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Messages - ZZ

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Requests For Features / Re: The Horrible Ideas Thread
« on: February 06, 2012, 15:21 »
Tormuse! difficulty
All enemies are replaced with pain elementals.
Pain elementals summon pain elementals instead of lost souls - even when they die.
The stairs only appear when everything is dead.

beat this

Actually, the easiest mode, since Pain Elementals don't do damage on their own.

Play-By-Forum / Re: Mafia - Interest Check
« on: January 19, 2012, 10:38 »
I think that I can play this one if there will be enough players interested

Requests For Features / Re: Shooting through barrels
« on: June 07, 2011, 15:45 »
In vanilla Doom you have no Y axis to aim on and actors are infinitely tall.
Really? Do you say that you were not able to climb up or down in vanilla Doom? In vanilla Doom you only had auto aiming, every object had it's height. And also, the height is the Z axis, not the Y from what I know.
This feature would only make things more logical, I don't think that this will affect the game balance significantly.

Requests For Features / Shooting through barrels
« on: June 07, 2011, 11:41 »
In Doom barrels were about half the human height, and thus a player could easily shoot enemy behind the barrel without hitting it. In DoomRL however, any shot that passes through the barrel hits it, what is incorrect I suppose. So I propose that only the shot that has the barrel as it's target should hit it, the others should just pass freely. It might need a few AI changes for monsters to recognize barrels and shoot at them.

Off Topic / Re: Now Playing: ...
« on: June 07, 2011, 11:30 »
????? - ??????? ?? ????!


Olvi - Play with me!

fan of chocolate.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

That's not true

Discussion / Re: Request for Help : Competition ideas!
« on: June 05, 2011, 13:56 »
I propose the competition goal to consist of two parts - one which is easier to achieve on UV/N, second - easier on ITYTD/HNTR. The example might be Win with 1000+ dodges, or reach level 16 without melee kills and with 10000 bullets fired (numbers are mostly random). So the goal can be achieved both by good players and by not so good player and for both it should be challenging.

Bug Reports / Re: [ win] Spawned in a trap
« on: June 05, 2011, 07:42 »
The reachability test in my opinion is the best solution of this one and many other layout bugs. It is not hard to write, it will not increase the level generation time significantly (and even if it does, much people think that the longer the level generates, the better level is), and it will definitely close all reachability questions. We can even adjust it for difficulty setting, like count lava/acid as impassable terrain on ITYTD.

Bug Reports / Re: [ AoH] Two entries to The Vaults
« on: June 02, 2011, 15:59 »
  On level 9 he entered the Vaults.
  On level 10 he entered the Vaults.
This should not happen

Discussion / Re: Another "help this n00b" topic--AoMr
« on: May 30, 2011, 03:02 »
It is different, because in the previous version I was able to crack all scull shelters with a plasma rifle and kill lost souls one by one. With the new ending, I doubt that I can handle the boss with only plasma rifle.

(as a result of a difference between bullet path and enemy knockback direction)
Don't you think it's a bug? The bullets should knock back targets in the direction of their path.

Anyway, I consider this a bug for logical reasons - plasma is a spray of overheated particles, which can easily set napalm on fire. On the other hand, even T1P1B1 modded pistol bullet is just a couple of lead, which has less chances to set napalm on fire.


BB Screenshot created.                                                         
 The arachnotron fires! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! You dodge! Boom!               
#.. #...A+                                                       
.. #....=                                                       
57                         Armor : Angelic Armor [7/7] (99%)                   
Health: 186% Exp: 10/73%   Weapon: modified pistol (2d5) [8/8] (B1P1T1)       
Phobos Hell  Lev8 

As you see, that poor demon hit the barrel 5 times and still it is standing. Not to mention that I was terrorizing him for like 7 volleys, and still the barrel is standing there. Also, that message "You dodge" bugs me too.
To differentiate it from the other bug of this kind, here is the explosion, caused by my own shot

You see : an arachnotron (unhurt) [m]ore | floor                               
 The barrel explodes! Boom!                                                     
#.. #.====                                                       
.. #..===                                                       
57                         Armor : Angelic Armor [7/7] (99%)                   
Health: 184% Exp: 10/73%   Weapon: modified pistol (2d5) [6/8] (B1P1T1)       
Phobos Hell  Lev8 

But because of

Discussion / Re: Apostle?
« on: May 18, 2011, 11:11 »
The thing is that the most probable ultimate ending is actaully th abscense of any. It's the easiest to code, and it's the funniest to implement. Think of it - Kornel created a worthless unique, and now sit there and laughs at everybody who is speaking about the ultimate ending. When we had JC, even the fact of his existance was carefully hidded, and the were no references to him in game. When we had a secret unique dragonslayer, we had no clues about it's existance in game. Now what we have - a reference to it in game, and even in the versions history. I don't know the truth, but it sounds too much like there is actually no special ending, and everything is just a joke of the developers.

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