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Messages - Turgor

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Berserk! / Berserk 7DRL - FINAL
« on: October 24, 2006, 21:48 »
Well, what can i say. Great job Kornel, it's playable, it's fun, it's addictive.

And all that within 7 days!

Berserk! / Berserk 7DRL - DAY 4
« on: October 21, 2006, 17:09 »
Average length for me is between 150-200 beasts as well. It feels pretty nice, fast paced action for 10-15 minutes.

I usually die because i'm out of ammo and the monsters swarm me. I keep those mandagores and nightmares at bay untill i'm out of items, but usually i get swarmed by then anyway. Pain increases quickly and unless you have FD left there's nothing to do but hope you can kill one more beast.

Most frustrating thing for me is missing beasts, especially once the monster generation gets higher (25%+) and my tactics involve absolutely having to hit those bastards. Maybe give em a little bit less defense?
At first i also thought the critical hits by Mandagoras and Nightmares was ridiculous, but it's actually quite good considering you can fight them on your terms, unless you screw up.

Fairydust really should restore energy now too.

The cannon damage could be a bit higher, especially since you can only shoot it 3 times.

Quoting: Glowie
Sweep isn't 1) accurate enough OR 2) deadly enough. Hitting the monsters without sweep feels more useful than sweeping them. Maybe you should increase either 1 or 2 or both (and probably increase the energy cost too).

Probably a good solution. Sweep doesn't feel too inaccurate to me, but definitely not powerful enough.

Discussion / Impossible game
« on: October 21, 2006, 15:29 »
Hello Veke, welcome to the forum

This game is not that hard once you know what you are doing. You can rest, you need to press the . (yes, the full stop)
However, if you think this will heal you, it will not. You need to pick up medpacks and use them, or pick up the health globes.

Now, since you die in level 2 i reckon you enter that level with low health allready and the shotgun and pistol. What you should do on level 2 before anything else is scouting around for armor. This will help you survive. Also try to play very carefull if you have low health, don't rush into the rooms but open the door, check it out, if there's a lot of enemies just close the door and try another one first.

good luck!

Berserk! / Berserk advancement, levels and gameplay
« on: October 21, 2006, 14:56 »
I like the 2nd option a lot, mainly because of changing battlefields. As it is now, there's usually one spot that has clear tactical advantages over the rest of the map, and i don't move away from it much further than 8-10 steps untill i die.

The phases would give the player a bit of breathing room each time though, this will break up the tension in the game. I'm not sure how big an impact that is however.

I'm not sure if levelups are really necessary for this game to work, looks to me to be a lot to tweak and it's day 5 allready :).
But if you keep leveling up as simple as adding a bit of health that should be easy enough.

I like the ideas behind the 3rd option, but i doubt you can get it done so fast. And the hopeless feeling you have now would indeed be gone if you know you can actually win :D

Quoting: Glowie
don't underestimate the "just one more game, I'm sure I can slaughter a few more monsters!".

Listen to that man btw. It is indeed what i think after every game so far :)

Lardarse is right, but Not Even Remotely Fair is funny enough to become a second explanation retroactively

Berserk! / Berserk 7DRL - DAY 1
« on: October 17, 2006, 15:27 »
153 so far

It's allready fun for a few minutes, just battling the swarms of beasts. But there's indeed not much to do yet but eventually die.

First of all, congrats!

Sorry for resurrecting this old thread, but i can't stand seeing the trustworthy double shotty being written off as not usefull in the late game.

The double shotgun can be extremely usefull in mazes of rooms and hellish cities, since enemies are confined to small areas behind a door. Even without traits, coward tacticts for moving in sight should keep you safe enough, while aggresive tactics when shooting should give you the opportunity to duck back behind a wall again to reload. Fast monsters will still hit you, but you will not need a lot of luck to kill a BoH or a HK this way.

I also equip the doubleshotty before entering a level. If i enter the level in a room filled with enemies, at least i can damage a lot of them before switching to a gun that doesn't need to be reloaded every shot (chaingun or plasma rifle ofcourse).

And lastly, with the double shotty you can damage enemies out of sightrange, especially if they don't keep standing on top of ammo so you know where they are.

P.S. A double shotty will damage the cyberdemon more than an overcharged PR if he's close enough to chase you around a pillar.

Discussion / Bet you havn't seen this before
« on: October 05, 2006, 15:38 »
Wow, first time I've seen that indeed!

Requests For Features / Playing as a demon
« on: October 05, 2006, 00:56 »
yes, but the point there was that when they are on top of ammo they just stand around not doing anything at all. Call it abuse of the limited AI, but as long as Kornel doesn't change it and it means i don't die i will use it.

And to make it clearer, they means Hellknights, Cacodemons don't care about such mundane stuff like ammo, they're after your soul buddy!

Requests For Features / Playing as a demon
« on: October 05, 2006, 00:47 »
ok, let's say there's 10 Hell Knights in one room, and 1 Cacodemon in another, in front of which door would you plant some ammo, open it in coward  mode at an angle where you're least likely to see any enemy, and then run out of sightrange?

Requests For Features / Playing as a demon
« on: October 05, 2006, 00:42 »
Nay, not even the Arachnotrons in Spider's Lair instill as much fear in me as hearing the hissing of a Cacodemon.

Requests For Features / Playing as a demon
« on: October 05, 2006, 00:36 »
Apart from the fact that i think resurrecting this thread was really unnecessary, there is clear evidence here that my anti-Cacodemon propaganda is finally having some effect:
Quoting: RickVoid
You could be a, say, cacodemon on easy

Sir, clearly you agree with me that Cacodemons are the #1 cause for character deaths.

So i am sure you are glad to herald the advent of the Super League Against Cacodemons Killing Souls with me too, in fact I'm making you our P.R. manager! (I'm the president offcourse (no typo intended), since i hate Cacodemons the most)

To all you other DoomRLers out there, don't hesitate, join SLACKS today!

Off Topic / CastlevaniaRL 1.23 Released
« on: October 01, 2006, 23:43 »
I wanna play, but i wanna play DoomRL even more.. aw hell, i'll just try one game.

Discussion / Help!
« on: September 30, 2006, 18:05 »
It would help if you share a Post Mortem with us, so we can see how you manage your inventory and what traits you choose.

But generally the best tips i can give are:
Start exploring a level around the edges, and work your way to the center making sure there's no enemies at your back.
Expect the worst that can happen in any given situation and anticipate that.
When in doubt, stop for a minute and think about how to continue best.
Keep a versatile weapon arsenal.
Dont pull levers unless you are certain you can deal with any negative effects.
And finally: Fear Cacodemons!!

Requests For Features / Idea: Arena Mode
« on: September 30, 2006, 17:30 »
That would be a fun challenge..

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