Chaosforge Forum

DoomRL => Discussion => Topic started by: Drukqs on April 06, 2012, 21:38

Title: Removing movement delay?
Post by: Drukqs on April 06, 2012, 21:38
Is there any way to remove the approximate one second delay before moving when holding a movement key?
Title: Re: Removing movement delay?
Post by: shark20061 on April 06, 2012, 21:55
Nope.  But besides, you wouldn't really want to do that.  All the input would get buffered, and then if you walk into something, you'd wouldn't have any control over what would happen next.

You should use the run command (, then direction) for quick movement.
Title: Re: Removing movement delay?
Post by: Drukqs on April 06, 2012, 22:32
I personally would want to do that, yes. Also that isn't what I'm talking about. I'm speaking in terms of lowering the delay before running when holding a movement key, not removing it entirely.

Unfortunately the run command more or less results in the same amount of delay. Taking the time to hit "," then a direction accounts for the delay you'd get from holding a movement key, and the speed of which you move afterwards is identical.
Title: Re: Removing movement delay?
Post by: ih8regin on April 06, 2012, 23:12
change typematic rate in your OS for delay time (250ms is the lowest setting, 1000ms is the highest).
Title: Re: Removing movement delay?
Post by: Drukqs on April 06, 2012, 23:34
I don't think that's the issue. The delay is much shorter in every other roguelike.
Title: Re: Removing movement delay?
Post by: shark20061 on April 07, 2012, 00:27
That IS the issue, if you are playing on console.  If you are playing graphics mode, you are out of luck, it can't be changed right now.
Title: Re: Removing movement delay?
Post by: Game Hunter on April 07, 2012, 09:37
Unfortunately the run command more or less results in the same amount of delay. Taking the time to hit "," then a direction accounts for the delay you'd get from holding a movement key, and the speed of which you move afterwards is identical.
There are a couple of ways to improve running over hold-move:
I highly recommend improving your setup in order to make running the more desirable option, as it has safety mechanisms to prevent you from stumbling into excess damage and/or death.