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Messages - RSO

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I'm beginning to wonder if maybe I shouldn't have dug that pit in front of the drawbridge. My intent with that was to make it so that we could keep the gate shut whenever we're not actively dealing with traders (hence why the depot is outside the gate - we can close the gate as soon as we don't need to trade anymore). Since Bridges are vulnerable to creatures with the [BUILDINGDESTROYER] tag, like Trolls, I wanted a pit in front of it so that trolls wouldn't be able to reach it.

Now, though, I wonder if it wouldn't have been better to leave the pit out, and just have our gate double as an atomsmasher. We don't really have a safe means of dealing with zombies that are outside the fort.

19th of Limestone: I'm trying to atomsmash the zombies in the old dorms.  One is about to go down.

*Ducks for cover* Oh shiiiiiiiiiii-

I find that DoomRL has a negative difficulty curve. 80-90% of my deaths are in Phobos Base. After getting past Phobos Anomaly, the rest of the game is smooth sailing.

I play Intuition builds for basically this reason. It gives me more time to react to something when I'm rolling around carelessly.

A second floor of the sleeping quarters would be good, but make sure that the meeting Activity Zone ("i") spans both floors. People who are awake in the dormitory keep the sleeping dwarves safe from vampires.

As for what to trade: Quarry Bush Roast. A stack of high quality QBR goes for between 4000 and 6000. You can clean out the caravan for just two or three stacks, without making a dent in our food stocks. Just be sure to inspect each stack and make sure that there isn't any meat in them, or the elves will be angry.

It might be a good idea to make some ropes and set up a prison. I left the plump helmet field (southernmost farm) fallow for two seasons out of the year since we had an oversupply - all of the dwarves running in and out of the atomsmasher to throw away rotten plump helmets was making me nervous. You could set it to make pigtails for the summer if we need cloth, but I think I imported a lot from the elves. Quarry Bush Roast stacks having a value of 6000 is a little ridiculous.

Modding / Re: [Module] Angel of Patience
« on: March 30, 2012, 11:02 »
And with a sharpshooter build too. I'm impressed, if a bit confused.

Play-By-Forum / Re: Doom(RL) Word soccer
« on: March 30, 2012, 10:43 »

Play-By-Forum / Re: Doom(RL) Word soccer
« on: March 30, 2012, 10:23 »
Already been used D:

Crud. I knew Energy Pistol had, but I didn't see Storm Bolter used.


Large Health Globe

Play-By-Forum / Re: Doom(RL) Word soccer
« on: March 30, 2012, 10:16 »
Storm Bolter Pistol

Play-By-Forum / Re: Doom(RL) Word soccer
« on: March 30, 2012, 08:17 »
Nuclear BFG 9K

I hate you.


Now we're really out of K's.

Oh. Right.

Okay. Of the levers by the dormitory, only the one north of the stairs does anything - it controls the atom smasher. The two(?) other levers are there for dwarf-moving. Assign a workshop profile so only a particular dwarf can pull the lever and then assign a Pull-Repeat command to move a dwarf to the lever - that's how I executed the two vampires. You can see which lever is hooked up by examining it under "t" for building inventory - the lever with two mechanisms is hooked up to something, while a lever with only one mechanism is hooked up to nothing. The rest of it was an elaborate plain to bait the zombies into the atom smasher. It's probably best not to mess with it too much.
Adamntine sutures are something I'd love to have been able to avoid, but as soon as I created the hospital, dwarves grabbed all sorts of thread for it - adamantite included. It's a known bug that isn't fixed yet. Best solution would be to weave all adamantite thread into cloth or wafers ASAP.
There's a memorial hall to the left of the dining hall, but it doesn't yet have memorials for all the dwarves that died trying to sleep in the old dormitory. Memorializing the ghost (craftsdwarf's workshop: alt+s to engrave a slab) will put it to rest..
The well down there is because dwarves give their injured comrades water, and alcohol won't do, so in order to have a successful hospital, we need a source of water. I would advise walling off everything near the well, though. It's not currently secure against aquatic attack.
There was a forgotten beast made out of fire that attacked the cave fishman civilization down below. This actually worked out to our benefit because it destroyed a lot of the zombies that were down there, before being vanquished by the fish. I considered working this into the story somehow, but I can't think of any way that my dwarves would know about it.

Awesome, good luck, have fun! :P

I was a little surprised at how easy they were to track down. The telltale sign for both of them is that, despite an abundant supply of alcohol, one was "Needs alcohol to get through the working day, and has gone without a drink for far, far too long" and the other was "Needs alcohol to get through the working day, and is starting to work slowly due to its scarcity." When there's no water in the fort, any normal dwarf would have died of dehydration before getting to that level.

As for year four, there has never been a better time for new-ish player to pick up the fort. Necrohazards will be a constant concern, but we have food stocks to last an entire year, and if we get a siege, there's the option of closing the gates and waiting for someone else to deal with it.

30 / Re: [U|99%|YAVP] Shotgun shells shmotgun shmells
« on: March 26, 2012, 20:53 »
I'm fairly sure that the Mastermind does Plasma damage. With Duelist Armor, your best bet is to bait her to melee and put that 50% melee resist to work.

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