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Messages - Sparrow

Pages: [1]
Berserk! / Re: Berserk! 0.8 Linux binary needs testing
« on: April 22, 2007, 10:47 »
I have tested the binary on Gentoo Linux.
It doesn't work properly with rxvt as it doesn't take input from the numpad, but xterm runs it perfectly so it's a minor problem.
So far I have not seen any problem or bug with it. Thanks for the port.

Berserk! / Re: Call for features : Berserk! 0.9 planning
« on: April 21, 2007, 13:53 »
As for skills, I can think of a few:
A skill to increase defense (enhanced guard?) or maybe parrying attacks (there's a metal arm at use here~), by blocking say 20% of enemy attacks (at max level).
A skill to regenerate HP slowly can be useful too, in a way that can refill some HP but not take out the challenge (like 1HP every 2 turns, if you have a winning streak and you don't get hit in a while you will notice the effect)
A linear attack (say attacking up to 2 extra positions) can be pretty useful to get out of mobs of weak enemies.
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As for other ideas, I'd like to know what you think of this:
Despite the roguelike idea, this game is pretty arcadeish (reminds me of a poor man's version of the PS2 game, heheh~) so random item drops from enemies that recover a bit (like 10 or 20) hit points, extra ammo or a boost to berserk gauge can be a neat idea.
Maybe you can do so in a way that encourages chain kills or combos (you only get the chance of getting a drop after killing a few enemies in a row or with a single attack) and that stuff. While this can not be so good on endless because of the staged theme (with refills and level-up), it can be a hit to play on Massacre with this thing.
An option to balance can be starting without "extra" ammo and stats, and get them only if you are good enough. Maybe you can separate it in a "survival mode" of sorts (being survival the current Massacre, with only the initial extra ammo and stats).

If you want more, I'll be around. I am a designer myself and there's always something to share.
PS: You will be adding graphics? Interesting, interesting. I am a sprite artist as well, so I can do something if you need.

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