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Messages - BEEF

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Requests For Features / Re: Changing weapon bindings ingame
« on: April 05, 2010, 19:15 »
Yeah that would be more intuitive most of the time, but it leaves some ambiguities. If you have the Jackhammer and assault shotgun, which flips up when you press 4? Where does the Railgun bind? And you still have to use the inventory menu to wield a second pistol.

If that were the default behavior but custom binding was still allowed, that would be the best of both worlds, automatically taking care of the small stuff, but being flexible when necessary.

Requests For Features / Changing weapon bindings ingame
« on: April 04, 2010, 10:47 »
It would be helpful to be able to assign a particular weapon to its own quickkey during the game, for example, binding a missile launcher to 7.

Exciting uses for it:
  • Reduces disruptions to the flow of the game. If your tertiary weapon is exotic, you won't have to dig into your inventory to get it.
  • Makes changing weapons more convenient for dualgunners. Currently, if you start using a different weapon, you have to go through the inventory screen to start dualgunning again, since hitting 2 will just swap your weapons.
  • Makes juggler more useful. It allows the trait to work better with exotics and uniques, and it makes juggling several of the same type of weapon more convenient.

Without juggler, it doesn't have any in-game effect, it just lets you change weapons without having to go through a menu. With juggler, it might be a bit too powerful if the swap were still free (5 double shotgun blasts without delay, or unloading two BFGs in a row), so weapons with custom bindings might need a small delay, maybe .1-.2 seconds.

Requests For Features / Re: Minor lava lever changes
« on: April 03, 2010, 12:00 »
Sorry if I was unclear, I'm talking about two different things here. The first part is about the levers that have their own level feeling and flood the whole level, the second part is about the levers that have no message and only flood a single room. The "flood level with lava" levers are fine as they are, I'd just like them to have a more entertaining message when you use them. The "flood room with lava" levers are what will kill you without warning, if you happen to be unlucky enough to pull one before boots or large medpacks or phase devices or envirosuits start appearing.

And yeah, tying the minimum depth to difficulty level seems reasonable, just a little more complicated.

Requests For Features / Re: New Lever Effects
« on: March 30, 2010, 10:31 »
Opens all doors on level; 1 use, dangerous. No message.

Opens all doors on level on first use, closes all doors on second use, monsters caught in closing doors are gibbed instantly; 2 uses, beneficial. No message.

Creates up to 5 closed doors in legal spaces (space is orthogonally adjacent to exactly two walls on opposite sides, not orthogonally adjacent to another door, and does not contain a monster or non-corpse item); 1-3 uses, beneficial. Message: "You hear gears grind briefly, then stop."

Generates a 3x3 square of monsters at a random location out of LoS; 1-3 uses, neutral. Message: "You suddenly hear anguished moans in the distance..."

Restores 20 hp, up to 200%, and restores status to 'cautious'; 1 use, beneficial, only appears in Hell. Message: "A harsh red light surrounds you. You feel reinvigorated!"

Destroys a section of wall in a random part of the level; 1 use, neutral. Message: "You hear the sound of crumbling bricks." Plays the gibbing sound centered on the effect.

Also, any lever that creates objects in the room should have the message, "A secret is revealed!"

Requests For Features / Re: Minor lava lever changes
« on: March 30, 2010, 08:54 »
1) Think more along the lines of "This is so bad that I've forgotten how to swear." Really any flavor text would beat the current descriptive "Lava pours out of the floor." or whatever, I just think understatement would be funnier in context.

2) In other words, "It's not a problem that arch-viles spawn on level 2, if you don't want to die, just don't go to that side of the map!"

The potential benefits of levers should outweigh the risks or else they're not worth using, and this is a balance issue, not a "you're playing wrong" issue. I don't have a problem with levers being risky, I have a problem with them killing the player without warning or escape. Later on, lava levers can be escaped with a phase device, or a large medpack, or an envirosuit, or just having good boots, so they're an expensive risk but usually not fatal. Pull a lever on level 20, you might have to spend one of your large medpacks, or you might get your power modded red armor repaired to full. On level 2, you might gain 10 hp, or you might die. Not exactly comparable risk versus reward there.

I don't see a problem with acid flooding levers at any level, or lava flooding levers after protective items start being generated. "Flood whole level" levers are fine too, because you know exactly what you're getting into there.

Requests For Features / Minor lava lever changes
« on: March 29, 2010, 21:28 »
1) "Floods level with lava" levers should have a more interesting message than just "Lava floods up from the floor." Since acid already has the extreme "Oh fuck. OH FUCK!" lava should have something a little more understated, like "Whoops."

2) "Floods room with lava" levers shouldn't appear until level 6. That early on, they're more like "kills player" levers, which isn't terribly exciting or fun.

22 / [M|AoH|98%|YAVP] Need a pistol? Try the Mortuary.
« on: March 28, 2010, 12:20 »
 DoomRL (v. roguelike post-mortem character dump

 Weet, level 8 Hell Baron 1st Lieutenant, defeated the Cyberdemon
 on level 12 of the Phobos base.
 He survived 82676 turns and scored 51012 points.
 He played for 1 hour, 9 minutes and 19 seconds.
 He didn't like it too rough.

 He killed 359 out of 364 hellspawn. (98%)
 He held his right to remain violent.
 He was an Angel of Haste!

-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------

  Grim Reaper's Badge
  Runner Silver Badge

-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------


-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------

  Health 38/50   Experience 26198/8
  ToHit Ranged +4  ToHit Melee +4  ToDmg Ranged +2  ToDmg Melee +2

-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------

    Son of a bitch   (Level 2)
    Son of a gun     (Level 3)
    Eagle Eye        (Level 2)
    Dualgunner       (Level 1)


-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------

    [a] [ Armor      ]   Angelic Armor [7/7] (60%)
    [b] [ Weapon     ]   modified pistol (2d5) [5/6] (P1)
    [c] [ Boots      ]   plasteel boots [4/4] (100%)
    [d] [ Prepared   ]   modified blaster (2d4) [19/20] (T1)

-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------

    [a] modified rocket launcher (6d6) [1/1] (B1)
    [b] nuclear BFG 9000 (8d8) [40/40]
    [c] modified BFG 9000 (10d8) [130/130] (B1)
    [d] modified blue armor [4/4] (100%) (P)
    [e] red armor [4/4] (100%)
    [f] red armor [4/4] (100%)
    [g] red armor [4/4] (57%)
    [h] 10mm ammo (x44)
    [i] 10mm ammo (x100)
    [j] 10mm ammo (x100)
    [k] 10mm ammo (x100)
    [l] rocket (x4)
    [m] rocket (x10)
    [n] power cell (x30)
    [o] large med-pack
    [p] large med-pack
    [q] large med-pack
    [r] phase device
    [s] homing phase device
    [t] envirosuit pack

-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------

    57 former humans
    62 former sergeants
    11 former captains
    58 imps
    43 demons
    50 lost souls
    11 cacodemons
    15 barons of hell
    1 Cyberdemon
    12 hell knights
    16 arachnotrons
    2 pain elementals
    10 arch-viles
    4 mancubi
    7 revenants

-- History ---------------------------------------------------

  On level 3 he stormed the Chained Court.
  On level 6 he ventured into the Halls of Carnage.
  On level 8 he invaded the Unholy Cathedral!
  He fled the Unholy Cathedral seeing no chance to win.
  On level 11 he was foolish enough to enter the Mortuary!
  On level 11 he found the Angelic Armor!
  He managed to clear the Mortuary from evil!
  Then at last he found Phobos Arena!
  On level 12 he finally defeated the Cyberdemon.

-- Messages --------------------------------------------------

 Fire -- Choose target... 
 Fire -- Choose target... 
 Fire -- Choose target... 
 Fire -- Choose target... 
 Fire -- Choose target... 
 Fire -- Choose target... 
 Fire -- Choose target... 
 Fire -- Choose target... 
 Fire -- Choose target... 
 Fire -- Choose target... 
 You swap your weapon. You are hit!
 Fire -- Choose target... 
 You reload the pistol with 10mm ammo.
 Fire -- Choose target...   You hear the scream of a freed soul! You feel
 relatively safe now. Congratulations! You defeated the Cyberdemon!

-- General ---------------------------------------------------

 Before him 187 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
 147 of those were killed.
 5 of those were killed by something unknown.
 4 didn't read the thermonuclear bomb manual.
 And 16 couldn't handle the stress and committed a stupid suicide.

 Some rumours though, say that the Cyberdemon was killed already!
 Is he immortal? 15 souls claim to have killed him...
 1 sacrificed itself for the good of mankind.
 13 killed the bastard and survived.
 1 showed that it can outsmart hell itself.


I was gunning for Cateye but dropped that when I found a blaster hiding in a corner of some early-ish maze level and started picking up SoG instead, and it worked surprisingly well for the most part with only one gun. There were a couple tight spots here and there, but [remembering to use] the BFG pulled me through. The toughest was taking on the Unholy Cathedral with only a combat knife, followed immediately by an arachnotron cave where I only had one large and one small medpack, and an arachnotron was camping out by a large medpack that I couldn't afford to blow up.

After that, it was pretty smooth sailing until level 12, where I still had only the one blaster and there hadn't been any former humans for a while. I had to choose: do I face the Cyberdemon with just one pistol (and plenty of explosives), or do I hope a former human shows up in the Mortuary? Obviously, the Mortuary! I don't care about Angelic Armor or anything, I just want my starting weapon back!

I remembered the lessons I'd learned from the last time I took on the Mortuary, also on Angel of Haste. The main lesson was "don't go in if you don't have a BFG," so I made sure to blast shit to pieces as soon as I saw anything move. Running off to get the Nuclear BFG 9000 helped a little bit too, but my trusty blaster really held its own. With a firing speed of .24 seconds and +4 damage, I was knocking back arch-viles with every hit and killing barons before they had a chance to get off a second shot. And yes, I did manage to get that pistol I was looking for. In fact, I was so flush from my victory that when I faced the Cyberdemon, I completely forgot about my fully charged BFGs and just shot him with pistols a bunch. Whoops.

You'd still spend a full second in cautious mode, from using/grabbing the medpack/powerup. Honestly, I can see that as a drawback for using medpacks in combat, but it doesn't seem fitting for running over health globes.

Of course, if it doesn't set you back to cautious, it should still reset the run timer.

Requests For Features / Doodads and other flavor bits
« on: March 14, 2010, 12:16 »
Right now, "maze" and "maze of rooms" levels are pretty flavorless. I'm sure some things are planned to spice them up, but hey here's some more:

New doodads: Purely cosmetic flourishes, although they can signify other things. Computer terminals, pentagrams, statues, pipes, walls made of variously-colored materials, that kind of thing.
Windows: Walls that don't block LoS, passable to lost souls.
Self-opening vaults: Small rooms with one or more collapsing wall like in the Hellgate, holding a handful of monsters.
Wasted space: Rooms filled with wall, just to shake things up a little bit.
Storage rooms: Rooms full of barrels, passable but more dense than "this will be a mess" level feeling.

Requests For Features / Re: New Lever Effects
« on: March 14, 2010, 10:06 »
Acid/Lava pours from the ceiling!
Creates acid/lava as if a barrel exploded, without doing explosion damage. Flying enemies (or players) take damage if an environmental hazard is generated under them, since it falls on top of them. A weaker version of "fills room with acid/lava" that doesn't require the lever to be in a room.

Bug Reports / [] Nuclear BFG balks
« on: March 13, 2010, 21:43 »
Trying to shoot the Nuclear BFG 9000 on the Mortuary after clearing the level caused it to explode harmlessly in my face instead of shooting a projectile. It worked fine against enemies in sight, but I didn't think to try it out against enemies out of LoS.

Update: even if there are enemies on the level, the projectile still explodes on top of you unless you're looking at somebody.

Requests For Features / Re: New unique items
« on: March 07, 2010, 17:06 »
Chitin Armor
Unique armor
Description: All those spines and claws... did it just move?
Protection: 3
Move Speed: +5%
Knockback: +0%
Special: Adds 2d5 damage to your melee attacks. When you are hit in melee, deals 2d5 physical damage to the attacker, modified by both Brute and Son of a Bitch.

Shock Armor
Unique armor
Description: Shrugs off minor blows like bugs hitting a windshield. All that force has got to go somewhere, though.
Protection: 4
Move speed: -25%
Knockback: +35%
Special: If the armor would reduce an attack to less than 1 damage, that attack does no damage to armor or player. This does not apply while berserking.

Bug Reports / Stop hitting yourself!
« on: March 06, 2010, 18:59 »
I was punching a mancubus without Brute, and I guess he got bored because about halfway through I heard the demon melee scratch and got the message "You hit the mancubus. The mancubus hits the mancubus."

The other mancubus I punched to death a few levels earlier didn't do that, so it might have something to do with Fireangel.

0.9.9 / [H|91%|YAVP] Lots of luck, both good and bad
« on: March 06, 2010, 18:48 »
 DoomRL (v.0.9.9) roguelike post-mortem character dump

 Fraggo, level 10 Former Human Corporal, defeated the Cyberdemon
 on level 25 of the Phobos base.
 He survived 136784 turns and scored 142644 points.
 He played for 2 hours, 38 minutes and 30 seconds.
 He wasn't afraid to be hurt plenty.

 He killed 655 out of 715 hellspawn. (91%)
 He held his right to remain violent.

-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------

  UAC Star (bronze cluster)
  Hell Champion Medal
  UAC Silver Badge
  Scavenger Bronze Badge

-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------


-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------

  Health 60/60   Experience 46664/10
  ToHit Ranged +2  ToHit Melee +2  ToDmg Ranged +0  ToDmg Melee +0

-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------

    Ironman          (Level 1)
    Finesse          (Level 1)
    Tough as nails   (Level 3)
    Reloader         (Level 1)
    Eagle Eye        (Level 1)
    Juggler          (Level 1)
    Badass           (Level 1)
    Fireangel        (Level 1)


-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------

    [a] [ Armor      ]   nothing
    [b] [ Weapon     ]   nothing
    [c] [ Boots      ]   modified protective boots [2/2] (99%) (A)
    [d] [ Prepared   ]   advanced rocket launcher (6d6) [1/1] (B1T1)

-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------

    [a] double shotgun (8d3)x3 [2/2]
    [b] combat shotgun (7d3) [5/5]
    [c] BFG 9000 (10d8) [100/100]
    [d] blue armor [0/2] (11%)
    [e] shotgun shell (x8)
    [f] shotgun shell (x50)
    [g] shotgun shell (x50)
    [h] shotgun shell (x50)
    [i] rocket (x5)
    [j] power cell (x50)
    [k] power cell (x50)
    [l] power cell (x50)
    [m] large med-pack
    [n] phase device
    [o] envirosuit pack
    [p] envirosuit pack

-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------

    86 former humans
    96 former sergeants
    24 former captains
    143 imps
    62 demons
    121 lost souls
    17 cacodemons
    16 barons of hell
    1 Cyberdemon
    25 hell knights
    2 arachnotrons
    10 former commandos
    9 pain elementals
    6 arch-viles
    13 mancubi
    24 revenants

-- History ---------------------------------------------------

  He started his journey on the surface of Phobos.
  On level 2 he entered Hell's Arena.
  He left the Arena as a champion!
  On level 5 he stormed the Chained Court.
  On level 12 he ventured into the Halls of Carnage.
  On level 21 he entered the Vaults.
  He came, he saw, but he left.
  Entering level 22 he was almost dead...
  Then at last he found Phobos Arena!
  On level 25 he finally defeated the Cyberdemon.

-- Messages --------------------------------------------------

 You reload the rocket launcher with rocket.
 Fire -- Choose target...
   The missile hits the Cyberdemon.
 The Cyberdemon fires! You are hit!
 The Cyberdemon reloads his rocket launcher.
 You reload the rocket launcher with rocket.
 You use a large med-pack. You feel fully healed.
 You swap your weapons instantly!
 Fire -- Choose target...
 Are you sure you want to overcharge the plasma rifle? This will destroy the
 weapon after the next shot... [Y/n] You overcharge the plasma rifle!
 Fire -- Choose target...
   The missile hits the Cyberdemon. The missile hits the Cyberdemon. The
 Cyberdemon dies. You feel relatively safe now. Congratulations!

-- General ---------------------------------------------------

 Before him 1 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:

 Some rumours though, say that the Cyberdemon was killed already!
 Is he immortal? 1 souls claim to have killed him...
 1 killed the bastard and survived.


This was my first attempt at a mFa build, and my first HMP win in a standard game (this wasn't on my main computer so I don't have a billion deaths yet).

Nothing terribly interesting happened until early on in Hell, when I ran into a vile/revenant pack in a maze. I should have any trouble with them, because Fireangel lets me ignore damage when I dodge their attacks, right? I learned the hard way that you're not going to dodge as much as you'd like when you don't have any levels of Hellrunner. I manage to take them all out, but I'm reduced to 30% health with one large medpack and no armor. Time to make that 100% health with no medpacks nor armor. Sounds like a good time to check out the Vaults!

And the RNG agrees with me, popping the first unique of the game in there! Even better, I hear revenants and mancubi, which obviously can't hurt me because Fireangel! I pop a hole in the right vault and blow up the revenants as they come out, taking a couple of hits but usually blowing them up from out of sight. It's worth it to get the unique, which turns out to be... not in that room. Damnit. Just standard weapons and a pair of steel boots. Maybe in the right vault? Mancubus missiles are easier to dodge than revenant missiles, so I'll definitely be fine here. Or I would be if that asshole wouldn't shoot at me from out of my LoS. I run away, tail between my legs, with only 8% health left.

Next level is another maze, and the first thing I encounter is a Baron. Not chancing that, I phase to the stairs and find a big pile of demons around an acid barrel. RUN, RUN, then I blow up the barrel and take care of those demons. I've got a little bit of breathing space, so I can take a quick look for extra health, and find a large medpack before any monsters. That gives me enough confidence to keep looking for more, and I get another large medpack and one small. Good enough to keep heading down, even though I still need some armor.

Next level, I start next to a berserk pack and see a red armor by a napalm barrel by the top of the level. I grab the berserk pack before heading for the armor, in case something blows up the barrel, something like a pack of mancubi and archviles. Which is exactly what I find next to it. The mancubi keep hitting each other and I'm berserk, so I don't take too much damage in taking out the pack, but I still don't have any armor. I get my revenge by finding the last one and punching him to death (he managed to attack himself once in there, somehow.)

I rush to the bottom and only find a couple of blue and green armors on the way, but there's an invulnerability globe next to the stairs so the next part isn't any trouble at all. Too bad I didn't find any nukes at all.

Requests For Features / Re: Make Baron Armor more... Baron-y
« on: March 06, 2010, 18:05 »
I think it would be plenty powerful if the armor simply didn't lose durability to acid. You wouldn't be invulnerable when fighting barons, but you would effectively have a supercharged Onyx Armor. It would make acid barrels slightly less scary too, without replacing them with powder puff barrels.

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