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Messages - jake250

Pages: 1 ... 8 9 [10] 11 12
Requests For Features / Level Type additions
« on: November 22, 2005, 20:47 »
Destroyable walls make the maze nothing but obstacle to break through with your rocket. If the walls can't be destroyed, then it gives the maze a goal in itself.

Requests For Features / LAN Co-op
« on: November 21, 2005, 23:02 »
Maybe... everytime one of you make a turn the enemy make one, something like this, so all player can always move...

However it could be very annoying if people are just going mad and do not let you the time to react.

Maybe a limit on the differences of turn between both player should be here (so if I move 5 step and he didn't, I can't move anymore)

Or remove the ammount of move you can move each X second.

They are just idea thrown like that, maybe a good multiplayer could be made that way.

Requests For Features / New monster ideas
« on: November 21, 2005, 22:47 »
You are talking about the original doom 2 monsters, which will be added (it as been said somewhere else).

Discussion / Doom RPG
« on: November 16, 2005, 13:51 »
Yes. I do. If I have a Rocket or not, im pretty sure to lose soon when I see Hell Knight and Cacodemon. In fact, its the boring part.

If the double shotgun could take care of them like it does well in Doom I would like it better, and im not even sure if it does since I found this gun once or twice, even around lvl ...3 or so.

Its why I stopped... My life keep ending around there. Im tired of trying again and again, if they take me up close its the end, automaticly. I do not have enough fire power to take them before they deal 75+%, or I can do 75+ damage myself by blowing them with the rocket launcher at close range, doesn't realy matter.

This game IS good, its true, but its too hard.I just... can't do it.

Pre-0.9.9 / MP3 music improves gameplay and performance
« on: November 15, 2005, 13:47 »
Quoting: James
I find the mp3 music to be much more tolerable for long term play

Me too, and I don't need to lower the sound a LOT everytime I started the game (because in Volume Control it would go all the way up...)

Bug Reports / Bug - Item Drops
« on: November 09, 2005, 13:25 »
I dont know : I never saw item disapearing, EXCEPT on the first level, I killed the sergeant in the tight corridor and there was lot of stuff in front of him, and he didn't dropped his shotgun.

Otherwise never saw that. There must have been LOAD of stuff then.

Discussion / Funny thing at the Wall.
« on: November 08, 2005, 13:47 »
Quoting: LAN fan
Doesn't DoomRL have that feature where the demons fight each other if they get hurt by a demon not of their own species?

Yes, like Doom is suposed to be.
Quoting: Thomas
PS. Using a PD in the wall? SUICIDE!

Well, when I tried using a phasing device here I didn't even get past the wall.

BTW I hate the wall, the first time I made it out alive I think I destroyed the advanced rocket launcher ....... and lost like 2 large medpack and 6 small one..

Pre-0.9.9 / And YAVP
« on: November 06, 2005, 23:02 »
Quoting: jimmyj
Cool trick, James!!!

I don't want to seem offensive, but you are obviously posting to say nothing, only to make your post count higher.

thats why I was against rank, because you are ranked higher for posting "cool" everytime. Now don't get me wrong, I have nothing against you, but more against the rank you possess.

Some of your post say more and are worth posting, some aren't. In no way I am going to put rules here, but please find something usefull. When we get back, reading the new post, im generaly waiting that quite long load time to read something, to learn something, even if its off topic (like this post is), so you should at least try that, instead of posting 3 words per topic, everytime someone answered...

On topic, I don't "exploit" cateye, I guess its why I never finished the game. It would be more satisfying completing the game without this overpowered technique than with it...

Discussion / Common elements to victory
« on: November 06, 2005, 21:38 »
I hate the chaingun, I guess im a rapid fire weapon hater. I hate the rocket too, can't use it most of the time without damaging or kiling myself.

So I keep using shotgun, and I never made it pass an arachnotron. So I guess the shotgun ain't good then...

Pre-0.9.9 / After 3 overcharge bfg later... YAVP
« on: November 06, 2005, 17:05 »
More cyberdemon are killed, more noobish I feel.

You guys are real pro.

Pre-0.9.9 / I won finally
« on: November 05, 2005, 07:51 »
I dont think this will ever get "sequel", but simply load of addition :D

Everyone can do it but me I guess :( I have too much problem with the rocket launcher. Im not even sure I will ever complete the game because of this.

Anyway, happy for you :P Im sure I got 200+ deaths, but I didn't bothered waiting everytime... oh well...

Requests For Features / LAN Co-op
« on: November 04, 2005, 14:45 »
It would be relatively boring to wait every step the other make. If multiplayer ever make itself in DoomRL, it would need to work an other way.

Note that im realy not against that, I would love playing with my friends (ok, most of my friends think this game is the universe worse creation) but I still would love to play with other in Co-op.

Pre-0.9.9 / YAVP
« on: November 04, 2005, 03:22 »
Quoting: Corremn
Really? Besides showing it off to all your friends?? This game is full of suprises, not long ago I just found an interesting thing to do with the plasma rifle :-)

You guys are so inacurate... can't you say what you found? :P

Requests For Features / Just some requests
« on: November 03, 2005, 22:00 »
Quoting: Almafeta
Challenge: Stupid (start with no traits, don't gain new traits as you level up).

Well it could be in but I dont know if it would be "fun".
Quoting: Almafeta
Command: Use 'w' for Wear/Wield.

It would be nice, indeed.
Quoting: Almafeta
Feature: Silhouetted. +10 to be hit when your back's against a wall. Counts for monsters as well as humans...

Quoting: Almafeta
Healing: You would heal 1 HP every 10 steps for 50 steps after you got hit.

No, would force people to remove the fast action, and you could just walk in a circle a lot of time to regenerate.
Quoting: Almafeta
Monster: Zombies. Weaker than former human soldiers, but they're not generated one at a time, they're generated in packs of 2d6...

Im not going to disagree with that, lot of weak ennemies to beat down.. its always fun imo. And its still Doom (there are zombies in Doom 3 after all..)
Quoting: Almafeta
Monster: Zombie dogs. No melee, but they're at least twice as fast as you are

uh? The pinky are already zombie dog to me.
Quoting: Almafeta
Trait: Lucky. Attacks deal 5% more critical hits per level.

Im not sure..
Quoting: Almafeta
Weapon: Autoshotgun

Me want this! But it needs to be balanced.
Quoting: Almafeta
Request: Nods to the games Fallout (gauss pistols?), Quake (lightning guns), or Gamma World (death ray pistols, don't work on the undead).

Please NEVER include weapon that have no link to any doom at all. Im not the one who decide everything on that, sure, but I realy don't want any weapons coming from other game.

Discussion / I really like this game
« on: November 03, 2005, 13:48 »
Quoting: gabba
except that maybe you could add a key to cycle targets, as an alternate to moving the "crosshair" with the arrow keys.


Quoting: gabba
you just pick up the ammo from weapons of the same kind, and automatically discard/destroy the weapon itself.

Hold shift and press U when on a weapon with ammo to take its ammo, and not the weapon.

Quoting: gabba
Finally, what about dual-weild?

I wouldn't have problem with dual pistol, but dual anything else, no, it wouldn't be doom anymore.

Happy to see you liked it :D

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