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Messages - Zeb

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Berserk! / Re: Call for features : Berserk! 0.9 planning
« on: April 21, 2007, 16:20 »
You'll be nerfing skills? They don't seem overpowered to me, but maybe I'm missing something. :-/

I agree with Sparrow that the game feels very arcade-styled, which I think is really cool. I'm not sure that adding bonus items is that great of an idea though, as the point of massacre seems to me to be to make whatever you have last as long as possible. Maybe an "arcade" mode?

I must say that I really enjoy berserk and that this game seems to have a lot of potential. I'm definitly looking forward to seeing what you do with it.

Discussion / Re: 1.0?
« on: April 19, 2007, 13:46 »
Can't wait for 9.8.7! Did you fix up the AI any yet (Making monsters not stand there and get shot with Catseye/giftdropping?) And did you make it so lava vats won't spawn between you and the stairs yet? That's really annoying when that happens. :-(

Discussion / Re: Fallout: Mods, 3, RL
« on: April 16, 2007, 18:41 »
When I ever get Paypal I'll donate to you to work on Berserk! more...

Double Shotgun level 3, Advanced Double Shotgun Level 4. On Angel of Marksmanship and Berserk respectively.

Discussion / Re: Shottyman Challenge
« on: April 13, 2007, 17:44 »
I love shotguns, so I guess I'm biased in that regard. :-P Although I've noticed that I always get Double Shotguns level 12 or later if at all, and I invariably get them level 7 or earlier on AoM and AoB (Including level 3 once.)

Bug Reports / Re: A couple insectoids that require squashing.
« on: April 11, 2007, 23:46 »
Haven't you ever been playing an FPS with your back against the wall when you can't think of anything to do for a few seconds as the monsters close in? Maybe that's what it is representing. :-P

I don't really see it as a big deal either way, it doesn't seem like something that would be hard to change at all so maybe Kornel will decide to do it anyway. I think the bleeding Exp is the more pressing issue however.

Bug Reports / Re: A couple insectoids that require squashing.
« on: April 11, 2007, 18:51 »
I'd think that running into a wall in real life would count as a move too. :-P That's really something that  uses time in any roguelike, and makes sense if you think about it.

I would really like the bleeding to either give you experience or be gotten rid of though. It sucks taking the time to get a tough monster almost dead and then have it bleed to death on you. ;_;

Discussion / Re: DoomRL trainer
« on: April 11, 2007, 18:19 »
This topic is the fifth result on Google for "DoomRL". :-(

Requests For Features / Re: New Traits
« on: April 10, 2007, 22:17 »
That would still allow you to begin every new level at 30,40,or 50 percent.  Seems like everyone would take 3 regen and then hang around in cleared levels/safe spots forever until they hit however much health.

Discussion / Re: Ideas for nerfing Int(3) and AoB.
« on: April 10, 2007, 17:03 »
You used the term "equal footing", not me

I was referring to
being stuck with the chainsaw would very easily put melee players on equal footing with the rest of us.

Also, that is a 10% chance to *actually* hit something outside your LOS, even if you just saw it and only moved one space away.
Ouch. Oh well. If the stair ability is added for Int3 than you can still combine that with being able to set up traps/find a low-resistance path and the skill will still be useful albeit for different reasons.

So taking out the berserking bonus from large medkits won't ruin the challenge, simply make it more challenging.

So I wasn't talking out of my ass after all. :-P Angel of Berserk IS supposed to be a "Hard" challange, so if it can still be done without the medpack berserking than I think it would be a good idea to go ahead and get rid of that. Nerfing the LS a bit seems like a pretty good idea as well, or else replacing it with a stash of items. Giving AoBers a combat knife or advanced combat knife at the beginning of the game seems like a reasonable idea to me as well. I don't have experiance playing AoB on higher difficulties, but if Blade thinks it's neccessary than I'd say it's a good idea.

Discussion / Re: DoomRL trainer
« on: April 09, 2007, 23:12 »
Games usually take about 3 hours anyway, so implementing a "tournament mode" that doesn't allow saving wouldn't be that big of a deal for players who wanted to compete. However, it is one more thing that Kornel would have to implement if he wanted a web scoreboard that wasn't easily cheatable.

Even with replays, people to watch replays, a serperate mode, and whatever else have you there would still be more ways to cheat the system if people really wanted to (And I'm sure someone would just to feel special). The only way to have a truly corruption-free high score list would be to host an entire DoomRL online server, and I doubt Kornel wishes to spend the time or resources for that, as cool as it would be.

Discussion / Re: Ideas for nerfing Int(3) and AoB.
« on: April 09, 2007, 18:49 »
I'm assuming that's what the note in the livefeed about "hitting a monster outside los has to pass additional 1/10 chance test" is? does that mean you'd have a 1 in 10 chance not to hit, or a 1 in 10 chance to hit at all?

With the "equal footing" comment, I though the point of AoB is that it would be a lot harder than "everyone else" to beat, not equally hard. :-/ And the medkit thing is AoB-only, so if the Cathedral is built for melee characters shouldn't the level be changed so that it can be beaten by melee characters not undergoing the AoB challenge? Otherwise you have an entire level built just for one "challenge" that ends up making the "challenge" easier. :-/

Getting rid of the spoily weapon is a possibility, but in that case why go to the cathedral at all?

Pre-0.9.9 / Re: [E|90%] YAFVP
« on: April 09, 2007, 18:38 »
Yeah, I just did a shottyman game and came back here to correct myself. Boy do I feel silly. :-P It was kinda fun, but I prefer to keep my options open as far as weapons are concerned so I probably won't use it too often. I still have a few other builds to try as well. :3

Discussion / Ideas for nerfing Int(3) and AoB.
« on: April 09, 2007, 13:53 »
Most people seem to agree that Int(3) and AoB need to be nerfed a bit. Here possible solutions I came up with that I think might work, so I though I'd at least throw them out there. :-)

For Int(3), you really would have to change what Int(3) does entirely, but it also has to be useful enough to invest in AND be Doomish without being overpowered. I would suggest a twofold benifit: first having the stairs show up on the map. The second part of it would be an "internal compass"- a line at the top of the sceen (or somewhere else) that tells you how many monsters are in each cardinal direction. The interface would looks something like [N:3 W:11 E: 4 S: 0] and when combined with soundmapping would allow played to find the general path of least resistance across the screen  to the stairs, a batch of nice-looking items, and the like. I think this would make Int(3) useful but not overpowered, as well as relevant in that a seasoned Doom player would know where the exits are and approximately where the monsters would be (But not exactly since monsters move around).

For nerfing AoB, most people point to the aquisition of the chainsaw as the point in which the game changes from being very difficult to being "a cakewalk". The problem this poses is that something like lowering melee accuracy would make the earlygame even harder than it already is, plus it would make the entire game more reliant on luck than skill. My solution would be to target another thing that I feel is more overpowered than the chainsaw, and shows up at about the same time- the ability for large medpacks and healing globes to change the character to berserk mode. This causes a massive balance issue, and I feel is largely responsible for the "cakewalk" difficulty later on. My suggestion is to simply eliminate this bonus. This would not make the already difficult early game harder as such items are not available then, but it would fix the issue of players being able to just rampage their way through the later game (At least compared to the way things are.) This would make the lategame pretty tough, but it would still be possible with good item management and an appropriate skill set- the challenge is supposed to be "Hard" anyway. If this challange were deemed too hard or to easy after this change is implemented, minor across the board changes (Such as changing accuracy rate) could then be implemented without having the deal with the current balance nightmare that messing with AoB causes.

Discussion / Re: Shottyman Challenge
« on: April 09, 2007, 13:28 »
I think that a Shottyman challenge would be awesome, and all it would require is making it so that a non-shotgun couldn't be equipped. (And that the shell spawns on later levels be increased of course.) I'd definitely play it.

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