Chaosforge Forum

DoomRL => Requests For Features => Topic started by: Pricklyman on March 14, 2012, 22:43

Title: Equalise shotgun ammo finds
Post by: Pricklyman on March 14, 2012, 22:43
I know this is a small request - and I'm sure there's a reason for it being the way it is...but...

Can the shotguns shells you find on the ground be made the same as the amount you find on sergeants. For example, if you kill a former human (a "basic" 10mm ammo enemy) you find 24 bullets. If you find 10mm ammo laying on the ground - 24 bullets. But with sergeants, you find 30 shells on his body - but only 8 on the ground! Can this be equalised.

I'm not saying it should be one way or the other - however the inconsistency just bugs me. Also it's really annoying only finding 8 shells on the ground - 8 doesn't really do spit when you really need it! (i.e. when sergeants pretty much cease spawning in favour of revs, mancubi, viles etc.)
Title: Re: Equalise shotgun ammo finds
Post by: spacedust on March 15, 2012, 00:26
YUSSSS.. This change definitely. It makes the ammo conservation part of playing a shotgun build much better, and stops RNG screwage ruining a perfectly good game. I mean, you can stack up earlier, and rely on Halls of Carnage for late-game shells, but it really does throw off the consistency of the game. 
Title: Re: Equalise shotgun ammo finds
Post by: HexaDoken on March 15, 2012, 04:55
I agree with the thing.
They should be equal, with value lying between the two we got now, because on earlier levels full of shotgunners you have a LOT more ammo than you actually need, and on lategame where shotgunners almost do not spawn you are pretty much screwed if you play a shotgun build.
Title: Re: Equalise shotgun ammo finds
Post by: spacedust on March 15, 2012, 06:22
How about 24 shells for both then - nice round number that parallels the bullet count.
Title: Re: Equalise shotgun ammo finds
Post by: Deathwind on March 15, 2012, 22:04
I'm thinking more like 15
Title: Re: Equalise shotgun ammo finds
Post by: HexaDoken on March 16, 2012, 04:14
Same. 24 is a bit too much, since, welp, we have 24 bullets in one stack, and 24 shells are definitely MUCH more powerful than 24 bullets.
15 sounds fine.
Title: Re: Equalise shotgun ammo finds
Post by: Sirdec on March 16, 2012, 05:23
Ammo definately needs a rework :

Floor spawns are virtually useless for 10mm and Shells early game due to Formers filling all your needs, late game they basically become pretty rare cause of cells and rockets.
Which makes the doomguy dependant on formers spawning during the later levels. Or early stocking up...

I'd like to see DoomRl be closer to Doom when it comes to the provenance of the ammo we use.
The Basic Former : 12 bullets
Sergeant : 8 shells
Captain : 40 bullets
Commando : Fine as is

Floor drops a bit more common for basic ammo (especially late game) : 40-50 bullets, 24-30 shells.