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Messages - Aramilllion

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Graveyard / Re: Garden of The Dark PBF - Main Thread
« on: October 10, 2010, 10:54 »
"I think this is the moment I was waiting for... Emperor, guide my hands." - whispered Zenth. He looks around trying to find the Eldar and give her the order to attack.

He aims at the greatest Ork's head, and fires a short burst with his Creed-9. The Arbiter keeps shooting until the Greenskin is dead.

Graveyard / Re: Garden of The Dark PBF - Main Thread
« on: September 20, 2010, 15:01 »
Zenth swore noiselessly, when he heard the strange sound and realized that is attracted the Orks' attention in the bad way. He looked around quickly and examined the surroundings for the source of both upcoming troubles and the sound.

The Arbitrator prepares for a rough fight and aims at the biggest greenskin in the band, that one which 'talks'.
Then he awaits the right moment, dangerous situation or a miracle, whatever comes earlier.

I have returned.

I apologise for my absence, but as Silhar wrote, my PC was down, so I was having it repaired.

Graveyard / Re: Garden of The Dark PBF - Main Thread
« on: September 06, 2010, 15:16 »
Ramirez was not so vigilant as the Eldar and he was sleeping far less light. When the noise managed to wake him up, she was already gone. But before he managed to wonder where she might be, he heard the sounds made by the Orcs coming.

The Arbitrator decided that fleeing would not be honorable and fight meant certain death. He chose something in the middle. Fortunately, his gear was in the tent, within his reach, so it didn't take long to crawl outside with his trusted gun in hand. After a quick glance at the Mekboy, Ramirez tried to get to the nearest cover undetected - silent and fast, before the enemies arrive. He was hoping for a cover more solid than the tent, but some slump of bushes would fit him too.

From there he would observe the situation, ready to react, should the need arise.

Graveyard / Re: Garden of The Dark PBF - Main Thread
« on: August 09, 2010, 16:13 »
Zenth nodded towards the Eldar.
"Very good, that is just what I was thinking about."

"Before deciding anything, we should have a meal. Unfortunately a cold one, as setting fire would rather not be a clever idea."

Ramirez sat with his teammates and consumed one portion of his rations. He was very tired and ate in silence, but still tried to examine around for any sign of danger during the meal. When he finished, he thought some issue through and then said:
"OK now, there is my plan: first watch is yours" - the Arbitrator pointed out his Ork companion - "I am afterwards, and you are last, Sulyen."

Zenth stood up and started walking towards the tent. He clapped the Ork's shoulder and wished him luck -"Keep your eyes and ears open wide, my big, green fellow. Wake me up when the time comes."

In the tent, before falling asleep the Arbitrator told Sulyen - "Get some rest. We set off at the dawn."

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Graveyard / Re: Garden of The Dark PBF - Main Thread
« on: August 01, 2010, 15:36 »
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Ramirez was almost exhausted when they finally reached the spire. He shook off his backpack, heavily sat on a stone and said:
"Brake... A short brake..."

After a while spent on deep breathing and massaging his neck, the Arbitrator continued:
"OK now... I think we should set a camp somewhere here, possibly in a place with some cover. I'm thinking of something like a great rock, a cave, or a bunch of dense bushes. As you have already noticed, this spire is a good lookout." - Then the Arbitrator turned directly towards the Eldar -"Sulyen, you did great job leading us here, thank you." - After that he paused for a while, staring at the horizon.

"With the dawn we should be able to spot some signs of civilisation - an allied outpost, I hope. At the moment, we have other issues to manage with.
Sulyen, please find the best place to set our camp nearby.
Ork, maybe you have some suggestions, or just want to speak your thoughts?"

Zenth stood up, covered his gear to protect it from rain. Then he took his gun and started guarding the area, picking up his eyes and ears to notice ahead any danger.

I'm going on holiday tomorrow (Thursday July 8th). I'll be back in two weeks (July 22nd),
so please don't be mad at me if there shall be a delay because of my absention.

EDIT: I'm back, Hell yeah!

Graveyard / Re: Garden of The Dark PBF - Main Thread
« on: June 23, 2010, 15:55 »
The Arbitrator grinned towards the Ork and said:
"There shall be plenty of other opportunities to shoot at them. But as you have already noticed those bad Orks are just too many for us to manage. At this moment attracting their attention is not a good idea I suppose, for they would tear us apart. Agreed?"

"You know Sulyen, I appreciate your commitment, but you should really speak your mind more often. I mean it. For example now." - told Ramirez to the Eldar after a minute of silent retreat. On his face there could be seen a flash of boredom immediately replaced with anxiety caused by the nearby danger.

As he was following the Eldar survivalist he was also scouting around the area on their sides, leaving the rear to the Ork.

Graveyard / Re: Garden of The Dark PBF - Main Thread
« on: June 23, 2010, 11:43 »
As soon as the Arbitrator heard the enemies' outcry he got up and immediately prepared to set off saying meanwhile:
"Enemies are approaching, move-move-move team! Grab your gear and go! I bet there is too many of them! Let's get the Hell out of this place!
Eldar, you're leading the way. I doubt if you consider it possible for us to defeat them in battle however if you do, then find a place to prepare an ambush.
Otherwise, just get us as far away from here as you can."

Ramirez prepared his gun and examined the rear for hostile Orks while retreating.

Graveyard / Re: Garden of The Dark PBF - Main Thread
« on: June 22, 2010, 16:15 »
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Ramirez seemed to be quite anxious in gesture but his face expressed nothing but determination. He walked nearer a tree to at least partially cover himself from rain.

"I shall repeat my question, although I do mind doing so. What in your opinion, Sulyen, should we do now, as our main goal is to reach the nearest safe place, probably an army's outpost. Before, I considered staying here for a while to get some rest. However, in this circumstances, I mean the rainfall, it is possible that we should better leave immediately without attracting any unnecessary attention. I would rather prefer avoiding combat situations.
I strongly hope you will be able to pinpoint the direction. What say you then?"

"If you have anything to say in this matter, Ork, I shall also listen to your opinion." - he added towards the Ork after hearing Sulyen's answer.

Graveyard / Re: Garden of The Dark PBF - Main Thread
« on: June 17, 2010, 08:05 »
"Sulyen! I am content that you stood up on your own for that means you are still quite operative. Though I would rather you sat down and take off your gear. At least for a few moments." - said Ramirez towards the Eldar and waited till she sat down. He was apparently gladsome seeing both of his inferiors almost undamaged.

"Good. Now, tell me if you are injured. Oh, and one more thing: just before the shotdown you asked me for forgiveness. There was no need to. I really appreciated, and I shall in the future, individual thinking and speaking one's mind." - said the Arbitrator to encourage the Eldar and calm her down.

After that Ramirez stood up and turned towards both his companions and said:
"OK, in this circumstances our main goal is to survive and get to the nearest army's outpost. In my opinion we should stay here for few hours or whole night to have some rest, and then set out. But Sulyen" - said directly to the Eldar - "you are the survivalist, so you opinion is essential. What are your ideas and proposals?"

Graveyard / Re: Garden of The Dark PBF - Main Thread
« on: June 15, 2010, 16:32 »
On the Arbitrator's face appeared a sign of relief when he saw the Mekboy getting up and realised that at least one of his comrades is apparently unharmed. He gave a discreet sigh and thanked the Emperor once again.
"Ork! I'm glad you're fully functional. I see you have already looted that servo-skull. How do you think, is it possible to recover some data from it's internal memory? We could pobably make a good use of those." - said Ramirez without getting up from his makeshift stool.

Graveyard / Re: Garden of The Dark PBF - Main Thread
« on: June 11, 2010, 07:29 »
The Arbitrator jumped out from the shuttle immediately after the Ork, but even so he did not entirely avoid the shockwave nor the heat of the explosion.
Therefore he was a little dazed for a while. He regained full consciousness after a second and realized two facts: The ground was approaching rapidly, and he let the Eldar loose. On the moment, Ramirez considered the first issue more distressing.

There was hardly a time for reflections, so he did not undertake any complex tactics,
just tried to break his fall by any means necessary. That included screaming, spreading widely his limbs and desperately grasping branches in his range.
Surprisingly, it helped a lot for there were many bouncy branches on the Arbitrator's way down.

In the result, the ground impact could almost be called pleasant after the latest events.
"Thank You, Immortal God-Emperor for watching over me." - whispered Ramirez when he learnt that was still alive and apparently unharmed.

After a while he recalled that there was a warzone all around. As he was trained, he got up quickly with gun ready to fire, and scouted around for enemies.
Seeing none, he checked if his companions are roughly all right, aiding them if necessary.

Finally the Arbitrator sat down with his weapon prepared and guarded till the squadmates regain consciousness.

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Graveyard / Re: Garden of The Dark PBF - Main Thread
« on: June 05, 2010, 15:53 »
'Survivalist...' - muttered Ramirez quietly to himself with deprecation.

He glimpsed around for the last time seeking for something useful that was not yet taken, and approached the Eldar.
'Stick close to me, Eldar, for we ARE jumping RIGHT AWAY.' - while speaking, the Arbitrator grabbed Sulyen's hand and pulled her towards the Ork, trying to move as fast as possible.

'Ork! You jump first, then we shall follow you!' - said and clapped the Ork's shoulder. Then he prepared to jump immediately after the Mekboy in order to either grab him too, or just fall on him, hoping that this big green piece of meat will break their fall, and they shall all survive this insane move.
'Emperor aid us...' - he whispered.

Graveyard / Re: Garden of The Dark PBF - Main Thread
« on: June 03, 2010, 16:06 »
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Ramirez was just about to say something like 'You did nothing wrong' to Sulyen when the hell unleashed.
At first he was shocked and stared at the pilot's corpse, but he got over after a while, yet still was unable to approach to Inertia's remains.
The Arbitrator tried to rapidly calculate chances of survivaland eventual options of breaking free from this contingency.
A few seconds was enough for him to reach some fearful conclusions. So he started shouting the orders, still trying not to look at the dead pilot.

'Ork! Can you fly a ship like that?! If you can, land this piece of crap immediately!' - In his soul Ramirez begged the Emperor for that wish to come true...

'Eldar! Shall we survive jumping down to the surface from this height?' - he doubted it, but it was the best idea he hit on by that time.

While waiting for the answers he appraised the time left until crushing onto the grey rock in front of them. The results was not optimistic.
Either way, he grabbed his equipment and prepared to jump through the window, if that one is really necessary.

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