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Messages - Robsoie

Pages: [1]
Not advocating more about the idea, as it's not that important, as i can understand the reasonning on your first 2 first points as indeed if the challenge are designed with a specifc set of monsters, item and special levels availabilty in mind TYTD would be inappropriate considering it block some special levels and do not spawn the same kind of monster at specific depth.

The 3rd is just a matter of how a player would take the game, playing without achievements given is indeed strange for some people, but i don't see the relevance of your 4th argument in that matter.
At the risk of alienating some of the newer players, this is a rogue-like, so part of the learning process is to go through the live-fire situations and figuring out how best to do it.  It develops better habits than the "watered down" versions that impose additional constraints that are absent.

Because by this logic, "Hey not too rought", "Hurt me plenty", "Ultraviolence" are watered down in comparison to "Nightmare" in term of difficulty.

And more importantly, there's a very important gameplay difference between Nightmare and every other levels that impact the way the player must act : the enemy is able to respawn, leading a player using the tactics he learned from every other difficulties to get into lot of YASD from playing like this, leading by the same logic as those less than "Nightmare" difficulties developping bad habits.

Would it be a good idea to enable the "I dont want to die" difficulty in the challenge modes ?
But only to be considered as a training kind of thing, meaning that a victory at such difficulty level would not count at all in giving any kind of medals/unlocks/whatever else, only starting at the correct level of difficuty would have a victory really count.

Discussion / Re: The new Spider Mastermind...
« on: March 01, 2012, 18:25 »
I found what looks like to be a very good anti-Spider Mastermind build :

Spoiler (click to show/hide)


Since playing with there was something i felt strange during the gameplay, but i couldn't put my finger on it until i ran into a problem that made it more obvious when i tried a character maxing Intuition : the screen is not centered to the player character, but depending on which direction you are moving, the center of the screen can be a few tiles behind it.

By example :

See how the center of the screen is behind the character (that is moving, not running, to the left)

And so in the case of an Intuition 2 characters, i couldn't then notice the enemy to the left unless i moved manually the screen to the left  (the minimap being so transparent does not really help) :

Detection problem that of course do not exist in the ASCII version.

Discussion / Re: The new Spider Mastermind...
« on: March 01, 2012, 01:19 »
On the multiple attempts i did before beating the Spider Mastermind, i noticed that its AI has been changed in a way that makes it completely unpredictable, meaning that corner shooting are not as usefull as they were, and making it so more difficult to get in melee than previous version

Typical spotting :

Expected Spider Mastermind move , leading you to corner shoot :

But more than half the time  instead this is what will happen :

And all of that (unpredictable move, 2 or 3 shots kills) in the lowest level of difficulty, can't even imagine at Hurt me plenty or Ultra-violence.
The Cyberdemon can be difficult, but it's nowhere close to the Spider Mastermind.

That's really the kind of boss fight in which you'd like to have Intuition 2 (unfortunately blocking some other traits) to have corner shooting usefull.

Discussion / Re: The new Spider Mastermind...
« on: February 29, 2012, 15:11 »
In previous version the major difficulty was to manage to get in melee without being annihilated by plasma at range, get surprised by the boss direction, and in 2 shots your character was dead.
Now that's a complete different story as it can destroy the player as easily at melee or at range, the most funny is that even taking a large medic kit is often not enough to prevent the insta death that follow (you losing a turn to use the medic kit, while the Spider deals plasma/melee death just after).

So now , unless the player is obviously lucky enough to find good plasma-protecting items, the Spider Mastermind is a very hard challenge even at the lowest level of difficulty.

edit : retrying a saved game, it looks like the Trigun (assuming you have maxed every damage bonus dealing traits) + power red armor can beat it , only at melee, and only if you managed to get to melee without having been hit by a plasma (that would then have hit your health and armor level too much to hope anything)
After that, taking large medic kits while shooting+reloading is enough, but it's very close in term of health, the armor got destroyed a turn before the end in melee, the character would have been dead if it had one more turn
So unless lucky enough to find plasma protecting items, it's always going to be solved by how quickly and without being hit you can get to melee.
And even so be sure to have good armor and good damage dealing weapon.

Discussion / Re: Quick questions thread!
« on: February 29, 2012, 08:00 »
Question about keybindings.lua

In previous version (up to , i used to bind the (regular) shotgun and pistol to the PageUp and PageDown of my keyboard.
So in the keybindings.lua i had :
   PAGEDOWN     = function() command.quick_weapon('pistol') end,
   PAGEUP     = function() command.quick_weapon('shotgun') end,

And it worked very well.

In, all i obtain from this is "unknown command" , i have tried with :
   PAGEDOWN     = function() command.quick_weapon('pistol') end,
   PAGEUP     = function() command.quick_weapon('shotgun') end,

   ["PAGEDOWN"]    = function() command.quick_weapon('pistol') end,
   ["PAGEUP"]     = function() command.quick_weapon('shotgun') end,

All my other key binding are working, but i'm unable to make those 2 work in, is there a solution ?

Announcements / Re: DoomRL RELEASED!
« on: February 29, 2012, 06:13 »
I'm frankly amazed, not only by the gorgeous graphics that are very Doom-like (and even better than in the videos preview) but the mouse driven interface took me completely by surprise, not having read about it before, i just love it, DoomRL feels incredibly polished.
Everything is nearly so perfect. Only thing i could think is that the minimap may not be bright enough (at least in windowed versino) in the bottom of the screen, it's difficult to see the items/monsters on it sometime.

Thank you so much for this release.

Discussion / Re: Screenshots: ASCII and Graphics
« on: February 29, 2012, 06:06 »
Not much, but i was so happy to see him with graphics

Discussion / Re: Shotgun knockback effects reduced in 0.996
« on: February 29, 2012, 06:04 »
I thought the shotgun knockback wasn't functionning at all when i picked the first shotgun.
After 2 level of the SoB trait, it worked, and the double shotgun i got after was throwing people around, so maybe the knockback is more damage related now.

Bug Reports / [Not Bug] content in error.log
« on: January 07, 2012, 05:56 »

On Window XP playing this recent
I sometime save the game and quit, and lately i noticed there was an error.log file generated with this inside :
Timestamp   : 07/01/2012 13:12:21
Message     : Fatal exception encountered

An unhandled exception occurred at $0041D792 :
EInOutError : Access denied
  $0041D792  VDEBUG_init,  line 302 of e:/Projects/fpcvalkyrie/src/vdebug.pas

Despite this error never appeared ingame, and the game has not crashed (yet).

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