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Topics - punkbohemian

Pages: [1]
Requests For Features / break up running.
« on: April 03, 2012, 22:20 »
You want to limit running to 30 actions a level? That's cool, makes sense. But what about being able to break it up a bit? Rather than getting just one shot at it, why not be able to toggle the mode, which is limited to 30 cumulative actions per level?

I've been playing the game for the past few days and am starting to conceptualize a pistol build. One of the elements about which I am considering is whether or not to dual wield. I would think that dual wielding would be better as there is more firepower, but I've read a few things about a Technician sharpshooter build that is just as effective, if not more so, with a single pistol (though I'm not sure how that works). Not to mention, DW also causes a lot of problems with weapon switching. With the character I'm running now, I have two pistols and a missile launcher. When I can switch to the launcher easy enough, but switching back to DW pistols requires a bunch of inventory juggling that involves dropping items if my inventory is full. In any event, I wonder if DW is worth it.

Random questions:

1) What does dodgemaster do exactly? I'm not sure I'm entirely sure how movement works outside of me pressing a button and moving in that direction.

2) How do you reload -while- moving? Is it something automatic that happens when you have an appropriate trait?

3) Running Man seems to suggest I can run and shoot at the same time, but I'm not sure how that is possible.


Bug Reports / disk full?
« on: April 01, 2012, 12:48 »
I've been playing DoomRL for a few days now, and all of a sudden, when I try to start it up, it crashes and gives me a "disk full" error. My disk definitely isn't full. This is what the error log says:

Code: [Select]
Timestamp   : 4/1/2012 14:47:08
Message     : Fatal exception encountered

An unhandled exception occurred at $00454282 :
EInOutError : Disk Full
  $00454282  TDOOMXML__CREATE,  line 308 of src/dfhof.pas
  $004526AD  TSCOREFILE__CREATE,  line 120 of src/dfhof.pas
  $0045D300  THOF__INIT,  line 1022 of src/dfhof.pas
  $0041E41D  TDOOM__LOAD,  line 161 of src/doombase.pas
  $0041EA19  TDOOM__RUN,  line 257 of src/doombase.pas
  $00401B15  main,  line 71 of src/doomrl.pas


Does anyone know a fix? Thanks.

Pages: [1]