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Messages - Kolya

Pages: [1]
Announcements / Re: AliensRL 0.8.2 RELEASED!
« on: September 09, 2012, 06:36 »
Wow, what an awesome feature list! I just played through a short game but haven't had the chance to try everything yet. The reduced pain vision is great. I'm not quite sure yet what "Upload map" at the terminals means, will have to try that. Special thanks for keeping ASCII mode and making it an option. :)

AliensRL / Missing damage reports when using shotguns
« on: October 25, 2010, 19:45 »
It seems that there are no damage reports (eg "You lightly hit the Elite.") when using a shotgun.
This applies to the sawed off shotgun as well as the combat shotgun.

AliensRL / Re: More room ideas
« on: June 06, 2010, 08:37 »
ultimately I'd like to see each room be unique and have a purpose.

Many of the elements described above can probably integrated with the generator, but I wouldn't sacrifice the random level generation for a deterministic scenario. And that's very much what your vision sounds like.

AliensRL / Re: opinions on 0.8 changes
« on: June 06, 2010, 08:23 »
The problem could be solved and some additional fun gameplay added by making furniture susceptible to weapon damage, eg a few MG rounds or a grenade would destroy a bed.

AliensRL / Re: opinions on 0.8 changes
« on: June 04, 2010, 11:18 »
Two things I noticed while playing:
There should be a message after opening a locker that turns out to be empty.
("You open the locker. It's empty.")

A few times I had 2 beds block the path into a room. They were not directly in front of the door but touching walls and each other, enclosing the space next to the door. Some aliens managed to jump the beds but not me.

AliensRL / Re: opinions on 0.8 changes
« on: June 04, 2010, 04:35 »
Wow! Now that is awesome, exactly what I wanted.
It's great that the map exploration is still in which only shows the parts of the map you've visited. To me this version looks actually better and less confusing than the graphical version, due to the absence of gradual lighting.
Of course this version can also be played in fullscreen, in case anyone doesn't know this yet. Start the game, rightclick the titlebar and choose properties.
This version also fixes the garbled text on the end screen.

Thank you a lot Kornel, I didn't expect that. :)

AliensRL / opinions on 0.8 changes
« on: June 03, 2010, 19:17 »
First the big one: The fact that the game runs in a pseudo console since 0.8 kills a lot of the charm it had for me.
I liked AliensRL because it was so reduced. The way it managed to get a lot of great gameplay out of a few ASCII characters.
Now this limitation has been dropped and the game has become a tile based graphical top down shooter. Only that the tiles look like ASCII. This fact is very visible in the game. The "characters" are antialiased now and have gradual lighting applied to them and whatnot. The obvious next step will be to repaint font10x18.png with some actual tiles, which I'm sure someone will do.
But I liked AliensRL because it completely focused on the gameplay and nothing else. If I want nice graphics, then there are many other games I can play. Graphics just aren't the point of his game and trying to make it look "nice" actually made it worse for me.

That being said, there are a lot of things I like about this update: The gameworld gets created much faster now. The added content makes the gameplay a lot more interesting. Although it seems a bit weird that they would have so many beds, tables and lockers randomly scattered around rooms. I haven't encountered locked doors yet but having played a lot of Alien Breed this also seems like a good choice. I also read that items would be more likely to be found in the proximity of corpses now, which is a step in the right direction. Searchable corpses would be even better.

AliensRL / Re: v0.8 system freeze
« on: June 03, 2010, 07:06 »
A working save file gets created.

AliensRL / Re: v0.8 system freeze
« on: June 03, 2010, 03:43 »
Hi Kornel, lowering the resolution to my netbook res (1024x600) was the first thing I tried...that didn''t do much. But additionally setting it to fullscreen did the trick! The game works now.
Although it didn't close correctly when I tried to save and quit. It hangs on the credits screen which also looks kinda garbled. screenshot:
Normal quitting works.

Thanks for your help and many thanks for this cool game! :)

My system:
1,6 GHz

AliensRL / v0.8 system freeze
« on: June 02, 2010, 18:20 »
Starting the exe I get a transparent window named "Valkyrie SDL Application" and then the system freezes completely until I have to do a hard reset. And I was so looking forward to this update! :(

Pages: [1]