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Topics - Potman

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4
Discussion / Call of Cthulhu RL?
« on: November 30, 2007, 08:34 »
In 7 days?

Y'know, something where the main character would be really weak, kinda like the tourist class from Nethack, and he'd regardless have to fight unspeakable horrors from other worlds. An old professor of some university, a journalist, a common civilian, totally not a soldier or anything. There'd be sucky weapons - knives, pistols, bare hands, running away - some ancient evil magic and other kinds of information, and a sanity value: Each time the main character would face some new terror or learn something from them books of magic and arcane, he'd lose a bit of his mind, and too much of the nasty stuff would mean that he'd go totally mad, collapse under the pressure, and commit a suicide. Something, like, a adventure/horror/RPG roguelike.

I'd play it.

Off Topic / Gather around, everyone, to hear this epic tale!
« on: October 29, 2007, 04:04 »
It is a tale of courage, of friendship, of love! An epic story of overcoming great obstacles! A legendary story like no other!

Once upon a time, in a faraway land named Loomba, lived two hundred ants, who decided to sleep all day long. And so they did, and they snored very loud, thus disturbing the other Loomban animals. The most disturbed animal was the wolf, who was so angry that he died in his wrath. And when the top of the food chain had fallen, nothing could stop the ants from taking over! Nothing!
Their ingenious plan for conquering Loomba had begun. Its next phase would be to fill the entire country with sugar pieces, that were sold in a tiny little shop in a tiny little village. But they were very expensive, that the ants couldn't afford. Thus, they moved to plan B, which was to jump over the shopkeeper using their magic shoes, that they got after defeating the magical Wizard of Yeldir - but they had a disasterous flaw: When in contact with tomato sauce bottle, they would fall from the feet. Sometimes even right in the middle of a hot dog.
This was unacceptable, so the Antz moved to plan C, which was to conquer the whole world using Hiccup Powder (tm). They began from the dear old George W. Bush, who, unfortunately, only received extreme diarrhea. But thanks to this, he had to resign from his position and move to country, where he lived his life happily ever after with his sheep, as a pig farmer.
The Antz grinned, and happily marched towards their next target: Adolf Hitler, who was secretly ruling the USA behind the scenes for all these years, without changing his underwear even once, or washing his toes or armpits. He had heard that there was a "slightly" nuts DoomRL fan, who had taken his Nazi oath without Hitler's permission.
Thus Hitler, utterly oblivious of The Antz's crusade, executed this player right in the middle of an interview, that was aired live from Namibia, where the player was horribly torturing the people by pulling out his own nosehair. Once this was over, he decided to go over to his grandma to have apple pie, but unfortunately he had no more legs, because, as you all remember, he had just been executed.
So the player was sent to his grandma in a coffin. Upon seeing this, the grandma was was terribly shocked, and committed seppuku. Ittoo Oogami, who just happened to be around, committed kaishaku. Hitler grinned horribly, but his grin was instantly changed into a gasp of horror, when The Antz stormed to him, screaming their horrible war cry: "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!". Hitler responded: "MINE'S A NEGATIVE!", and pulled a metallic toothbrush holder and a compeletely unused toothbrush from his pocket. The Antz, angry with this, pulled from their own pocket the terrible Cow Head, filled with Hiccup Powder (tm), after which they bit Adolf to his toe, who decided to hang himself from a tree and died. ...Or did he?
Victorious, The Antz danced their victory polka, singing "You're not a warrior, you're a beginner!". But Adolf was only pretending to be dead, and had already summoned his national SS guard, who were already arriving with their brand new Trabant -72, armed with yellow windshields and hair dice, although one of them had lost its numbers. Hitler ordered 200 jews to find the lost spots.
But the jews slipped on a soap in the shower, so mr. Hilter ordered them all to be executed in a pressure kettle. Afterwards he decided, armed with a doughnut, to go to hell, but then remembered how he had to take his revenge for The Antz for his toothbrush tube. So he died in his sorrow, and the Hiccup Powder (tm) filled Cow Head became so happy that he decided to go and sing karaoke and drink Sock Sweat, and had a terrible inspiration of revenge to the neighbouring country known as Zaibah.
The Cow Head disguised himself with long hair, picked up his signature weapon VarHammer, and chanting horrible curses marched towards the enemy lines. But on the border he tripped on a large stump and fell, right on his VarHammer, losing his consciousness. Meanwhile Hitler was suffering in hell, which was actually pretty cold place. "Hell's frozen over," he said between his shackling teeth. He decided to go looking for his friends, and eventually ended up on the beaches of the Burning Lake.
There were his old friends Stalin and Lenin, doing some fishing, and debating about which one was better in leading the Soviet Union. Suddenly, Saddam Hussein arrived, along with John F. Kennedy, hands together like lovers. "I want too," said Hitler, but unfortunately couldn't find himself a buddy. So he just went with the other bachelors, to find Saddam's old sock.
Meanwhile, George W. Bush (Senior) had already found the particular sock, and tied it around his neck, which made him (very very) mad. In great anger, he let out his aggression and transformed into Devil Man, a horrible monster, with inhuman strength and huge pants. And I'm talking about HUMONGOUS, absolutely massive granny pants, with two pounds of soy protein powder, as it's good for skin. Devil Man Bush was bored and annoyed of billions of boring years in hell, so he ripped off his pants, cursing "Like Mother Like Sun" as he did (meaning his son, Chimpman W. Bush Junior). Under his pants was revealed an embarrassingly small lipstick, that Devil-George had forgotten there sometime being a president and that understandably ran away screaming. George was embarrassed of this, and cast the amazing "Summon Nintendo Magazine" spell, getting a hard-back magazine, number 5/06, that also glowed in the dark. It was cool.
Devil-George sat on the magazine, looked around, and lurched towards the spice shelf, but tripped on the oregano jar, which made him even more angry. He powerupped and teleported from hell to a place named Loomba, where the entire story begun. There he stuck his head to the ant-hill of those particular 200 ants, who happily walked inside the Devil-George's nostrils, even though they usually didn't walk in their sleep. In the nose there was a massive chain reaction, that resulted in a huge nuclear explosion and the end of the world.
But in a compeletely another dimension, Super Mario lived in a Bursti-Wursti-Wax World, that was full of Wax wax. Super Mario and the other Bursti-Wursti-Wax World inhabitants used the Wax wax to cover the trails Luigi's (Mario's brother) face made on their leather boots. And they danced on Luigi's face all days, until Sonic the Hedgehog appeared to pay his debts. To everyone. With a lightning speed, he pulled a Bible from his coat, and Mario armed himself with The Origin of Species, by Charles Darwin. And they proceeded to beat each other with the books until the end of the worlds, in a place called Chaosforge Forum, where Blade was happily waiting for this reunion, having some Special Non-Alcoholic Beer. This is when arrived his arch-enemy Malek Deneith, who seemed oddly calm when we remember how Blade beat him in DoomRL for one thousandth, fifth hundred, thirty-seventh time. But he didn't give up, instead challenging the champion every week.
After a few (non-alcoholic) beer, Blade was so drunk that he couldn't tell the difference between a computer and a mirror, and Malek used the situation for his advantage, shooting Blade with a shotgun to the head, but unfortunately the shells just flew past him since he was in god mode. And he laughed, pretty hard. Malek didn't like this and decided to bring bigger guns to bear, so he armed himself with two MAC-10s and fired million bullets using Bullet Time, but tripped on the table and hit his head to Blade's computer. This caused a massive rumble and grumble in the time-space continuum, and suddenly Malek found himself from Ilhar's bed, who was in a hangover, and seeing him, said: "I will never again drink anyone beautiful!". Confused, Malek ran straight to the nearest bar to clear his head.
In the bar, he saw to his horror, that he was getting terribly bald, so he decided to tell all his sorrows to the barman, Peter the Orangutan. Peter was displeaced, and decided to end his sufferings: He smashed a glass bottle to the table, and used it to hit Kornel Kisielewicz, who was sitting next to Malek. But what did Kornel do in the bar? Malek woke him up and demanded that he'd join Alcoholics Anonymous with him. "Come on, we've got all the cool people such as Azak Al-Rayhem, Bill Stone, Arnold Brightwater and Charles Yates." Kornel looked him straight into his black, evil eyes, and said: "Very well, Mr. Malek Deneith, but only if you defeat me in a fair battle. This is a question of honor."
The bar around them blew up in atoms. Grinning, Kornel jumped to his Timberwolf class mecha, while Malek chose his tiny Mini Cooper, and began to dance Trepak without giving a damn to the approaching Kornel and his robot, and the terrible sounds it left. Thud, thud, thud, said the little alien from a small world, whose most prominent attribute was his neon brown cuff stud in the middle nostril of his left nose, that was right on the middle of his forehead. The thing pulled a two-handed sword from his pocket, snarled, and attacked Kornel, hissing angrily. Actually it was a member of a world-eating mammal species known as Grunting Bum Compressor Activation Switch, that helped to many problems and troubles.
Around this time Kornel started to get pretty angry, and he yelled at Malek: "Malek, you're not taking me seriously, so die!". A gleam of madness in his eye, and a thirst for blood in his veins, he charged his Timberwolf towards Malek. But suddenly arrived an ice cream truck, that was driven by no other than Blade! He treated them with ice cream, that tasted like nuclear waste, so Malek asked "Damn you Blade, can't you have any other kind of job after the nuclear apocalypse of AWN than to sell Baskin Robbins nuclear waste ice creams!" "Yeah, Dairy Queen is better!", Kornel added. And Blade responded: "You didn't see me here today. Planet Venus is bright at this time of the year. You saw planet Venus."
But Malek and Kornel had grown bored to his explanations, instead continuing their epic battle, this time pulling out some super-weapons. In their wrath, however, their powers skyrocketed, they gained 30 levels, and generated to Super Saiyans. Even the stupidity has limits (but a barking dog won't bite).
"Grrrrr!!", growled Malek.
"Mrrrrr!!", growled Kornel.
"GRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!", growled Malek.
"MRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!", growled Kornel.
"Well, um...", mumbled Blade, and left.
And so Kornel and Malek growled at each other for the rest of the day, and when the sun set, they finally started to fight. A bunch of squirrels watched, with mingled feelings of fear and respect, how these two galactic warriors fought over the (temporary) lordship of the entire universe. But then they became angry, because the battle was a tie, and wanted Blade to come and declare the winner, as Blade was well known for not being very impartial, the fact that made everyone respect him more than John Romero's hair. Thus they all took a lot of money and bought 237 gallons of Smurf Cola, as well as 2 hot dogs with lots of cetchup. Drinking all that stuff took all their strength, so after this they decided to take a nap. But the Smurf Cola did its job, transforming them into small, blue creatures with white hats.
From this, Blade was very inspired, and jumped to his HHMMWV-jeep, beginning to drive towards the Smurf Land, which could, as everyone knows, be accessed through sewers in Brooklyn. But halfway there he met the Cow Head, still filled with Hiccup Powder (tm), who had woken up and destroyed Zaibah. Without blinking, Blade challenged him to a match of original Doom Deathmatch (No BFG, no Invulnerability globes, Final Destination): At stake would be the entire universe, as well as two more bottles of Smurf Cola.
The winner of this terrible battle was, sure enough, the still unbeatable Blade. But the Cow Head said: "I'll be back!", and vanished with a puff of logic. Blade decided that he would need to prepare for the upcoming, even more terrible battle. This he accomplished by getting sugar high (that is to say, eating five pounds of pure sugar and getting totally crazy), as this would be The Final Battle Ever. Finally the time for leaving was at hand, and so Blade said goodbye to his sidekick and secret lover - Maria Gonzales. He headed to the battlefield, where the Cow Head was already waiting for him. The two gazed at each other very angrily, the spirit force around Blade began to vibrate in red color, and the horrible battle began...

Requests For Features / Chaingun Overhaul
« on: October 19, 2007, 14:04 »
Shotgun got one, so it'd be unfair to leave our rapid-firing friend from the party, even if it's already kinda powerful. Straight to my suggestion:

Dunno how many of you are aware of this, but the original's chaingun has this nice thing that it always fires at least two shots, and that those two will always, always hit the mark, or whatever you're aiming at. Thus, I'm suggesting the following:

a) Make the first two shots of the series of five to always hit, regardless of you being on Coward or anything else. The enemies will also benefit of this bonus.

b) If after the firing there will be no movement, picking things up, or any other activity from the player, including getting hit by the enemy, then all the subsequent shootings will be done much faster (like you had Finesse skill on two or something), but also have larger spread and less chance to hit - and the two first shots won't always hit this time, either. So like, if I fired the enemy, and then immediately fired again (and the foe won't hit me between the two times), I'll be able to do so muchos faster but with less chance to hit. Same goes with all the later shootings, until I get hit or decide to do something else.

c) Also give the weapon an alternate firing ability that will always fire exactly two shots - and those two will, of course, always hit. This'd be convenient against weak enemies such as zombies, against whom the five bullets is kinda overkill. This "sniping" won't benefit of the faster firing bonus mentioned above. Each point in Triggerhappy will add one bullet on this.

So what do we have here? Either you can do "short, controlled bursts", that won't really do much damage but they will always hit, or you can go all-out like "DIE YOU FILTHY DEMONS DIE DIE DIE DIE", and bombard the enemy with a massive barrage of hot steel. Neither of these would make the chaingun much stronger of what it is now, but give it some new dimensions, extra coolness, and classic Doom feeling.

Your thoughts?

Requests For Features / A coupla little things
« on: October 05, 2007, 08:22 »
Well they told me to make a thread, so I do:

Y'know how in DoomRl, when you pick something up, you get a message like "You have found 8 shotgun shells"? Well, for another piece of nostalgia, I suggest that this'll be changed to "Picked up 8 shotgun shells", as it was in the original. Especially, since it's not exactly that you've just "found" those shells if, say, you had dropped them to the ground just a while before.

And another thing, for a bit of nostalgia: How about, when you'd shoot an enemy or move to its sight range or something, it could do that one authentic battle-cry thingy it had in the original game? Like the "Halt!" or whatever those nazi guys went in Wolfenstein 3D - if anyone here remembers it.

Requests For Features / Shotgun Overhaul
« on: October 01, 2007, 05:03 »
I've dished out this suggestion at least once before, but figured that we'd need an own thread for it, to prevent off-topic and such. So yeah, I reckon shotguns are kinda weak in the current version, and I used to be a fan of them in the original, so here's what I suggest:

a) Reduce the spread of combat shotgun. Currently, when you use Shottyman - and you should, if you plan on wielding shotguns - shotgun and combat shotgun don't have any differences. So I reckon that while the plain shotty should stay as it is, the combat shotgun's spread should be reduced quite dramatically. I remember how I could always take down an imp with a single shot of this in the original Doom, even from afar. This won't be possible anymore. Hell, I can't even kill a former human from farther than four spaces. So the change would make sense for not only the game balance, but also in keeping the RL version more faithful to the original.

b) More, for the lack of better word, pellets, to double shotgun. Right now it's only kinda faster version of regular shotgun, firing two shots at once instead of one. It's not really nearly as effective as it should be. Like, in the original, this could do damage comparable to rocket launcher on close distance. The Doom wiki tells that the double shotgun fires in fact as much as three times the pellets the normal shotty fires - 20 versus 7. So one shot of double shotgun is comparable to nearly three shots of the regular. Spread could be increased as well.

So to what will this bring us? Firstly, the combat shotgun will maintain its power quite better to the later stages of the game, being able to snipe even stronger enemies from afar. Secondly, the double shotgun could now be used to take down many, many weak enemies at once with the massive spread, or to deal out quite humongous damage from up close. The players could have both at the same time, using combat shotgun to single targets, and switching to double shotgun for weak masses and close combat.

Your thoughts?

Off Topic / Command & Conquer Gold For free!
« on: September 01, 2007, 13:30 »
Okay so C&C Franchise has turned 12 years old, and to celebrate this, the original C&C Gold has been made available for free download - but only for september, so hurry up downloading it.

*Sigh* I only wish I'd get my game working. Whenever I try to install, it says that I'm missing Microsoft Plus or some shit. No one in the EA forums doesn't seem to have the same problem: So I decided to register there myself and ask them some solution. Unfortunately, on account confirmation page, I can't find the friggin' Confirmation button!

Goddamnfuckit. I'm supposed to play a cool nice olde game by now, but instead I'm bulging my head veins.

Off Topic / Gurren Lagann
« on: August 27, 2007, 07:11 »
It's awesome. It's badass. I recommend it to every single one of you. Now go and watch it.

Quote from: A random Doomrl member
Wait, that's it? You just go "HAY GUYZ YOU SHOULD WATCH THIS SHOW IT'S AWESOME!", and then expect us to just go and watch it just like that? C'mon, tell us a bit more of the show, or we won't do a squat!

What? You don't trust my opinions? Tch, fine, I'll summarize the entire series to two words:

Burning Spirit.

Now go and watch the first episode of Gurren Lagann. You won't regret it, I assure you.

Discussion / Spider's Lair
« on: August 22, 2007, 09:09 »
I dunno guys, from all the posts here, and all those strategy guides in the Wiki, I've gained the impression that this level's something close of impossible. But really, I've never failed it once. Hell, I'm pretty certain the spiders've never even laid a finger (or plasma bullet) on me!

So how come you think it's so hard?

Bug Reports / Well isn't this just lovely
« on: August 22, 2007, 00:32 »
My player.dat got corrupted again.

No way in hell I'm gonna start everything over for the third time. If anyone has a nice good player file with at least Angels of Haste and Purity unlocked, could you please upload it for me?

 DoomRL (v. roguelike post-mortem character dump

 Potman, level 7 Cacodemon Lieutenant, killed by a arch-vile
 on level 19 of the Phobos base.
 He survived 76448 turns and scored 39952 points.
 He didn't like it too rough.

 He killed 257 out of 287 hellspawn. (90%)
 He was an Angel of Marksmanship!

 He stormed the Chained Court.
 He found the Hell's Armory.
-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------


-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------

  Health -13/50   Experience 18826/7
  ToHit +0  ToDmg Ranged +0  ToDmg Melee +0

-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------

    Finesse        (Level 2)
    Son of a gun   (Level 2)
    Dualgunner     (Level 2)
    Whizkid        (Level 1)


-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------

    [a] [ Armor      ]   nothing
    [b] [ Weapon     ]   advanced pistol (2d9) [6/6] (D3S2)
    [c] [ Boots      ]   plasteel boots [8/8] (89%)
    [d] [ Prepared   ]   pistol (2d4) [6/6]

-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------

    [a] blue armor [2/2] (100%)
    [b] blue armor [2/2] (100%)
    [c] red armor [2/4] (46%)
    [d] red armor [2/4] (37%)
    [e] red armor [1/4] (25%)
    [f] red armor [2/4] (36%)
    [g] 10mm ammo (x77)
    [h] 10mm ammo (x100)
    [i] 10mm ammo (x100)
    [j] 10mm ammo (x100)
    [k] large med-pack
    [l] phase device
    [m] thermonuclear bomb

-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------

    45 former humans
    27 former sergeants
    14 former captains
    25 imps
    16 demons
    40 lost souls
    18 cacodemons
    8 barons of hell
    6 hell knights
    9 arachnotrons
    6 former commandos
    6 pain elementals
    1 arch-vile
    4 mancubi

-- History ---------------------------------------------------

  He started his journey on the surface of Phobos.
  On level 4 he stormed the Chained Court.
  On level 8 he found Hell's Armory.
  On level 19 he finally was killed by a arch-vile.

-- Messages --------------------------------------------------

 hits the cacodemon.
 Unknown command. Press "?" for help.
 Unknown command. Press "?" for help.
 You use a large med-pack. You feel fully healed. The arch-vile raises his
 arms! You are engulfed in flames! Your blue armor is damaged! The
 arachnotron fires! You are hit! You are hit! The missile hits the
 cacodemon. You are hit!
 Unknown command. Press "?" for help.
 You use a phase device. You feel yanked in an non-existing direction! The
 missile hits the cacodemon. You hear the scream of a freed soul! The
 missile hits the cacodemon. The cacodemon dies. The missile hits the
 arch-vile. Your blue armor is completely destroyed! The hell
 knight fires! The missile hits the arachnotron. The hell knight dies. The
 arachnotron dies. The arch-vile raises his arms! You are engulfed in
 flames! You die!...

-- General ---------------------------------------------------

 Before him 422 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
 394 of those were killed.
 20 of those were killed by something unknown.
 And 7 couldn't handle the stress and commited a stupid suicide.

 Some rumours though, say that the Cyberdemon was killed already!
 Is he immortal? 1 souls claim to have killed him...
 1 showed that it can outsmart hell itself.


Yeah! I was doing so mothereffing well in there. I was like, 100 percent certain I was gonna finish the game on AoMr this time. Like, nothing could stop me and anything. But then...

This game's so unfair.


Yo, Kornel? If the enemies still have the ability of blind firing at me in those arena levels in the next version, I will stop playing DoomRL forever! Yeah, I will! You better take this threat seriously! You would never want me to stop playing!

[Edit: "Hey, not too rough" is Medium difficulty, not Hard]

Requests For Features / Monster's Player Locator
« on: August 18, 2007, 03:32 »
As in, when I shoot a monster while outside its sight range, it'll be able to locate me. This is good. However, I feel that you've taken it a bit too far.

See, when I have Inituition x3, and I shoot a monster, it'll come closer. Sure, that's fine. But let's say that I'd retreat behind a wall afterwards, changing my location, and the monster would still be able to find me. When I move alongside the wall, the monster on the other side of it will move to the same direction as well. As in, me firing it in the first place would've launched its own Inituition x3. Methinks this is a bit unrealistic, because it can't possibly know where I am when I'ven't given away my location. Would be nice if it'd only go to the place I shot it from, and then be all "Now where did that player guy go? Damn, I'm confused."

And speaking of Inituition, wouldn't it be better if I could also see how much one lever can be used? Like, on the first level I know if it's beneficial or what, while on the second level I know what exactly it can do. I reckon it'd be nice if on the third level, I'd also know that the MediTech depot works two times. This'd be helpful and all that.

Well apparently I did.

 DoomRL (v. roguelike post-mortem character dump

 Potman, level 3 Cacodemon Lieutenant, killed by something...
 on level 5 of the Phobos base.
 He survived 15036 turns and scored 14570 points.
 He wasn't afraid to be hurt plenty.

 He killed 95 out of 101 hellspawn. (94%)
 He held his right to remain violent.
 He was an Angel of Impatience!

 He stormed the Chained Court.
-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------


-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------

  Health -2/50   Experience 3992/3
  ToHit +6  ToDmg Ranged +0  ToDmg Melee +0

-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------

    Eagle Eye      (Level 2)
    Intuition      (Level 1)


-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------

    [a] [ Armor      ]   nothing
    [b] [ Weapon     ]   chaingun (1d6)x5 [50/50]
    [c] [ Boots      ]   nothing
    [d] [ Prepared   ]   nothing

-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------

    [a] green armor [1/1] (100%)
    [b] green armor [1/1] (100%)
    [c] blue armor [2/2] (100%)
    [d] blue armor [2/2] (100%)
    [e] blue armor [2/2] (100%)
    [f] 10mm ammo (x79)
    [g] 10mm ammo (x100)
    [h] 10mm ammo (x100)
    [i] 10mm ammo (x100)
    [j] 10mm ammo (x100)
    [k] 10mm ammo (x100)
    [l] 10mm ammo (x100)
    [m] 10mm ammo (x100)
    [n] 10mm ammo (x100)
    [o] 10mm ammo (x100)
    [p] 10mm ammo (x100)
    [q] weapon damage mod
    [r] weapon magazine mod

-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------

    26 former humans
    13 former sergeants
    13 former captains
    21 imps
    12 demons
    5 lost souls
    2 cacodemons

-- History ---------------------------------------------------

  He started his journey on the surface of Phobos.
  On level 5 he stormed the Chained Court.
  On level 5 he finally was killed by something...

-- Messages --------------------------------------------------

 the cacodemon. The missile hits the cacodemon. The missile hits the
 cacodemon. The cacodemon dies.
 Fire -- Choose target... The missile hits the cacodemon. The missile hits
 the cacodemon. The missile hits the cacodemon. The missile hits the
 cacodemon. The missile hits the cacodemon. The cacodemon hits you.
 Fire -- Choose target... The missile hits the cacodemon. The missile hits
 the cacodemon. The missile hits the cacodemon. The missile hits the
 cacodemon. The cacodemon is bleeding! The missile hits the cacodemon. The
 cacodemon hits you. The cacodemon loses blood.
 Fire -- Choose target... The missile hits the cacodemon. The missile hits
 the cacodemon. The missile hits the cacodemon. The missile hits the
 cacodemon. The cacodemon dies. Boom!
 You reload the chaingun with 10mm ammo.
 Argh!!! Lava!
 Argh!!! Lava! You die!...

-- General ---------------------------------------------------

 Before him 340 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
 315 of those were killed.
 17 of those were killed by something unknown.
 And 7 couldn't handle the stress and commited a stupid suicide.

 Some rumours though, say that the Cyberdemon was killed already!
 Is he immortal? 1 souls claim to have killed him...
 1 showed that it can outsmart hell itself.


See, usually I take a Berserk Pack before I charge at one of those Cacodemon rooms, but this time I didn't bother because I already had over 100%, thanks to a Supercharge I had found in an earlier level. I compeletely ignored all the other benefits of Berserking, leading in my demise.

Requests For Features / More Advanced weapons!
« on: August 15, 2007, 00:31 »
Dunno about you guys, but it really annoys me to no end that I can never, ever, find the weapon I really want - Advanced chaingun. I've never seen a single one in my adventures, and since I usually go at Finesse right after Inituition, I'd have potential, via Whizkid, to create a true weapon of armageddon. But thanks to the extremely low spawning of advanced weapons, the only time I've ever found use for Whiz is during AoMr.

The least you could do would be to remove all those other special weapons (Fastload etc.) and replace them with Advanceds. They're pretty useless now, anyway. And I don't think it still would increase their spawnings even close enough to make the entire game too easy.

(My other hope would be to get to Mortuary with my inventory full of speed and damage mods, pick up an Advanced plasma rifle, load it up with everything I've got, and start the Apocalypse. Too bad I can never seem to get that far.)

Bug Reports / Red Dots of Doom [NOTABUG]
« on: August 13, 2007, 00:54 »
So I recently got into DoomRL again, and noticed that the game's kinda different now. See, the pools of blood sometimes appear to look like the rock in the first level - as in, these big red dots. Like this:

You picked up a shotgun (6d3) [1/1]. Just what you needed!                     
 You prepare the shotgun!                                                       
                           ########          .................................#
                           #......#########   ................................#
                           #....../.......#    ...............................#
                           #....../.......#    ...............................#
                           #......#########   ................................#
                           ########          .................................#
 Potman                     Armor : none                     Phobos Base Entry 
 Health: 54%  Exp:  1/29%   Weapon: shotgun (6d3) [1/1]                         


See that little red dot a bit left from the exit? That's one.

So what's the problem, you ask? The problem is, that these kind of bloodpools mess up the entire map. They cause all kinds of annoying distortions. It's a bit hard to explain, but think about stepping inside a hall of mirrors, that shows you as a midget and a giant and a fatso and... Well, it's kinda the same in this. And it annoys the crap out of me.

Edit: I took a direct screenshot. It should show the problem a bit better:

You can see the dot pretty close to the entrance. You can also see how it's half-covering the space next to it in black. This is pretty much the most minor distortion. The major ones include all kinds of things, like a wall appearing in an empty slot next to it etc.

On a more positive note, I can now swap my weapon from the weapon number. Like, if I have a rocket launcher in a secondary slot, I'll just press 7 and it appears. This is also a new thing to me, even though I'ven't updated the game, and there's'n't been a new update in my information. It's like the game's updating itself. Weird.

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