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Messages - Jolly Sapper

Pages: [1]
Requests For Features / Proposed Feature - Challenge Modes
« on: December 13, 2005, 04:49 »
Angel of Cross-Dressing
Random change every so many minutes that you change into a very attractive she-demon with only a flaming fingernail file to defend yourself in hand to hand combat until a set amount of time passes.  All monsters race to attack you in hand-to hand combat.  Physical damage FROM baddies is decreased during the she-demon form.  When you change back into a Marine all stats return to normal and the baddies can start shooting.

Angel of Grace
Steppin on blood, water, slime, toxic sludge, acid, lava, etc. etc. causes you to slide in a random direction for a few spaces.  
--on second thought, that doesnt sound very interesting beyond the novelty of it---

Angel of the Hunter
At the beginning of the map you are given a targent monster to kill.  This monster randomly teleports and is stronger than it would normally be.   Must hunt the monster to either move onto the next map, only hunted monster will give exp, killing the hunted monster is the only way to heal.

Angel of Cute Fuzzy Puppies
Fling cute fuzzy puppies to turn the dark twisted souls of the demon hordes to the light.

Angel of the Chase
Weapons only stun or knockback the enemies but do not kill survive for a set amount of turns.  Staying in a room for more than a certain amount of turns spawns a whole lotta Barons or Hell Knights.

Discussion / Assistance getting the MP3 soundtracks working ...
« on: December 13, 2005, 03:21 »
Ah.. I failed to mention that I was trying to get the mp3's to work that I downloaded from ( as per the instructions in the doomrl.ini file).

I followed the doomrl.ini instructions but for some reason they wouldn't play until I followed  number 5 of Thomas' reply.  

Thanks Thomas!

The doomrl.ini instructions didn't tell me to change the
MUSIC2    = "mp3/d1inter.mp3";
MUSIC2   = "music/d1inter.mp3";
and so on and so forth.

I must not have figured out where the right place for the mp3 subfolder should have gone ( could have sworn that was the first thing I was playing with, oh well).  ANyways everything is up now, MUCH neater with the mp3 soundtracks.

Thanks again Thomas for the help and Kornel for the game.  
Hope to be around for the next incarnation of DOOMRL!!!

Discussion / Assistance getting the MP3 soundtracks working ...
« on: December 13, 2005, 01:11 »
I'm sorry to have to bother anyone with this but Im in a bit of a pickle.

 I've downloaded the MP3's and they work by themselves,
Made a folder called "mp3" with the MP3's in it,
Commented and un-Commented where told to do so in the doomrl Configuration settings,
And after running the game the only sounds I hear are the sound effects
(no music).

Now, besides the more common sensical ( yet lazy ) solution: burning the MP's to a cd and just playing them on my CD player, how should I trouble shoot this?

If I do not put a [mp3] before the section that I un-Commented int eh doomrl Configuration settings I get this message when trying to run DoomRL:
Critical Error: <TSound/0/0> RegisterMusic<mp3/d1inter.mp3>: File not found    

If there is any help to be had, I hope it will be found here.  Nothing would make my DoomRL experience any more complete than to be able to listen to the MP3's while getting blown to bits by the endless hordes of hell.

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