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DoomRL => Requests For Features => Topic started by: Former_Human on February 03, 2014, 04:24

Title: Career game mode
Post by: Former_Human on February 03, 2014, 04:24
In the very beginning player can choose only one nameless class, without any skills, and only some of basic traits are available for leveling up. All other content should be unlocked by getting badges and achieving certain xp ranks.

For example:
killing X monsters with pistol will unlock "Son of gun" trait
"Marksman Bronze Badge" unlocks "Dualgunner" trait
"Marksman Silver Badge" unlocks Master pistol traits with limited potential
"Marksman Gold Badge" fully unlocks Master pistol traits
"Marksman Platinum Badge" allows player to start with better pistol (may be some unique that can't be found anywhere else in the game)
"Marksman Diamond Badge" gives some nice additional effect to pistol master traits or simply increase pistols damage
Title: Re: Career game mode
Post by: ZicherCZ on February 03, 2014, 04:40
Ouch. This would effectively disallow any serious builds at the start of the career, essentially forcing players to play masterless builds. The game is difficult enough as it is for newbies, and imposing such limitations would render the game nearly unwinnable by design for them.

And the Marksman badges example makes it even worse - such an example would force the player to win AoMr masterless to unlock master traits. Not exactly an easy task ...
Title: Re: Career game mode
Post by: thelaptop on February 03, 2014, 05:34
No thank you.
Title: Re: Career game mode
Post by: ParaSait on February 04, 2014, 21:44
Ouch. This would effectively disallow any serious builds at the start of the career, essentially forcing players to play masterless builds. The game is difficult enough as it is for newbies, and imposing such limitations would render the game nearly unwinnable by design for them.

And the Marksman badges example makes it even worse - such an example would force the player to win AoMr masterless to unlock master traits. Not exactly an easy task ...
Could always do it the other way around. Locking overused features instead of unlocking. But I digress... (,6098)
Title: Re: Career game mode
Post by: Equality on February 07, 2014, 01:36
I wish something like that here:,6516.0.html
As a separate game mode, not standart. And you can't play this mode until get at least one victory and open at least one of special abilities from medals or badges.

winning and unlocking advanced and master traits in standart game in a such way makes game too hard
Title: Re: Career game mode
Post by: MaiZure on February 07, 2014, 21:30
Agree with thelaptop but I'll use more words.

DoomRL gameplay is a one-shot deal. Your performance one game is independent of your performance of the next game.

However, I agree that it does not have to be this way.
A very fun game can be made out of a 'career mode' where you can directly affect subsequent games with your performance in the current game. Desktop Dungeons does this well.

To properly pull off this kind of game, it basically needs to be designed this way from the ground up. Attempting to tweak the current DoomRL to support this type of gameplay would likely result in failure on both fronts. Given the lack of time the dev team has with DoomRL right now, it's simply not going to happen.