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Messages - Zeb

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 [8] 9 10
Bug Reports / Re: Another self-reference bug
« on: May 09, 2007, 18:14 »
I was actually going to make a topic about this too. Good thing I checked first. :-P

Okay then, looks like my theroy was wrong. :-P

So if we redownload it will be okay now right?

Bug Reports / Game Crash
« on: May 08, 2007, 17:34 »
This was the second of two crashes I had within 7 games. I didn't bother saving the first one, but two crashes withing such a short time seemed unusual so I decided to post this one.

The demon hits you. The demon hits you. You die!... Game saved. Press
 <Enter> to exit.
                          #???????????????       ??
                          #???????????????0     ???#
                          #??????c??????0??    ??????
                          #??????An unhandled exception occurred at $0041D428 :
EAccessViolation : Access violation############???????
  $0041D428  TPLAYER__WRITEMEMORIAL,  line 1490 of dfplayer.pas
  $0044F276  TBEING__KILL,  line 894 of dfbeing.pas????
  $00450CEB  TBEING__APPLYDAMAGE,  line 1124 of dfbeing.pas
  $00450205  TBEING__ATTACK,  line 1027 of dfbeing.pas
  $0044BE8D  TBEING__AISEEK,  line 399 of dfbeing.pas
  $0044DE28  TBEING__AISCAN,  line 719 of dfbeing.pas
  $0044DFC2  TBEING__ACTION,  line 735 of dfbeing.pas
  $0044E120  TBEING__CALL,  line 746 of dfbeing.pas
  $00440DF9  TLEVEL__TICK,  line 578 of dflevel.pas
  $00403496  TDOOM__RUN,  line 310 of doombase.pas
  $00401097  main,  line 19 of DoomRL.pasarmor [2/2] (72%)   Phobos Base  Lev6
 Health: 10%  Exp:  3/16%   Weapon: chaingun (1d6)x5 [50/50]
Abnormal program termination! Please write down the above
to help get rid DoomRL of all those bugs! You only need
to write down the filenames and linenumbers.
Attempting to save game.... Press <Enter>

When attempting to rank up on my old player.dat file (to test the rank deletion report), I happened upon an Arena level. I killed a bunch of monsters, and then while (I thought) having a shootout with an offscreen Baron of Hell I suddenly died for no apparent reason. Upon looking at my mortem I noticed that there were two "Xs" designating my character (Mine being the one on the right):


Since I had already read the "you hit you" topic, I didn't think too much of it and went on my way. It was only after the second occurance of this glitch that I went back and looked at the "messages" section, which contained something rather strange: The Baron of Hell that was listed as killing me hadn't touched me.

 the hell knight. The missile hits the hell knight. The hell knight
 dies. The missile hits the demon. The missile hits the demon.
 Fire -- Choose target... The missile hits the demon. The missile hits the
 demon. The missile hits the demon. The missile hits the demon. The
 missile hits the demon.
 Fire -- Choose target... The missile hits the demon. The demon is bleeding!
 The demon dies.
 Unknown command. Press "?" for help.
 You reload the chaingun with 10mm ammo.
 Your chaingun is already loaded.
 Your red armor is damaged!
 Fire -- Choose target... Find a more constructive way to commit suicide.
 Fire -- Choose target...
 Fire -- Choose target...
 Fire -- Choose target... You die!...

Meanwhile, while I was once again attempting a level up I ran into another arena. This time, I actually noticed my health decreasing for practically no reason. This put me on high alert, and after finishing the demons hounding me I ran towards the stairs...and didn't quite make it. This time, the mortem said that I had been killed by a former sergent, but there were no former sergents (or any monsters) close enough to hurt me! There was however, once again a second player on the graveyard...and a former sergent within shooting range of it. (Once again, I'm the X on the right)


Thus, not only can the dummy second player take damage from monsters, but I lost two rather promising characters because of it.


I was originally going to conclude this topic by talking about how this is a game-wrecking glitch much more prominent and damaging then most other glitches in the game, and suggesting that Kornel fix it and release a patch with the fix as soon as possible.

However, while I was writing all that out I realized a possible cause of the glitch.  I originally intended to start over fresh for, but after all the hooplah about the possible rank-up glitch with the old player.dat I replaced the new player.dat with my one from and set out to test it out. Before putting in the old file, I played the arena level 3 times and never met this error. After merging in the old player.dat I encountered the glitch both times that I got an arena level. This makes me think that the glitch may be caused by using's player.dat file. The idea of player.dat compatibility problems is supported by the fact that I got two game crashes within 7 games of each other- initially I chalked it up to the new version being unstable, but now that I think about it they happened after merging over the old player.dat file. This seems kind of fishy considering I only had one game crash the entire time I used If this isn't just a coincidence (which it may be) it would mean that for all intents and purposes the old player.dat isn't really compatible with the new version after all.

Pre-0.9.9 / Re: [H|30%|AoMr|L2] ... there are no words.
« on: May 08, 2007, 06:29 »
I usually move barrels somewhere, where they cannot blow me, if i have time. If i'm not sure that i have time, i blow this barrels myself from safe distance.

I think the barrels were on the other side of the door, and the foo saw him and set them off.

Discussion / Re: The Graveyard
« on: May 08, 2007, 06:16 »
I was pretty close to rankup on my old player.dat, so I could try to switch it in and see if it resets for me.

Requests For Features / Re: New Traits
« on: May 07, 2007, 15:32 »
Joker could be fun if you switched it to one trait.

Announcements / Re: DoomRL - Released!
« on: May 07, 2007, 15:19 »
Speaking of AoB, why do Large Medkits and Large Health globes still make you go berserk? I thought most people agreed that that made the game too easy and that it was perfectly doable without. If the issue is the unholy cathedral, why not just make guarenteed berserk packs there?

On a relevant note to the acid/lava blockage problem, I keep getting levels in which I start on one side of the map, with the stairs on the other side and a massive vertical column of either acid or lava blocking my way. I had hoped that this would be changed on the beta but apparently not.

It's really unfair if you're in an earlier level and you can't cross without dying. Such situations caused all five of my "killed by something unknown" deaths in 9.8.5.

Bug Reports / Re: Invulnerability globe does not work
« on: May 07, 2007, 14:08 »
The labyrinth levels seem to be having a lot of bugs. Shame on you beta testers! :-P

I don't think I've ever failed the wall on Easy.

Medium, on the other hand, I've only ever pulled off twice.

117 dualgunner is nerfed now thanks to Whizkid? Could someone explain this one to me?

Personally I never even understood why finesse was more effective then leveling up dualgunner. Isn't 20% faster better than 10% faster?

Discussion / Re: Am I missing something with SoaB?
« on: May 04, 2007, 16:47 »
No I don't, I'm a casual player so keeping notes didn't even cross my mind.

I'll try it again once I try out all the new stuff (I did the SoaB stuff right before the new update)

Discussion / Re: Damage comparison
« on: May 04, 2007, 16:31 »
Didn't someone say once that you get more damage with more knockback? Could that be going on?

Discussion / Am I missing something with SoaB?
« on: May 04, 2007, 16:29 »
I keep hearing everyone say that this skill is useless, but if the information in the description and the wiki are true, it seems to me to be an extremely good skill for it's effects on the Chaingun and Plasma Rifle. With Chaingun, you get +5 armor piercing damage per attack per level, or +15 armor piercing damage per attack. Chaingun normally gets an average of just 17.5 damage per attack of NON-piercing damage, meaning that against unarmored monsters SoaB nearly doubles the damage of the chaingun- and against armored monsters it more than doubles it.

The effeect on the Plasma Rifle are even more insane, giving +8 armor piercing damage per level per attack, with +24 piercing damage. This brings the damage of the Plasma rifle from ~36 damage per attack to ~60 damage per attack- meaning that you now have a good chance of taking out high-level monsters with a single shot! Moreover, piercing damage is more important in the later stages where plasma rifles would be used then in stages where one would be using chainguns. And imagine what an overloaded plasma rifle would do- +120 armor piercing damage! So much for the cyberdemon.

If figured I must be doing something wrong, but I tried a game with SoaB and my chaingun and PR were much more effective than usual. Thoughts?

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