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Discussion / Re: The Journey to 100%
« on: November 02, 2017, 13:50 »
I think you misunderstood, Sereg; that's the actual code in the game. I was pointing out that with how it's structured it prevents the conqueror trick for other challenges.

Day 56:

With my new strategy idea, I've been trying Angel of Humanity mixed with Angel of 100 for Thomas's Medal and Everyman Platinum Badge. I'm still close to certain it works, but there's still the obstacle of actually doing the challenge, and it's quite hard.

So far on all of my runs, I've been instakilled by something. It's pretty insane actually how safe I have to be playing. Letting up defense just for one moment against just one enemy kills the run. I have to really respect the danger and assume the worst scenario with every decision. I'm also thinking that Cerberus Boots are going to be almost essential since fluid damage is massive and there are cases where I can't get around dealing with it. I'd rather not have to always be carrying an Envirosuit, so I'll definitely need those boots, or at the very least, Enviroboots.

After dying there a few times, I tried some more of beating a standard Nightmare game in under 20 minutes. On my first attempt of the night, I had some luck in Deimos with an early Invulnerability, got through some floors, found a few Homing Phase Devices, and just before fighting the Cyberdemon, there was an Invulnerability that was literally adjacent to the stairs! I also switched off from choosing Dodgemaster as my fifth trait for Brute to massively increase my melee damage (mostly due to the accuracy buff). I destroyed the Cyberdemon and reached Hell for the first time in awhile. From there, I finally got the stacked Invulnerability needed to get through in a reasonable amount of time, and then for the last touch of good luck, had another double Invulnerability on the last floor before Dis!

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

It was very relieving to finally get these badges! On top, I finished with a pretty good 12:16, though it's sadly still so far away from the angelic badge. Besides Speedunner Angelic Badge, I now have all the real-time badges and medals, which is nice so that I can actually play at my preferred pace.

Since I was speedrunning, I didn't take much for screenshots, but I did snap this ending here since I noticed the swag experience level of 6/66%! ;)

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Happy to get some progress, especially since it came unexpectedly while I was just rotating challenges. I'm going to try some more for Humanity, but I'm beginning to think that despite how cool it would be and how simplified playing is, that I might not do Angel of 100 after all. I might try some stairdiving next time and see how that goes.

Discussion / Re: The Journey to 100%
« on: November 01, 2017, 02:53 »
Dervis is the other missing medal, yes. You can click the image in my signature for full details of what I need to get.

While true that Centurial Angelic covers for that and Centurial Diamond, I'd argue the difference in difficulty is significant enough to warrant doing them separately, so that I can enjoy having earned the easier rewards earlier.

Also, I believe VANDAM did achieve Centurial Angelic, according to his signature.

Day 55:

I tried some more for Angel of Humanity as a conqueror, and had a really sick start by the end of floor 2:

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Unfortunately, with a single misclick, I got killed, lol. :(

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Boo. After that, I tried some more of beating Nightmare under 20 minutes, but still no luck there.

Afterwards, I starting looking into the coding some more and I'm quite confident in saying I believe I've made a new discovery!

Code: [Select]
OnMortem = function ()
if player:has_won() then
if statistics.bonus_levels_completed == statistics.bonus_levels_count then

It seems that the game only checks if your bonus levels completed and count are equal, instead of checking if you're actually a conqueror! This means that if you were to play Humanity + Confidence / Overconfidence / 100, you won't get the reward for being a conqueror, but the game will still give you Thomas's Medal and Elite Platinum Badge! Seems that it's a very similar oversight to the Max Carnage + Overconfidence trick for the Destroyer Badges.

This trick will also work for Everyman Diamond Badge if it works for the others!

Here's some other chunks of code that would usually avoid this error:

Code: [Select]
-- elite badges
if DIFFICULTY >= DIFF_VERYHARD  and is_conqueror then player:add_badge("elite4") end
if is_90kills then player:add_badge("elite5") end
if is_maxkills and is_conqueror then player:add_badge("elite6") end

Code: [Select]
register_challenge "challenge_aocn"
name        = "Angel of Confidence",
description = "Are three episodes too much of a grind? Try beating the game in just two! Having seen the destruction of Phobos beforehand, you asked to be dropped off at the Deimos base to save yourself the trouble. At least they were nice enough to give you some more gear.",
rating      = "VERY HARD",
rank        = 4,
abbr        = "AoCn",
let         = "N",
removemedals = { "icarus1", "icarus2", "explorer", "conqueror", "competn1", "competn2", "competn3", "untouchable1", "untouchable2", "untouchable3" },

Code: [Select]
register_challenge "challenge_aooc"
name        = "Angel of Overconfidence",
description = "Not three episodes, not even two: now we're down to a single count! You were so ready to face the legions of Hell that you were sent directly to their home turf. Good thing you snuck some extra supplies!",
-- In memory of our best abuser of AoOC
rating      = "SEREG",
rank        = 6,
abbr        = "AoOC",
let         = "V",
removemedals = { "icarus1", "icarus2", "explorer", "conqueror", "competn1", "competn2", "competn3", "untouchable1", "untouchable2", "untouchable3" },

Code: [Select]
register_challenge "challenge_a100"
name        = "Angel of 100",
description = "100 levels, and you win. No Cybie, no Spidey, no JC, no special levels, just 100 normal levels. And yes, there are more and more enemies after level 25...",
rating      = "HARD",
rank        = 5,
abbr        = "A100",
let         = "O",
removemedals = { "gambler", "aurora", "explorer", "conqueror", "fallout1", "fallout2", "fallout3", "ironskull1" },

Now, Confidence and Overconfidence with Humanity, while in theory should give Thomas's Medal, are still very difficult, if not more difficult because you won't have the Arena Master's Staff for The Vaults. It could potentially be done on Ultra-Violence with use of Azrael's Scythe since you can use it indefinitely as far as max health is concerned, but then the Angel of Death is an issue.

So instead, I'm genuinely considering going for Angel of Humanity + Angel of 100 for Thomas's Medal and Everyman Platinum Badge! While it's a ton of floors, they're all just normal floors, of which I can skip through, don't need to kill everything, etc. No more having to deal with Deimos Lab or Mortuary or Abyssal Plains or any of those! :P When I did my Ultra-Violence 100% kill Angel of 100 awhile back, I would go through dozens of floors before ever getting touched, and now that I'm significantly better at the game and would be playing on Hey, Not Too Rough, I honestly think I can do it! Plus, it would be an amazing proof of concept! I searched through the mortems, and there isn't a single Angel of Humanity + Angel of 100 in there, which might be why this wasn't discovered.

It's still possible there's some sort of code preventing this trick, but I can't find such a thing and I'm ~99% sure it does actually work. If anyone can confirm if it does or doesn't, please share!

Discussion / Re: The Journey to 100%
« on: October 31, 2017, 14:30 »

That's some solid advice for sure, and I agree that it'll likely be the next angelic badge I go for. :) I'm quite confident I can do it, but it might take a little luck with corpse control and getting a good start on every floor.

Day 54:

With just 2 medals left, I put my attention to Thomas's Medal, which would also give me Everyman Platinum Badge. Despite running around with just 10 HP, Hey, Not Too Rough is super easy to play. :P I've mostly been finding a safe spot and spamming RunWait to kill everything.

One issue I had before that I forgot about was handling Deimos Lab, and I rolled it again. I was a little more prepared this time with some fancy Blue Armor:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I also setup a super good strat for the Arachnotrons:

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Basically, I close one of the doors, step outside the other, and use RunWait. Once one appears, I go to the top right corner to cornershoot the Arachnotron once it goes outside the little room. It's perfectly safe and easy!

I left all the crates intact this time for cover against the Shamblers, but I got a little worried with them roaming around, so I opted to do a cornershoot strat. Unfortunately, one appeared directly beside me. I switched the Super Shotgun, though I forgot I didn't have Juggler, and after firing I made the stupid mistake of reloading, got double melee hit and died. :(

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I'm absolutely certain I can beat Hell's Armory, not just because there's only one Shambler, but because the landscape is significantly better for fighting them. However, I still haven't come up with a solution for Deimos Lab. I was considering Brute x2 + Berserker, but it's a massive waste of traits, especially since I can use the two-step trick against Angel of Death.

Perhaps I'll just grind out runs until I roll Hell's Armory instead. In any case, I was a bit unmotivated to start another run, despite being able to save for this challenge, so I spent my time doing a little theorycrafting and planning. The entirety of Phobos is pretty easy, with the only scary parts being Chained Court and Phobos Anomaly, but both are consistent enough not to worry too much. Deimos has Deimos Lab to worry about as said, and Abyssal Plains is a bit risky with the cramped area. The other levels are all pretty easy, and I'm not too concerned about Spider's Lair either. The Cyberdemon can be killed with Dodgemaster abuse.

Phobos Lab is a bit annoying with the cancellation of Envirosuit, so I might use a Phase Device in that case. The other thing is if I'm unlucky and get warped to the same area in the acid, I'll have enough time with the power-up to continue on as if I hadn't used a Phase Device. I might also consider using one for Abyssal Plains.

Unholy Cathedral should be fine, so long as the strat is as simple as it looks. I'll definitely have Hellrunner x3 and Tactical Boots by then, so it shouldn't be a problem. The Vaults is also cake. However, Mortuary and Limbo are both scary, and I'm not entirely sure what I'll do for those. I believe I actually can nuke them and still achieve Conqueror, so I'll absolutely do that if possible. Otherwise, I'll probably just make a mad dash for the Nuclear BFG and hope for the best. This is kind of a problem, so if anyone has some advice, that'd be greatly appreciated. :)

Lava Pits and Mt Erebus are easy, so long as I have an Envirosuit or two. And besides all those special levels, the regular floors are all easy. Only an Arachnotron cave or an exceptionally awful start filled with dangerous enemies can pose a threat. Dis is also super easy.

It might take awhile to get this medal, only because the runs themselves are quite long, but I also need some special level luck. I think ideally, I would want Military Base, Hell's Armory, The Wall, City of Skulls, Halls of Carnage, Limbo, and Mt Erebus. Hopefully I can get some fortune there.

Not much more else to say! Please give me some tips though! :D

Discussion / Re: The Journey to 100%
« on: October 30, 2017, 13:52 »
Day 53:

I put most of my focus on getting Gutts' Heart this time. I figured that because of how rare it can be to get an opportunity for this medal, I might be tempted to botch a different run if I had a random Dragonslayer appear. Instead of potentially ending up in that crossroad, I grinded for it a ton to get it done.

I tried a bit of the I'm Too Young To Die strategy, but it takes way too long to get going, so I mostly used Angel of Berserk + Overconfidence. To my surprise it was laughably easy, which is cool to see since I struggled with it before when I was grinding for JC kills. The monster count and dangerousness is so low compared to all the Ultra-Violence and Nightmare runs I've been doing lately.

During a few attempts, I had a couple of cool runs. One in particular was when I found the Trigun on floor 2 and found a lot of Invulnerabilities, so I went for a goofy mass nuking! :D I even got a second Fallout Platinum Cross, and another JC kill!

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I actually had a couple more early Trigun runs, but this was the best one.

I also noticed with how empty the levels are, I could really speed through each floor waiting for "Something valuable", and decided to see just how fast I could do it:

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Not bad! ;) Now to do that with all 3 episodes on Nightmare at the same pace and we'll be in business.

On another interesting run, I found Berserker Armor on floor 1 and decided to see if a Baron would pick it up, and it seemed like it didn't. To confirm, I checked the coding:

Code: [Select]
OnEquipCheck = function (self,being)
if not being:is_player() then return false end
if not being.eq.weapon or ~= "udragon" or (being.hp >= being.hpmax / 2) then
ui.msg("How am I supposed to wear this thing??")
return false
return true

It seems that this is the only armor that has this check. I suppose nearly invincible enemies would be too dangerous, though a lot of fun! :P I was thinking of possible strategies with abusing this, such as giftdropping damaged Gothic Armor (BO) to slow down enemies to a halt. The main downside is the armors can be potentially destroyed by explosions. Fully damaged Necroarmor seems like a fun way to drain out enemy HP, but isn't really all that viable.

Anyway, after goofing around in a lot of runs, I had a big mental swing on floor 7 of one run:

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Given that I was already invincible and on the floor just before Dis, this was the perfect setup! Once equipped, I still took the floor slow to eliminate any risk of dying. I definitely didn't want to have to repeat finding Dragonslayer. I set myself up with a great camping spot:

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As you would expect, everything got demolished.

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Gutts' Heart achieved and 41/43 medals reached! That just leaves Thomas's Medal and Dervis' Medallion. Funny enough, going for these will give me 2 rewards and 3 rewards, both for a total of 5! I think I'll try some Angel of Humanity Conqueror attempts soon. I watched through parts of Papilio's run on Ultra-Violence to pick up on some tricks. I actually didn't learn much besides the two-stepping trick against the Angel of Death, which will be super useful. Is it perfectly safe? The rest I picked up on was playstyle differences. I'm assuming others play a lot like him with blind firing and more inventory variety, but it's such a contrast to how I play DoomRL. I absolutely love using Intuition and Shotguns, and I'd rather not stray from that. Besides, it's done me well so far! :)

I did another thorough checking through the players on the boards here to see how others have done in collecting all the medals and badges. Tormuse and Papilio are the two best confirmed players by far and completely edge me out at the moment, while there are also VANDAM and 2Dev who I understand have some suspicions about their legitimacy. I also noticed Evilpotatoe and Thomas outdo me in platinum badge counts (especially Thomas at 25/26!), and Appuru who has at least 3 angelic badges. There are also Ridonk and Fanta Hege who may be ahead of my counts, though I can't confirm that. Who knows what lurkers out there have too, and there are possibly players out there with 42/43 or 43/43 medal counts.

Now mind you, I'm not playing strictly to compare myself to others, but as I'm getting further and further ahead with badges, it's nice to know what to expect in terms of difficulty for the rest. Matching their achievements also makes for nice short-term goals, and like I've mentioned before, perhaps firing up some activity and friendly competition! :) My end goal is still to get absolutely 100% in everything, but I have no clue how long it will take me to get some of the scary angelic badges. Some other active players to bounce ideas off with or to motivate each other in progress could be very helpful. I'm also more than happy to help out anyone who wants some tips or to share strategies with for anything I've done so far! :D

I think my next focus will be Angel of Humanity as a Conqueror, but it's quite the challenge it would seem! The main advantage is that I can play on Hey, Not Too Rough, so I have a lot more control on each level, but a full game with basically no mistakes will be tough. Unholy Cathedral, Limbo/Mortuary, and Abyssal Plains in particular will require lots of careful planning and strategizing!

Discussion / Re: The Journey to 100%
« on: October 29, 2017, 08:05 »
Day 52:

After some more attempts on beating Nightmare under 20 minutes, I started going for a different badge. I decided to try for Scavenger Diamond Badge by using the Azrael strat. It's a bit difficult to get a start with Angel of Berserk+Overconfidence, but I've really learned the power of RunWait in secluded areas, particularly with a door outwards. I'm finding DoomRL is much easier when you let enemies approach and you retaliate, rather than vice versa. You take so much less damage when you get the first attack against most of everything.

Anyway, I had numerous runs past Unholy Cathedral, but the main difficulty is having 3 Med-Packs before entering the Vaults. Eventually though, I got this start:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Berserk + Invulnerability lined up + Phaseshift Armor (A) + Chainsaw (A)! Level 4 in experience too with 66% towards level 5. I actually opted to use Hellrunner inside the Unholy Cathedral because it would mean I could outspeed the Angel of Death. I tried the long Knife strat around the whole building, and then a shorter more riskier one around the pillars inside, but it takes forever. Now, I'm a patient player, and if this were a situation where I couldn't immediately regain what I had in the run, I would absolutely continue throwing knives at him, but while this run had a strong start, it wouldn't be that difficult to get a pretty good one again. I chose the optimal decision based on series of runs, and not just this particular run. Got to be thinking deeper than just face value. ;)

After I grabbed Azrael's, I had an initially scary, but ultimately awesome floor 2:

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Using RunWait with most enemies wanting to attack, they got turned inside out fast. Once the floor was clear, I found a couple Med-Packs, plus a Soulsphere!

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So literally all I needed to do was dive into the Vaults and got this on floor 3:

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Ohhhh! Now, I did think for a moment that because I still had 100% kills and an awesome run going, that I could be trying for Gargulec Cross, but I decided that since I had a guaranteed diamond badge, which would be my 15th for the ranking promotion, that I wouldn't risk it. The main factor is because I got Hellrunner early on, I blocked Vampyre.

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With cautious tactics upon entry and 3 Med-Packs, I could use Azrael's 4 times, which is enough to kill everything. After that...

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Umm????? I was still hearing a Revenant in the centre vault? I thought for a moment that maybe Azrael's Scythe has a range limit or something, but that's not right, and then I realized what happened.

So the first two Whispers of Death kill Revenants, and then after the fourth, the Archviles die. Which means that between that in that very small window of time, one of the Revenants got revived. :( Literally, if I had one more Med-Pack, that would mean I'd have enough damage to kill him, which super sucks since I dove right down the stairs on floor 3. I was extremely disappointed in this. On top, I couldn't get 100% kills now either. I did have a Shockwave Pack though and not knowing what I was even looking for, I check the left vault, but unsurprisingly found nothing:

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I spent the time to finish the run to at least get Berserker Platinum Badge, which is nice I guess, but since I'd be going for Gargulec Cross eventually anyway, it's kind of irrelevant.

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I decided to try some more with my new knowledge. The plus side is that for sure I would need just 4 Med-Packs. I got to this crossroad in another solid run after many attempts:

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I found Malek's Armor right away, had Vampyre, and was in good health, but only 3 Med-Packs. I could try again for The Vaults, or I could skip it and get Gargulec Cross. After some time deciding, I went for The Vaults, in hopes I could kill everything before a Revenant gets revived again:

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Thankfully, it worked this time! One of my 3 "Med-Packs" was the Chainsaw boost, which I used first. I'm pretty sure it doesn't affect the speed of using consumables, but because of dropping the Chainsaw and picking it up takes longer than just healing, I did that first. I went on to continue the run by abusing RunWait and murdered everything. In the rare cases I'd get hit, mostly when a group of monsters would come knocking on my door, Vampyre covered for damage. It's honestly a sick strategy, and I might consider using it more in regular games! The fact that it blocks Hellrunner, Eagle Eye, and Intuition isn't a big deal when you're just camping anyway.

With 100% kills, I also got my Gargulec Cross! :)

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Some tips for those trying for Scavenger Diamond Badge with this same strategy: I really recommend going with Brute x3 -> Berserker, rather than Brute x2 -> Berserker -> Brute, because you really need to be sure your attacks are hitting when you're hiding. The more damage you take, the less Med-Packs you'll have. Berserker isn't super helpful either when you can kill most enemies in 2 hits anyway. For the Unholy Cathedral, use the Chainsaw boost just before fighting the Demons, because all those kills with Berserker will give you enough of it for the fight against the Angel of Death, and again, you want to reduce the damage you take by as much as possible. After that, the rest of the run is pretty basic and straight-forward.

At this point now, I only need angelic badges for rankings promotions! It'll be tough, but I can definitely get 1 more for the next promotion, and as said before, since it seems most of the 2nd/3rd tier of players are at 2 angelic badges, it'll be a good way to demonstrate to myself my progress by reaching above! Hopefully, it can motivate some more activity too! :)

After all the annoyances with grinding for a diamond badge, I took it easy with one of the funnest platinum badges I was missing with Daredevil Platinum Badge, while mixing it with Max Carnage.

I actually didn't take any screenshots it seems, but it was a pretty normal game. Although not intended, I collected all the traits needed for Gunrunner, and decided to try it out (literally my first time ever), and while it seems to be somewhat popular, I really don't like it. It conflicts with my style of slowly killing all the enemies, but when you're running around and alerting everything, you'll set off a horde after you. I also don't like the idea of running around in front of enemies where it would be useful too. It's decent for crazy starts, but I literally had Phaseshift Set and Max Carnage, and didn't like it. I'd rather have more control in my gameplay. The extra run duration is alright though, but again, I'm usually already covered by the time it would normally run out anyway.

The most annoying thing I didn't realize was it blocked Whizkid. I had two Firestorm Packs which I was going to use for my Plasma Rifle, but went with Gunrunner first. Oops.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Another solid day of progress! I'm going to focus on collecting more of the missing easier stuff like Gutts' Heart and some platinum badges before trying more for difficult diamond and angelic badges.

Discussion / Re: The Journey to 100%
« on: October 28, 2017, 08:23 »
Ammo crates are pinkish, and armor crates are yellowish.

I actually do intend to watch your videos when I'll need to study some more. :P I have watched bits and pieces of them, and watched through part of your Everyman Angelic Badge run.

I forgot that Angel of Purity blocks Invulnerability, so yeah, Inquisitor Angelic Badge is not immediately happening, lol. I was thinking I could just grind for luck, but it's going to take a lot more than that.

I think I'll try for Pacifist Angelic Badge sometime and see how it goes.

Day 51:

After rotating some more with diamond badges, I've decided to grind for UAC Diamond Badge, which would also earn me UAC Platinum Badge. It's very challenging and I've only had a couple runs past Babel. The main issue is that I can't really abuse Dodgemaster against the Cyberdemon because of the time constraint, which is proving to be a problem. Generally, I attack with Chainsaw, but I essentially need Invulnerability and Berserk to get the kill. I've started going with Intuition x2 -> Hellrunner x2 -> Brute instead of Dodgemaster, but I'm now also considering going for an earlier Berserker.

No screenshots this time since UAC Diamond Badge is a rush. :P

I'm not a huge fan of this challenge since it forces me out of my slow, defensive style, so I've just been grinding for luck. Hopefully, I can get it soon and be done with speedun challenges. I have no clue how Speedunner Angelic Badge is like, mathematically possible without tens of thousands of runs. It'll certainly be the last badge I ever earn.

Discussion / Re: The Journey to 100%
« on: October 27, 2017, 15:27 »
Day 50:

Despite quite a bit of effort before, Hunter Diamond Badge came quickly after just a few more tries. The run wasn't very remarkable, just lots of luck with nearby stairs and Invulnerability. I also was able to grab the Nuclear BFG, which lead to an interesting ending:

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Literally gained 5 levels, lol. :P Anyway, while I could have potentially just found the staircase and nuked Dis, there's of course a small chance I wouldn't find it and get killed by all the Mancubi, not to mention it might have been hard just getting on the stairs with them all around. By nuking floor 7 instead, I was only left with fighting the Spider Mastermind, which I'm very confident in doing safely, and because all the experience levels came just before that, I could pump out all traits that would be beneficial. I'd say doing this is a fairly obvious decision, but it's still a fun scenario!

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

After that, I rotated a bunch of diamond badge challenges, but wasn't able to earn the sought-after 15th. Once I get one more, I won't need any diamond badges any more for ranking promotions, and will just need more angelic badges. I'm still going to collect them all, but there's less immediate obligation to do so. I'm confident I can earn most of them, just that none of them are cakewalks anymore.

With no luck there, I played a game for Daredevil Platinum Badge, which I found pretty easy. I didn't end up earning it though because I rolled an Arachnotron cave and was quickly melted to ashes. :(

Anyway, I'm sure I'll earn another diamond badge soon. I'm curious though what you guys think would be the next easiest angelic badge after Shottyman and Lightfoot? I'm wondering how difficult Inquisitor and Quartermaster are, as they don't seem as totally insane as the others. I'm also curious about Pacifist, since I could play it on Hey, Not Too Rough difficulty. It'd be a grind for sure, but I can do grinds. Any advice?

Discussion / Re: The Journey to 100%
« on: October 26, 2017, 15:30 »
Here's that particular mortem, Tormuse:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Day 49:

Massive progress today! I've been pretty excited to share it all! :D

I started off digging more into the coding because I was curious about ammo and armor crates and what their probabilities are for each item. Here are the listings:

Ammo Crate
30/40 nothing
4/40 10mm Ammo
4/40 Shells
1/40 Ammo Chain
1/40 Shell Box

Armor Crate
45/60 nothing
4/60 Green Armor
4/60 Steel Boots
4/60 Small Med Pack
1/60 Blue Armor
1/60 Large Med Pack
1/60 Protective Boots

So given each 2x2 block of crates, you'll on average get one item. The information doesn't really change much about strategy or approach, but is nice to have solid numbers. I'd argue that a 1 in 20 chance for a big ammo box is pretty good.

I also dug into how the medals and badges get rewarded. The most infamous oversight is Destroyer Diamond Badge, which requires getting the Untouchable Cross, which is not rewarded on Angel of Confidence/Overconfidence. However, the code itself only checks for damage taken, and not medal received, which is why we can abuse the dual-angel. I was curious if there are any others like that to make some of the more difficult medals and badges easier, but I haven't found anything. I'll study every one I go for to get a precise idea of what the game wants though.

However, one interesting find I did see is Lightfoot Badges:

Code: [Select]
if player:has_won() then
if DIFFICULTY >= DIFF_HARD                                        then player:add_badge("lightfoot3") end
if DIFFICULTY >= DIFF_VERYHARD  and statistics.game_time <= 20000 then player:add_badge("lightfoot4") end
if DIFFICULTY >= DIFF_NIGHTMARE and melee_tot == 0                then
if ARCHANGEL then  player:add_badge("lightfoot6") end

Basically, you can get Lightfoot Diamond Badge while playing on Archangel of Travel, and not just Angel of Light Travel. I'd almost argue doubling up with Lightfoot Angelic Badge is easier since the extra 10% speed bonus is so powerful, and is a pretty good trade-off for just 3 more inventory slots. That said, Angel of Max Carnage + Light Travel could make up for carrying less ammo.

In any case, this meant I'll be getting an unexpected diamond badge!

One more discovery (which is super embarrassing) is the Phobos Anomaly portal is always open. I usually kill everything and pull the Bruisers back, and thought it being open was only on Angel of Pacifism. I've literally thrown some runs fighting the Bruisers in the back corners, being completely oblivious to the fact that I could just be leaving. After that, I decided to check the coding for stairs in Babel, but those are indeed only there on Pacifism, lol. I'm really not sure how I was always thinking it was closed. :P

After more attempts at Archangel of Light Travel, I finally got a great run, starting with an Invulnerability on floor 7:

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And another on Deimos 1. I was able to get through most of the episode while Invulnerable.

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I read some posts about players beating up the Cyberdemon with the Chainsaw, and then avoiding the melee kill afterwards. I wasn't keen on the idea of running into him, so I went with Dodgemaster abuse and slowly killed him with a regular Shotgun. I loaded up on shells beforehand and it was a breeze.

On Hell 1, I had yet another Invulnerability. This is usually the most important one in the run, since it's right after emptying out basically all of my ammo:

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I made it far into the episode and came across a nuke!

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To the right there is Limbo, meaning I had an opportunity to go for a full win and grab yet another diamond badge! I considered it for awhile, but ultimately decided not to. The two reasons were that it's possible I'll need every bit of Invulnerability to survive up to Dis, and I was also concerned with getting bounced around in the corner of Limbo due to high monster density.

I made it to Dis and blew up the Spider Mastermind, went to fight JC again, got destroyed, and got my second angelic badge!

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I've now matched what most players have as their angelic badge count! The other nice thing is the first promotion with those badges is at 3, so it'll work out as a way to flaunt my progress more. :) I'm not sure which one I'll go for, but it won't be for awhile anyway.

While I did luck out a lot of my run, there were a lot of tactics and strong gameplay. I've been improving a lot more in all the micro details and interesting situations the game throws at me. I had one scenario in particular where I was stuck in a U-shaped section of a maze level filled with barrels, and having a Chaingunner and Revenant pursue me from opposite sides. Being low on health, I couldn't get hit by either or the barrels, and there was no good angle to hit only the Chaingunner. Moving would also result in barrels getting destroyed in basically every case. However, I found a solution by pushing a particular barrel to force the Revenant to go around for 1 extra step, making the Chaingunner move, and giving me a better position for the kill. Little things like that have helped immensely!

I've also started to use the minimap again. After struggling a bit on Archangel of Travel, it was pretty annoying to not be able to use all the Berserks in Chained Court since it messes with Intuition. Is it possible to move its position lower into my HUD?

Anyway, despite all that, I kept going for more! My next goal would be getting a full win on Nightmare, which I planned on doing with a double nuke strategy. I figured it wouldn't be too bad to grind for; I'd need Invulnerability before Limbo, grab the Nuclear BFG, get lucky to find a Nuke, and likely need one more Invulnerability for the ending. If that failed, I was playing on Max Carnage for a backup strat against JC.

My run started off strong:

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Even stronger than I thought:

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On floor 2, I found a Tracking Map, which revealed the much needed Nuke! The challenge however was it was surrounded by enemies and directly adjacent to a barrel:

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With careful movements and patience, I was able to safely grab it:

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Floor 3 offered another Invulnerability, but what I had left of my first two was phasing out:

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Carefully dancing around with an Archvile, I managed to grab it before it was destroyed:

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I used a Homing Phase Device to jump over far in floor 4 since both staircases were nearby:

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I saw a replacement Homing Phase Device, and very carefully managed to grab it. Seriously, look at the enemies in the room I was dealing with!

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Limbo was nice to me with basically no enemies nearby and an empty upper-right island:

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My Invulnerability ran out before I left:

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The game was nice to give me yet another Invulnerability, but once again, I had to earn it:

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On my way out, I found another Homing Phase Device, which meant I had enough to immediately leave to the end:

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Floor 6 had no additional Invulnerabilities, so I left right away, but floor 7 did:

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Again, look at that enemy pile-up! I still managed to grab it, meaning I had the game won at this point!

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A new promotion and I got another double badge (this one I didn't expect lol)! Now obviously, I got super lucky that the game gave me all the tools I needed, but almost all of them were not gimmes and I had to earn them! I'm honestly more happy to very clearly see my skill level improving moreso than the badges themselves. :P

Still, I wasn't satisfied yet and kept going.

My next target was Longinus Diamond Badge. Since I wasn't allowed to use Brute, Eagle Eye is the clear choice for this challenge. I figured that with enough attempts with Angel of Overconfidence that I would eventually get it. I played a bit with a few strategies. I thought at first that Scout on Max Carnage would be the way to go, since I could use Intuition instead, grab an Invulnerability, and hack away at the Angel of Death. Funny enough though due to his massive armor, the Chainsaw from Angel of Berserk is more damaging, while I'd also be taking less in return. And given that, it makes more sense to play as a Marine for the extra powerup duration. So the plan was to find an Invulnerability and Unholy Cathedral, and hopefully score a win.

On my first successful start, I brought the Angel of Death down to "almost dead", but got finished off. I saved my Chainsaw Berserk effect for when I reached him, but realized it makes more sense to use it for the Demons to kill them faster, and ultimately have more time with Invulnerability. So I tried for some more runs.

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I made one minor mistake of sawing the door rather than opening it, meaning I had less corpse disposal with the Demons. They fortunately never respawned though.

The Angel of Death got torn apart:

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Very easy and I had Large Med-Packs to spare! I strongly recommend using this strategy when going for this badge. The grind for a start is a bit tedious, but once you get a nearby Invulnerability, Unholy Cathedral is cake.

Of course though, I'm insatiable.

My next target was Hunter Diamond Badge. This one is pretty straight-forward; Angel of Darkness + Overconfidence, visit each of the 4 levels, then kill the Spider Mastermind. The only major source of luck needed is Invulnerability or a Homing Phase Device before Limbo/Mortuary since the other three can be immediately exited. I also use Intuition x2 as usual, which is good enough for Dis. Finding the stairs is pretty much all luck though, but the massive experience points gained with Nightmare + Darkness + Overconfidence helps a lot. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to complete the challenge last night despite some runs to floor 7, and had to settle with a mere 5 badges. :P

That was definitely the final night I'll ever gain that many badges in one day, although Speedunner and Demonic Angelic Badges basically count for 70 a piece. ;) I've learned a lot, improved a lot, gained a lot, and still have so much fire to keep going! I'm on the cusp of catching up to many great players, which is really exciting! I'm also confident about getting many of my missing medals and badges, whereas just about a week ago I was intimidated and didn't think I'd be ready for Nightmare.

I'm having a blast and a craving for more!

Discussion / Re: The Journey to 100%
« on: October 25, 2017, 10:51 »
Day 48:

Going for Lightfoot Angelic Badge is a great challenge, but much easier than I anticipated. The 30% speed bonus is a huge help!

It took me awhile to get a solid strategy for Phobos Anomaly, but generally what I do is open the door, grab a Large Med-Pack, both Large Health Globes, then dive and close the other door. Dodgemaster helps. For the Bruisers, it's very helpful to approach forward and centre to lure them inward before looping around to get to a safe corner.

Ammo is obviously quite tight, but Shotguns still work great, and the boosted speed makes combat easy enough where you aren't taking much damage most of the time.

On my best run, I had stacked Invulnerability at Deimos 7, and then:

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From this point, I was pretty much guaranteed the badge by dumb luck. However, a completely unexpected problem came up:

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Ugggggh...... :( When moving around, I accidentally bumped a Zombieman of all things and not only did I swing at him and not only did I hit him, but I also killed him. I was hoping that maybe it wouldn't count?

I grabbed the Nuclear BFG from Limbo and went all the way to JC (like I said, massive stack of Invulnerability):

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It did eventually run out though and I was killed.

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And no badge. :(

After that I tried some more runs, but they didn't work out for one reason or another. Like I said, this badge isn't too bad to get and doesn't require that much luck, so I should get it soon. Still, I was pretty frazzled by losing my basically won run to a really stupid mistake. I'll be sure to avoid repeating that. :P

Discussion / Re: The Journey to 100%
« on: October 24, 2017, 13:36 »
Thanks! I actually browsed around for players to see how everyone stacks up, and it seems there's a clear gap between the top four players (VANDAM, 2Dev, Papilio, Tormuse), and everyone else (Sereg, Evilpotatoe, myself, and others). I'd like to get myself in between that gap and onward, hopefully motivating more people to play! :) It'd be interesting to see the full medal and badge counts by everyone, but there are many players who don't list all their stats. I'm sure there are lots of great lurkers as well.

Day 47:

Adding onto what I said above, I decided it's time to go for my first angelic badge! The easiest one by far seems to be Shottyman Angelic Badge, which perfectly fits my playstyle too. On top, I planned on getting the Shottyman Diamond Badge as well, which interestingly is harder to get when playing with Angel of Overconfidence. :P My plan was to create a setup where I could safely kill a Shotgun Guy hundreds of times until I had a high enough kill rate to ride out until the end, as well as all the ammo I could ever need.

My first attempt had this setup:

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And here are my stats just as I was about to enter floor 2:

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While I was early into the game, with the ammo I had, Intuition x2 + Hellrunner x2, and the Scout's awesome natural abilities (so much better than playing Marine), I should be fine.

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Unfortunately, the Invulnerability was a bit protected, and I didn't have any source of healing. It was possible it was in another room as well, so I didn't risk getting it. On floor 3, I was greeted with this:

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Not good. Then on floor 4...

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:( It's a pain to spend the time to get the kill rate high enough, only to get bad luck and killed.

I repeated this strategy two more times, and I had atrocious luck each floor afterwards. Very annoying. One of them had me start near the very bottom-right corner, in a room filled with Revenants and Archviles, giving me literally no option to handle the situation.

The issue though is Shotgun Guys are kind of rare for being this deep into Hell on Nightmare, but because stairdiving is (usually...) very easy, I decided to grind until I had a floor 7 with them of which I could do the setup. Eventually, I got one:

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I had two setup perfectly and a nuke for the Spider Mastermind ready too, but because I grabbed a Tracking Map, this took forever. Interestingly though as time goes on, the probability of respawning enemies increases. I'm not sure if there's a cap on this, but if there isn't, the entire collection of enemies on a floor would respawn every 10s; very scary! Towards the end of my grinding, I was getting double spawns almost every time, and quickly too. It still took some time.

After that, I nuked Dis and got my first angelic badge!

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It seems that every great player outside of the top 4 have only 2 angelic badges, so I definitely want to get there too. I think the next easiest one would be Lightfoot Angelic Badge, and Archangel of Travel actually seems like super fun too! I'll give it some effort and hopefully it goes well!

Discussion / Re: The Journey to 100%
« on: October 23, 2017, 07:59 »
Yeah Tormuse, having not just one, but two Dragonslayers spawning directly in my sight at the start of the game, during which I'm not able to get them at all, especially after just strategizing on how to get them was hilarious and irritating. :P

Day 45:

More attempts for Inquisitor Diamond Badge!

On a decent run to floor 4, I had mostly Formers on the left-side of the level and through a pair of rooms, I came across a pair of Homing Phase Devices:

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I got a little excited thinking that this run suddenly had great potential to make it to Dis. Unfortunately, I had terrible staircase luck again where I cleared out the wrong side. Keep in mind, this is also on a floor with 2 staircases, and with Homing Phase Devices, I could have easily accepted Limbo/Mortuary:

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I carefully explored a good chunk of the area, but was running out of safe options:

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So I used one of the Homing Phase Devices:

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Here's an interesting crossroad I had:

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As nice as having a nuke is, I went for the stairs since I can still kill the Spider Mastermind anyway. The run, unsurprisingly didn't work out though.

On another run, I had a Pain Elemental cave, which is something I would later have many more times:

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These floors are pretty much the only ones that can be consistently cleared. They're the only ones I ever did anyway. They're great for experience, good chances of extra items, as well as time to buff up for the next floor. The only downside is they cost a fair amount of shells.

This particular run continued some more and I had a very nice setup despite the area being an Arachnotron cave:

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Unfortunately, I lost control of the situation:

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The run managed to keep going, and I found a nice pair of items:

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This was my first run to floor 6, but the game put a crashing halt to that with a terrible starting position:

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On another mostly unmemorable run, I got to floor 6 for the second time, and got this:

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Suddenly, things got very tense as I had a very real shot at a completion. The game then decided to spawn me on the far right side of a maze for floor 7...

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With the barrels all over and an acid river, I was actually able to create myself a safe haven:

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The other cool thing is from my angle, I had an Archvile corpse in the front of the other side, with an acid pool behind, creating an awesome spot to destroy corpses! So I slowly lured out enemies and fired away, killing a ton of them:

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I ran out of ammo though, and I needed to save my bullets for the Spider Mastermind, so I started to get worried about what to do. I waited for several minutes to let enough monsters pile on over to the right side of the floor where they can't get me, including a few Archviles sounds in the background, and I ran across the river:

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I was stuck, so out of desperation, I decided my best option was a Phase Device:

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I got very lucky with this and kept going, I went around a corner and got blasted a couple times, now with the stairs in sight!

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I was running out of options here. If I ran away, I might get swarmed, and if I fired back, I'd run out of ammo. I considered using my Rocket Launcher, but I was worried about knocking enemies towards me, blowing up cover, etc. After a bit of time thinking about everything, I decided to run for the stairs and hope for the best.

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Literally died one tile away from reaching the Spider Mastermind. :( If I had entered there, I would have easily won the game. If only I had gone around the corner from the bottom side that would have worked. Or if the floor 7 was even just a tiny bit nicer to me and gave me the stairs around the area I actually explored, I could have made it.

Heartbroken but not undetermined, I kept going.

Not too long after, I had another run to floor 5, but then the game decided to put an end to that:

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In yet another run to floor 5, I actually got a nice break:

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Floor 6 wasn't too particularly awful and I managed to find the stairs not far away. Yet another floor with triple Invulnerability I couldn't use:

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Floor 7 starting with stairs in sight...!

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Here we go boys! On my second run to floor 7, I actually made it to Dis! Now, as I had planned, I had around 465 bullets to use with my Combat Pistol against the Spider Mastermind. I did have three Large Med-Packs if necessary, but I still took this super slow and safe. And I mean REALLY super slow and safe. I would wait and cornershoot the Spider Mastermind once, then run back, taking absolutely zero risk. This took close to half an hour, but I'd much rather do this than potentially be playing for this badge for who knows how many more hours.

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I got the badge! And reached Chaos Major! This was a huge relief and extremely satisfying to get!

I want to go over some tips about going for this badge since it seems almost nobody has it, but it's way easier than people make it out to be. For the most part, this badge is a lottery, so you have to accept that beforehand. If you wear your heart on your sleeve with your emotions, you'll fall apart after every good run dies. I had one run die on floor 7 as I wrote about, a couple die on floor 6, and probably a dozen or so on floor 5. That's just how it goes when you're pushing your luck so much.

I'd argue that this badge is far more mental than technical. You have to keep focus and stay patient. Every single turn and action can be the difference between life and death, so you have to play carefully once you get a nice run started. I also strongly recommend always going for the stairs once you see them. I had a fair number of good starts die because I got greedy for extra items. Even if you can't hear monsters in the direction of where you're going, others from where you came from can catch up.

I also believe that Overconfidence and Eagle Eye x2 -> Intuition x2 is by far the most viable way to go for this badge. With my strategy of killing the Spider Mastermind with the Combat Pistol, you need all the ammo because you'll often be firing in the darkness, missing your shots half the time, and you absolutely need to know where she is as well as having the increased accuracy from Eagle Eye. You can't expect to fire at her a few hundred times and not expect to avoid taking damage the whole time if you're waiting for her to appear in your line of sight. The only other way is nuking her, but adding another layer of luck to this strategy is not the way to go in my opinion.

All that said, this badge is still incredibly difficult, but is certainly overrated and many more people can get this. In total, I took 353 runs, which seems intimidating, but keep in mind that something like ~90% of those runs lasted about 10 seconds because I had a bad start. It's kind of hard to estimate whether I had good or bad luck in my run count because of all the variables, but I'd argue I was above average in luck in getting the badge in as many runs as I took.

Not sure what's next, but I'll continue progressing as usual! Time to make that signature! :D

Discussion / Re: The Journey to 100%
« on: October 22, 2017, 13:15 »
I'll make my signature once I reach Chaos Major. :)

For my Angel of Humanity game, I went with my usual Intuition x2->Hellrunner x2->Dodgemaster. I intend to keep using that for future runs as well.

Day 45:

I was thinking about "easy" diamond badges to get and decided to go for Eagerness Diamond Badge. I figured that with Angel of Overconfidence to help, I could just repeatedly try until I made it to the Spider Mastermind. I went with Eagle Eye x2->Intuition x2 for an easy fight at the end. After just a couple tries with lucky staircases and Invulnerabilities, I got it!

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Naturally, my next choice was Inquisitor Diamond Badge...

With Angel of Purity+Overconfidence and as a Marine, I have no source at all of knowing where the stairs are, can't cheese with Invulnerability, can't really heal, and can't even use Light Amps. It's kinda hard. :P Envirosuits work though surprisingly.

The thing is though, there is potential to get super lucky and just get a ton of nearby staircases, Homing Phase Devices, and other dumb luck, and with both the power of patience and grinding, I want to get this now. It'll also make for an epic 9th diamond badge for the "Chaos" prefix! :) Apparently, it's a rare badge too as the only players confirmed to have it are Papilio and Sereg, though perhaps others quietly have achieved it too. It's another reason I want to get it!

So far, I've pumped out 150 runs, the majority of which end on the first floor because of getting obliterated, or because I'm not happy with my start.

I'm quite sad I couldn't make use of these Invulnerabilities:

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Here's the game giving me the middle finger:

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I've made it to floor 5 twice so far, and once to Limbo (forgetting I can't use Soulspheres :P). This was my best run, but I had a nasty start and unfortunately, the stairs were on the wrong side:

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And here's the game giving me the other middle finger:

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Some minor strategies do exist based around the bonus levels. Of course, it's always wise to take the first staircase you find, but if you have the option to enter Unholy Cathedral, Vaults, or Lava Pits/Mt Erebus, they're great for a quick item buffer and setup. Also in the odd case where you have a Homing Phase Device by floor 4 and happen to find Mortuary/Limbo, they can be advantageous as the Homing Phase Device is still taking you to floor 5, but through the bonus level, you can grab a Red Armor and Large Med-Pack as well, potentially also a Nuclear BFG. The only downside is if you luck out finding the normal staircase nearby, you could instead be going to floor 6.

My plan when I actually do get to the Spider Mastermind is just the same cheesy cornershooting. With a Combat Pistol, Ammo Chain, and all the ammo in the Minigun, I have more than enough to slowly poke away at her health. This is nice because I can freely use all the shells I need on the other floors.

I intend to continuously grind for the badge until I get it. Hopefully, the luck comes sooner than later! ;)

Discussion / Re: The Journey to 100%
« on: October 21, 2017, 09:39 »
The Berserker's Armor isn't necessary for Gutts' Heart, though getting it for an Apostle kill with that method is definitely crazy. Max Carnage helps for that first Gutts' Heart strat, but it's still a long game of not getting hit too many times. More particularly, I'm not fond of fighting the Angel of Death in that kind of run.

Day 44:

Very exceptional day for progress! I had a rocky start going for Angel of Humanity as a Conquerer and got pretty far on one decent run. Deimos Lab was nice to me with its weapons:

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I also used a Run->Wait trick to take out the Arachnotrons with a Chainsaw:

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Run->Wait is so good for Deimos Lab! :D

Then after healing with a Large Med-Pack, I fought the Shamblers and got one-shotted:

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Pretty insane. I might have to hope for Hell's Armory to reasonably be able to complete this challenge. Again though, Angel of Death might be a problem on Angel of Humanity.

So after that, I decided to go for Reaper Diamond Badge, which is clearing Mortuary/Limbo on Angel of Confidence. My plan was to use the same Nuclear BFG strat as before, just with some extra stairdiving and such beforehand. On my run, I totally luckboxed it again by getting probably 8-10 Invulnerabilities through all the floors leading up, and even got Cyberdemon's Head lol:

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I was fortunate to roll Limbo, which is significantly easier, but the spawns inside were bad and I had an Archvile on the Nuclear BFG island:

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The issue here is I literally used all my ammo, so I only had my Nuclear BFG:

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As I was firing away to the other islands, I kept getting swarmed by Nightmare Cacodemons. I had to fight about 6 of them, all while letting my Nuclear BFG recharge. Dodgemaster saved the day, but it was pretty intense and scary. Fortunately on Nightmare, enemies tend to be more aggressive with attacking and not so much with movement, so I was usually able to recharge before they go too close:

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I took a few hits, but was lucky enough to have enough med packs to make it across:

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From there, it was just more clearing:

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I happened to get another Invulnerability before Dis and figured why not go for a full victory for a shot at another medal. It went about as well as you could expect. :P

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The next badge I went for was Daredevil Diamond Badge, which is just beating Overconfidence on Nightmare with 80% kills. This didn't take too many tries and basically was just getting to floor 7 with an easy enemy to repeatedly kill:

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I killed him several hundred times to get a high enough kill rate before fighting the Spider Mastermind. Thankfully, Run->Wait makes this so much easier than mashing Wait. :P I might not have tried it if not for that technique. Even just a hundred last time I did before was awful.

And with that badge:

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So now I'm just 2 more diamond badges away from getting the awesome "Chaos" prefix to my ranking title! I'm not sure which I'm going to go for yet, but I'll do some more rotating and hopefully get some luck. :)

Discussion / Re: The Journey to 100%
« on: October 20, 2017, 15:23 »
Sure thing Tormuse, I'll just nab a few angelic badges, don't mind me. ;)

I'm not sure what would cause a melee weapon to spawn in those bonus levels:

Code: [Select]
register_item "ubutcher"
name     = "Butcher's Cleaver",
color    = LIGHTGREEN,
sprite   = SPRITE_CLEAVER,
level    = 1,
weight   = 2,
desc     = "Now that is a BIG cleaver. Butcher them!",
firstmsg = "Aaaah, fresh meat!",

type        = ITEMTYPE_MELEE,
damage      = "5d6",
damagetype  = DAMAGE_MELEE,
group       = "weapon-melee",

Code: [Select]
local vault_weapon = { level = 20, type = ITEMTYPE_RANGED, unique_mod = 5 }

['a'] = { "floor", item = level:roll_item( vault_weapon ) },
['b'] = { "floor", item = level:roll_item( vault_weapon ) },
['c'] = { "floor", item = level:roll_item( vault_weapon ) },
['d'] = { "floor", item = level:roll_item( vault_weapon ) },
['e'] = { "floor", item = level:roll_item( vault_weapon ) },
['f'] = { "floor", item = level:roll_item( vault_weapon ) },
['g'] = { "floor", item = level:roll_item( vault_weapon ) },
['h'] = { "floor", item = level:roll_item( vault_weapon ) },
['i'] = { "floor", item = level:roll_item( vault_weapon ) },
['j'] = { "floor", item = level:roll_item( vault_weapon ) },

Most of every other weapon is itemtype_ranged except the melee weapons of course. Did you perhaps get one on an older version?

Also, I made an embarrassing mistake regarding the rewards on Hell's Armory and Deimos Lab. Onyx Packs can appear just like the others, just that they were listed last and past where I could see on my screen. :P I didn't notice the horizontal scrollbar and overlooked that bit.

The corrected information is Deimos Lab gives a random pair of regular packs and a random pair of special packs, all with equally probability. Hell's Armory gives a pair of regular packs and one random special pack. If you complete Hell's Armory without damage, one of the regular packs is replaced by a Nano Pack, unless the original special pack is already a Nano Pack, in which case, the extra is an Onyx. In simpler terms, you have a 50% chance of Nano+Onyx, 25% chance of Nano+Firestorm, and 25% chance of Nano+Sniper. That should be correct. :P

Schematics of course change the results, but they're not really important information once you've got all the assemblies anyway.

Another interesting piece of code I noticed was in Phobos Lab:

Code: [Select]
OnTick = function ()
if level.status == 1 then
if player.x < 12 then
ui.msg("The walls lower!")
generator.transmute( "wall", "floor", )
generator.transmute( "wall", "floor", )
level.status = 2
elseif level.status == 2 then
if player.x > 30 then
ui.msg("The walls lower!")
generator.transmute( "wall", "floor", )
generator.transmute( "wall", "floor", )
level.status = 3

I always wondered why that would happen.

Day 43:

I put my attention on Lightfoot Platinum Badge, and started grinding for it on the correct difficulty this time. :P It's pretty straight-forward; play with Max Carnage+Light Travel, get Dodgemaster before reaching the Cyberdemon, hold onto enough Shells, and stairdive away. I had a lot of great runs die though, some to silly mistakes, others to bad luck. In particular, I was getting killed by the same thing repeatedly:

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Funny enough, on my completed run, I found Acid-Proof Boots very early, though they didn't see any use.

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Next up will be more rotating on a few challenges. I also noticed that some of my remaining medals are carbon copies of platinum badges. I would like to finish off my medals page at some point, and I've been thinking of tackling Gutts' Heart, and I've got three strategies in mind:

1) Hell Arena Pwnage: This is the only way to guarantee a Dragonslayer, but requires beating Hell's Arena with 0 damage, surviving the rest of Phobos and Deimos, and then killing the Angel of Death, all on Nightmare. I'm not exactly keen on trying this strategy out.

2) Angel of Berserk+Overconfidence: I get a Chainsaw, have many extra sources of Berserk, and start on the first floor that the Dragonslayer can actually spawn on. The drawbacks is it's a little tougher to get a run started and I can't use other weapons as backup. This might be the ideal strategy to use.

3) I'm Too Young To Die Grinding: By playing on the easiest difficulty, I can waltz through the floors, collect a pile of gear, and basically be immortal with how deep into game I'm at now. The obvious downside is there's a lot of gameplay before even having a chance to spawn the Dragonslayer, though those extra floors can be used to clear out some of the uniques.

I won't be grinding for Gutts' Heart right away, but it's a pretty low-key challenge that I can do when I'm having a poor session, or to wind down after more difficult gameplay. I'd like to get it out of the way soon.

Discussion / Re: The Journey to 100%
« on: October 19, 2017, 15:35 »
Interesting bit on RunDelay. I did some testing myself and couldn't find any difference either, but that's likely because I play on tiles. I never used the Run command since I can just move the way I want to myself and figured it was just a convenient movement option for ASCII players. Also good to better understand actions/turns/seconds, etc. One minor thing I did in the floor above Phobos Anomaly was switch to a Blue Armor when I grabbed the Invulnerability, which may have been enough to make the difference. More importantly though, I learned a valuable lesson in a scenario where nothing major was at stake.

Also really cool to see the Apostle's colour! I assume he looks like a regular Archvile with tiles then? Congrats on your run there, Tormuse!

Day 42:

I actually didn't play as much since I got way too interested in digging through the source code. :D I'm not a professional by any means, but I've done some programming before and could figure out most of what's going on while I was reading through.

Some things I figured out:

The massacre/damaging levers do 20 fire damage. This is enough to gib Zombiemen, Shotgun Guys, Chaingunners, and also kill Imps, while everything else just gets damaged. Armor should be applied to this damage too.

On the wiki, Lost Souls' speed value is listed as "varies". When moving normally around, they have 100% speed, and when attacking, they technically don't change speed value and instead move in a pre-set charging manner. I didn't dig into the fine details of exactly how it works, though deeply analyzing the enemies' AI might be a good investment in the future when going for the ridiculous angelic badges.

Bonus levels that have randomly spawned weapons (Hell's Armory, Deimos Lab, Vaults) always spawn ranged weapons, so no melee ones.

When generating items in a level, the full list of uncollected uniques is added into total weight, which I believe would imply that as you continue to gain uniques, the chances of getting a certain other one improves. In other words for example, finding a Dragonslayer is easier if you've already collected several other uniques.

With the above two in mind, it's very useful to collect all uniques, even if you don't intend to use them so that you can remove their weight values from the item generation list. On top, if you're seeking a Dragonslayer, or other unique melee weapon, it's recommended to enter all these bonus levels to try and force out some of the ranged uniques. Lava Pits and Mt Erebus are good too to try and spawn unique armors and boots.

Deimos Lab's special mod packs are a pairing of Firestorm, Nano, and Sniper. If I'm understanding it correctly, you can't get Onyx from this level.

Hell's Armory spawns a random pair of regular mod packs, and then one of Firestorm, Nano, and Sniper. If you clear the level damageless, one of the regular mod packs is then replaced by a Nano Pack, unless the spawned special mod pack is another Nano Pack, in which case the bonus one is an Onyx Pack. In simpler terms, you're guaranteed a Nano Pack, and have a uniform distribution of the others (all 1 in 3).

Angel Arm doesn't work when your health is 10 or less (as mentioned before in this thread), but the game also won't prompt you when you try:

Code: [Select]
if being:is_player() and being.hpmax > 10 then
This also explains why I couldn't get it to do anything on my Angel of Humanity run awhile back.

Interestingly, Azrael's Scythe has its coding done a little differently:

Code: [Select]
OnAltFire = function(self,being)
if being.tired then
ui.msg("You are too tired to invoke the Scythe!");

Code: [Select]
being.hpmax = math.max(being.hpmax - 5,5)
The game will only check if you're tired or not, but will not decrease your max HP below 5. In other words, you can use Whisper of Death indefinitely. With enough Med Packs, you can pseudo-nuke a floor (I used this strategy for clearing the vaults by luck awhile back).


I'm pretty sure I've analyzed everything above correctly, but if anyone notices mistakes, let me know!

Following that, I did still play a bit and went for Reaper Platinum Badge. The plan was to grab the Nuclear BFG which took care of both my ammo and my corpse problems. I had one good run with triple Invulnerability before the stairs, but rolled Mortuary and lost control. Limbo is better as the enemies are more stranded.

On my next good run, I had a great start:

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And before the stairs, I had my first ever quadruple Invulnerability! Really insane! One of them was blown up, but I grabbed the other three, and fortunately also rolled Limbo! You can barely make out all four of them in my screenshot:

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I made it to the Nuclear BFG without it being destroyed, and started firing away:

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This badge is honestly really easy once you're properly setup. The only thing extra you'll need is some Med Packs when crossing the lava, but since there's one by the Nuclear BFG, it's not a big deal. The other nice thing is the distance from the switches to the far corners is short enough for the BFG shots to reach, so you never have to put yourself in danger. After patient killing, I cleared out Limbo on Nightmare!

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Nice to get another badge without too much time spent playing.

More to come as always!

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