Base i386 extraction, no changes
Abnormal program termination!
Reason : RegisterMusic(mp3/d1inter.mp3): Module format not recognized
If this reason doesn't seem your fault, please submit a bug report at, be sure to include the last entries in
your error.log that will get created once you hit Enter.
An unhandled exception occurred at $081A45FA :
ESoundException : RegisterMusic(mp3/d1inter.mp3): Module format not recognized
$081A45FA TSOUND__REGISTERMUSIC, line 157 of /home/user/project/fpcvalkyrie/src/vsound.pas
$081A488A TSOUND__REGISTERMUSIC, line 172 of /home/user/project/fpcvalkyrie/src/vsound.pas
$0808ACF3 TDOOMIO__CONFIGURE, line 354 of src/doomio.pas
$0807F5A1 TDOOM__LOAD, line 135 of src/doombase.pas
$0807FEAF TDOOM__RUN, line 257 of src/doombase.pas
$080499B8 main, line 71 of src/doomrl.pas
Base x64 extraction
Abnormal program termination!
Reason : RegisterMusic(mp3/d1inter.mp3): Module format not recognized
If this reason doesn't seem your fault, please submit a bug report at, be sure to include the last entries in
your error.log that will get created once you hit Enter.
An unhandled exception occurred at $00000000005E1AB0 :
ESoundException : RegisterMusic(mp3/d1inter.mp3): Module format not recognized
$00000000005E1AB0 line 157 of ../fpcvalkyrie/src/vsound.pas
$00000000005E1E3E line 172 of ../fpcvalkyrie/src/vsound.pas
$000000000047A03B line 354 of src/doomio.pas
$000000000046AD7A line 135 of src/doombase.pas
$000000000046BA3A line 257 of src/doombase.pas
$0000000000427C71 line 71 of src/doomrl.pas
Base i386 extraction, converting the mp3s to ogg
Abnormal program termination!
Reason : RegisterMusic(ogg/d1inter.ogg): Couldn't read from 'ogg/d1inter.ogg'
If this reason doesn't seem your fault, please submit a bug report at, be sure to include the last entries in
your error.log that will get created once you hit Enter.
An unhandled exception occurred at $081A45FA :
ESoundException : RegisterMusic(ogg/d1inter.ogg): Couldn't read from 'ogg/d1inter.ogg'
$081A45FA TSOUND__REGISTERMUSIC, line 157 of /home/user/project/fpcvalkyrie/src/vsound.pas
$081A488A TSOUND__REGISTERMUSIC, line 172 of /home/user/project/fpcvalkyrie/src/vsound.pas
$0808ACF3 TDOOMIO__CONFIGURE, line 354 of src/doomio.pas
$0807F5A1 TDOOM__LOAD, line 135 of src/doombase.pas
$0807FEAF TDOOM__RUN, line 257 of src/doombase.pas
$080499B8 main, line 71 of src/doomrl.pas
Base x64 extraction, converting the mp3s to ogg
Abnormal program termination!
Reason : RegisterMusic(ogg/d1inter.ogg): Couldn't read from 'ogg/d1inter.ogg'
If this reason doesn't seem your fault, please submit a bug report at, be sure to include the last entries in
your error.log that will get created once you hit Enter.
An unhandled exception occurred at $00000000005E1AB0 :
ESoundException : RegisterMusic(ogg/d1inter.ogg): Couldn't read from 'ogg/d1inter.ogg'
$00000000005E1AB0 line 157 of ../fpcvalkyrie/src/vsound.pas
$00000000005E1E3E line 172 of ../fpcvalkyrie/src/vsound.pas
$000000000047A03B line 354 of src/doomio.pas
$000000000046AD7A line 135 of src/doombase.pas
$000000000046BA3A line 257 of src/doombase.pas
$0000000000427C71 line 71 of src/doomrl.pas
Now here is where things get strange. If after trying to use the oggs, if I switch back to the mp3s I stop getting error messages and the program runs, but the music doesn't play, it just skips the first half a second over and over again. The reason this happens is the script I use to convert the oggs must touch up the mp3s, because the mp3s themselves actually change (side effect I guess). No amount of changing config file options seem to fix this, the only thing I haven't tried is FMOD, which is what I'm going to do after this post. I even tried using mp3s downloaded straight from, no luck.
Edit: See my next post, seems like oggs work, mp3s don't