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Messages - Captain Trek

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Bug Reports / Re: Level 10 stairs unreachable....
« on: December 04, 2008, 17:49 »
3) the game is free, and I work on it for free, you can't expect commercial grade stability from it

Actually, yes, I do expect stability from the games I play, wether they've been created by one person or a team of professionals, as stability is one the essential things that makes the game playable... Many commerical games fall flat in this respect too, being just as unstable if not more so than DoomRL is... I mean, Battleships Forever was created by just one guy as well and it's almost perfectly stable...

...but as it is, the game is virtually unplayable (at least on Vista)... I do have other computers though, so tell me, is the game more stable on XP, ME or 98? I only ask because I don't want to try it out myself first, only to discover that I was wasting my time...

Bug Reports / Level 10 stairs unreachable....
« on: December 04, 2008, 02:26 »
So I decided to have a crack at Angle of Light Travel on HNTR and I was (as far as I was concerned) doing fine... I had decided to go down the dualgunner route so I could get away with carrying less ammo and by the time I had reached level 10 (a "hellish caves" level) and cleared out the few demons inhabiting it I had (including what I was wearing/wielding at the time) two intact suits of blue armour, two pistols (one modified with a weapon damage mod), a pair of protective boots, 2x 100 rounds of 10 mm, 1 x 80 rounds of 10 mm, three large med-packs, a rocket launcher modified with a reload mod, about a half-dozen rockets and an envirosuit pack...

But then I see this...

What... the... fuck? Now, my rockets can't destroy the walls, so that flight of stairs is offically unreachable (and in case you're wondering, no there aren't any homing phase devices lying around...)

Oh and while I was typing this and logging in to Photobucket to upload the picture, the program then decided to crash on me, even though it was idle... And then it turns out the game managed to salvage the game and I ended up on a completely different level ten (just a regular level, in fact, with no "level feelings"), with my envirosuit still active, the rockets I wasted still gone and me staring down a hell knight and a former captain on the far side of the room...

I'll say it again... What... the... fuck?

EDIT: OK, you really need to do something about these crashes... I kept playing through the same game and when I got to Phobos Hell 4 or 5ish, BFG9000 in tow, guess what? It crashed again! This time, however, I wasn't quite so lucky as last time and lost the game... I'm actually starting to get sick of this game... The constant "unlucky" deaths I can take... just barely, but I can take it, particularly now that I've figured out the two golden rules that make the game enjoyable to a degree (those being, pistols pwn and don't pull levers that are either near barrels or not near doors), but I find it rather hard to tolerate a game as remarkably unstable as this one is...

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