Chaosforge Forum
DoomRL => Bug Reports => Topic started by: Kg on March 08, 2012, 16:54
Timestamp : 2012-03-09 00:52:24
Error level : ERROR
Message : Lua call OnDestroy caught ELuaException!
Call path : cells.29.OnDestroy
Call params : (17,11)
Error message : Get( failed!
Timestamp : 2012-03-09 00:52:24
Error level : ERROR
Message : Lua hook OnAction caught ELuaException!
Call path : beings[imp].OnAction
Call params : ()
Error message : LuaError: cells.29.OnDestroy -- Get( failed!
Timestamp : 2012-03-09 00:52:33
Message : Fatal exception encountered
An unhandled exception occurred at $004624B9 :
ELuaException : LuaError: beings[imp].OnAction -- LuaError: cells.29.OnDestroy -- Get( failed!
$004624B9 TDOOMLUA__ONERROR, line 608 of src/doomlua.pas
$00450DE7 TLUASYSTEM__PROTECTEDRUNHOOK, line 539 of e:/Projects/fpcvalkyrie/src/vluasystem.pas
$004A719B TTHING__CALLHOOK, line 141 of src/dfthing.pas
$0049E4D4 TBEING__ACTION, line 1170 of src/dfbeing.pas
$0049E5EB TBEING__CALL, line 1188 of src/dfbeing.pas
$0041EFDA TDOOM__RUN, line 369 of src/doombase.pas
$00401B15 main, line 71 of src/doomrl.pas
It happened on Windows XP.
EDIT: Oh, nevermind. This is known but - I was holding chainsaw on death.