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Messages - rekenne

Pages: 1 ... 8 9 [10] 11 12 13
Discussion / Re: After months of inactivity...
« on: December 03, 2008, 23:19 »
That is entirely the problem. There's been a good half dozen topics about this, I made one. >_>
The game flushes save data to file on proper close.

Requests For Features / Re: Trait Suggestion
« on: November 23, 2008, 11:59 »
Both are ... sorta lame. The first one is alright, but firing past your target is useful in a lot of situations.
The second one is all sorts of stupidly powerful. That, and we already have a trait that increases burst fire rate... And how would pulling the trigger faster even matter? It's a matter of holding it down, not pulling the trigger.

Just because they don't spawn on lava doesn't mean they can't exist on lava. So... Yeah, it still needs to be added in.

Pre-0.9.9 / Re: [M|98%|YAVP] The game spoilt me, seriously
« on: November 17, 2008, 19:32 »
You can pick it up, but you can't use it.

This reminds me.
There's no way to tell if a lava/acid square with something on it is acid/lava. If you look at the square, it just tells the item.
Has anyone else brought that up?

Pre-0.9.9 / Re: [M|YASD|92%] didn't kick his butt ...
« on: October 27, 2008, 23:33 »
There's no way to prevent taking damage, so TaN and Ironman are amazing. 10 extra max HP is +20% from norm - Another hit or two from most anything. TaN makes Arachnotrons and Commandos pathetic, tho it's probably the weaker of the two. But... Being in Red Armor with TaN 3 and taking only a few points of damage from an Arachnotron firing at you is amazing.

And, especially now that accuracy has been made more important, EE is amazingly useful. What's the point of all the SoBs in the world if you never hit? Unless you're going entirely shotgun, I suppose.

Pre-0.9.9 / Re: [M|YASD|92%] didn't kick his butt ...
« on: October 26, 2008, 19:11 »
Yknow. In my opinion, TriggerHappy is a hard sell. Sure, it gives you one extra shot, but it's worse than SoB, per feat. I'd rather go another level of EE or something to keep me alive longer - TaN or Ironman. Either of those are life savers.

Pre-0.9.9 / Re: [M|YASD|92%] didn't kick his butt ...
« on: October 26, 2008, 01:15 »
Really, you can beat DoomRL in the same amount of time as getting to Gehonnom for the first time in Nethack. DoomRL is the easiest RL out there that I've played, and I've played a good dozen or so. The entire point of RLs is exactly what you said - to gain experience and learn from your mistakes. The bonus levels are there just as that. You go into the bonus levels if you feel powerful enough or if you think they're worth it. Some do drain resources unless you're incredibly lucky. Some are a net gain.

Also - 100% kill ratio is only for levels you visit, not including bonus levels.

Finally, what do you want dodging to be based on? RLs aren't real time, it can't be like actual Doom. It has to be based on chance. Some games aren't going to win, even if you play perfect. That's just how the game goes. It's a Roguelike. If you find enough health, if you don't, it's based on the RNG. That's the entire point of the game.

Also, as a hint, there's really not much use for finesse. It's one of the lower tier skills. The only use, IMO, is gaining that last bleeding edge of speed as an Angel of Marksmanship.

Maybe not in a mod for DoomRL, but there are RLs that use SP and have pretty rich setups for hand to hand combat. Aiming at bodyparts could work pretty well, look at IVAN's combat.

It runs on Linux via WINE, which is a kludge answer.
And the OSX version is still in development ... And was supposed to have been out 4 months ago.

Really, this probably isn't an ideal way to develop a roguelike

Bug Reports / Re: Pressing @ with almost anything crashes the game
« on: September 30, 2008, 23:09 »
How weird. Works totally fine for me, in the case of a knife and pistol/green armor.

Off Topic / Re: Where did everybody go?
« on: September 30, 2008, 09:15 »
I'd give more, but the heady days of having a lot of money due to financial aid all spilling into my account at once have given way to the days of ".. Shit, need to not spend so much money" =/
Maybe once spring aid hits.

Discussion / Re: A couple questions..
« on: September 19, 2008, 10:12 »
That's a bug. It's the game crashing when there's an empty inventory. The saving bit is a feature to prevent bugs from killing characters. So... Both.

Also, SoaB does increase melee damage.

Berserk! / Re: Hooray for a new release!
« on: September 19, 2008, 10:06 »
A 40k RL would be amazing. Holy shit. Also: Would need Tau.

For the Greater Good!

Discussion / Re: Kornel, you did this to me!
« on: September 19, 2008, 10:05 »
DoomRL is balanced so perfectly.
Useless shotguns ?
Being able to miss 6 times in a row at point-blank range, whereas sergeants always hit ?
Dying on level 2 because you just "happen" to appear in the middle of lost souls pack ?

Doesnt seem that balanced to me. Not yet, anyway.

There's a difference between balance and coddling the player.

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