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DoomRL => Requests For Features => Topic started by: Pricklyman on March 30, 2012, 02:49

Title: A couple of (possible) cosmetic changes
Post by: Pricklyman on March 30, 2012, 02:49
I was sitting down, playing DoomRL and was thinking about a couple of things which would be nice features, just a couple of cosmetic changes really. (Hence the title of the thread!)

- Armour glows on enemies. When you put a special armour onto Doomguy, it "glows" his model. Why then, does the armour not make the enemy glow, signifying that he/she/it is wearing a special armour? I thought this would be kinda neat, considering how annoying we all know it is to find out that the baron is wearing an energy shield or ballistic vest...

- Door sounds in Hell. The sprites for doors in Hell are clearly very old style typical hellish doors. However the sound that they emit is still quite clearly something which sounds like an auto-door from *INSERT GENERIC SCI FI HERE*. Can a sound be made that's more like say a, creaking door opening quickly, or something along those lines. It just makes no sense that these (clearly) old style doors are making noises which belong in Aliens...

I know these are small things really, but eh, just my 2 cents on the matters! =P
Title: Re: A couple of (possible) cosmetic changes
Post by: Klear on March 30, 2012, 02:54
The first one would probably require new graphics for every enemy type that can wear armour, and it would not appear in console version, which is supposed to be identical from gameplay POV.

The second point - the doors in Doom, even the old wooden ones, always made those sounds, if I recall corretly.

BTW, this reminds me of cosmetic change that occured to me recently - it would be nice to change the graphics for teleporters in hell to the satanistic pentagram, such as the one in the Anomaly.
Title: Re: A couple of (possible) cosmetic changes
Post by: Ander Hammer on March 30, 2012, 10:03
The second point - the doors in Doom, even the old wooden ones, always made those sounds, if I recall corretly.

Nope! There was a quick, sci-fi 'whoosh' followed by a (double?) beep and a re-sealing hiss for the sci-fi doors. Many of the big, wooden ones (and even small, wooden ones) had this slow, pseudo-creaking noise for slowly rising and falling. My only worry is that the second sound would be a little too 'slow' for DoomRL.
Title: Re: A couple of (possible) cosmetic changes
Post by: Kashi on March 30, 2012, 10:42
There's a reason as to why there is a trope called "Doom Doors". Considering the fact that this game is based on the original Doom, it's no surprise as to why the iconic door sound is used, too. Yes, that sound appears in Hell, too, if I remember correctly.
Title: Re: A couple of (possible) cosmetic changes
Post by: Klear on March 30, 2012, 11:44
Nope! There was a quick, sci-fi 'whoosh' followed by a (double?) beep and a re-sealing hiss for the sci-fi doors. Many of the big, wooden ones (and even small, wooden ones) had this slow, pseudo-creaking noise for slowly rising and falling. My only worry is that the second sound would be a little too 'slow' for DoomRL.

I just checked and at least in E3M1 all the doors made the ol' doom door sound.
Title: Re: A couple of (possible) cosmetic changes
Post by: Game Hunter on March 30, 2012, 11:46
Door sounds in Hell. The sprites for doors in Hell are clearly very old style typical hellish doors. However the sound that they emit is still quite clearly something which sounds like an auto-door from *INSERT GENERIC SCI FI HERE*. Can a sound be made that's more like say a, creaking door opening quickly, or something along those lines. It just makes no sense that these (clearly) old style doors are making noises which belong in Aliens...
Nope! There was a quick, sci-fi 'whoosh' followed by a (double?) beep and a re-sealing hiss for the sci-fi doors. Many of the big, wooden ones (and even small, wooden ones) had this slow, pseudo-creaking noise for slowly rising and falling.
IIRC there are two "door" sounds in Doom: one for fast doors and another for slow ones. Both of these should be included with the sound files that come with DoomRL, but I believe all doors are bound to the same sound right now, so it's all one or the other.

There does exist a nice "wooden door" sound, but I'm pretty sure I only remember it from Hexen.
Title: Re: A couple of (possible) cosmetic changes
Post by: Pricklyman on March 30, 2012, 18:53
Although I appreciate the source material...I still think it makes no sense for the wooden doors to make sci fi sounds...
Title: Re: A couple of (possible) cosmetic changes
Post by: Klear on March 31, 2012, 04:10
The way I see it, it makes perfect sense for doom doors to make the doom doors sound. Don't make me post the trope link.
Title: Re: A couple of (possible) cosmetic changes
Post by: Uranium on March 31, 2012, 10:04
There were only two door sounds in doom, fast and slow. I admit I'd quite like the doors in Hell to make wooden door sounds, but there isn't one in the Doom IWAD, only Hexen/Heretic. The game could always use those, but it's heresy they just don't sound like they'd fit in.

Don't make me post the trope link.
oh god no don't do that I plan on sleeping tonight
Title: Re: A couple of (possible) cosmetic changes
Post by: Ander Hammer on March 31, 2012, 10:46
Posting the Doom Doors trope is unnecessary and kind of redundant.

The Doom Doors trope references the doors from Doom, which have two open/close sounds in the first place. One the fast sci-fi that fits the bases, one the slow, ominous sound that would work with Hell doors.

It does make perfect sense for Doom doors to make one of the Doom door sounds.