high frequency shriek. It's very annoying at closer distances, so even if it's taken from original doom, I would suggest turning it down a bit.

But that's one of the things that makes them so interesting and evil ;)
Title: Re: Some sounds' volume
Post by: Ugm on December 07, 2006, 04:29
So... this should be dependent on difficulty level! If I don't want to be hurt plenty that means I don't want to have my ears damaged! :>
Title: Re: Some sounds' volume
Post by: sn0rb on December 07, 2006, 20:39
Actually, there seem to be a few issues with the sound effects in general.

- Sometimes the chainsaw SFX are muted (so a fight against a Former Human sounds like "nnnnnnnnnhnnhnn pscha nnnnnnhnnhhnnn NNNNNNHNHNNNHHHNNHHHNNN GRrrrrrmmmmppph!" Your transliterations may vary.)
- Sometimes sound effects aren't played at all (sometimes when reloading, sometimes when picking up items.)
- Former Humans (Sergeants/Captains/Commandos) use death screams as their injured sound.
- Doors use the secret panel opening sound instead of the traditional "Ba-whIRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR". =(
- I know there was an issue with Arachnotron injury/death screams as well.
- Hell Knights/Barons of Hell use their "alert" sound ("WooOOOOOORRRR~!") as their injured sound.
- The Double Shotgun uses the standard shotgun firing sound. I lieked Doom II's double shotgun firing sound T_T
- Not an issue, but I think unloading a gun should the item pickup sound ("Dun dun") instead of the reloading sound ("Ka-CLICK!")

Surprisingly, alcohol was not involved with this post (^_^;
Title: Re: Some sounds' volume
Post by: Jered Cain on December 10, 2006, 10:18
Actually, there seem to be a few issues with the sound effects in general.

- Sometimes the chainsaw SFX are muted (so a fight against a Former Human sounds like "nnnnnnnnnhnnhnn pscha nnnnnnhnnhhnnn NNNNNNHNHNNNHHHNNHHHNNN GRrrrrrmmmmppph!" Your transliterations may vary.)
- Sometimes sound effects aren't played at all (sometimes when reloading, sometimes when picking up items.)
- Former Humans (Sergeants/Captains/Commandos) use death screams as their injured sound.
- Doors use the secret panel opening sound instead of the traditional "Ba-whIRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR". =(
- I know there was an issue with Arachnotron injury/death screams as well.
- Hell Knights/Barons of Hell use their "alert" sound ("WooOOOOOORRRR~!") as their injured sound.
- The Double Shotgun uses the standard shotgun firing sound. I lieked Doom II's double shotgun firing sound T_T
- Not an issue, but I think unloading a gun should the item pickup sound ("Dun dun") instead of the reloading sound ("Ka-CLICK!")

Surprisingly, alcohol was not involved with this post (^_^;

Snorb, I can provide a few answers.  First, I've got a modified (some might say better) Sound section of the .INI file that's pinned in its own topic, over on Discussion.  Also, the coding prevents us from using the Double Shotty sound for the Double Shotty just yet.  Rest assured, though, Arachnotrons, Barons (not Knights, they've got a different issue), and many others now have the right sounds.

I'll see what I can do with the rest, though.