Chaosforge Forum

DoomRL => Discussion => Topic started by: garcia1000 on March 11, 2012, 19:09

Title: Scavenger master trait
Post by: garcia1000 on March 11, 2012, 19:09
Hey guys! This is a great game. Ok I have searched forums so I hope this has not come up before.


What happens when you disassemble a modded exotic assembly? For example, here is something from a real game I am playing right now (Ao100 scavenger)

I have a BFG 9000, which is an exotic. An exotic should give 1/3 chance Firestorm or Sniper, and 2/3 chance of a normal mod.
Now, I put three power mods on it, making the assembly VBFG9000. An assembly gives a random normal mod.
Lastly, I put a Firestorm mod on the assembly. A modded weapon will give back a random mod used in it.

So in this case, which of the three takes priority? What should I expect to get?

Title: Re: Scavenger master trait
Post by: Klear on March 12, 2012, 08:29
A related question - the wiki description of scavenger mentions unique, exotic and common mods, though the page about mods only mantions standard and special (which, as I understand it, refers to the latter two types from scavenger description).

So which mods are unique? (and feel free to disregard this question if the answer is spoilery)
Title: Re: Scavenger master trait
Post by: Matt_S on March 12, 2012, 08:41
So which mods are unique? (and feel free to disregard this question if the answer is spoilery)
Well, as of, none of the mods are unique.  It used to be that nano and onyx mods were unique.
Title: Re: Scavenger master trait
Post by: Former Lurker on March 12, 2012, 10:45
I tried disassembling a modded exotic (bulk modded missile launcher IIRC) in and got a different normal mod, so the exotic/unique status seems to take priority.
Title: Re: Scavenger master trait
Post by: garcia1000 on March 13, 2012, 00:17
That's great to know!
So for a modded exotic, the modded status does not take priority.
It would be logical that a modded exotic assembly, then, the modded status would not take priority either!

So if you scavenge such a thing, either it is treated as an exotic, or as an assembly. Any idea which of these it is?