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Messages - Vestin

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Requests For Features / Re: DeHackEd
« on: May 06, 2008, 14:53 »
Nah, what I'm thinking of wouldn't affect the balance of the game very much
Any powerful addition is a threat to the game balance...

--it should be something that is only possible to make work in a small proportion of games, say, games where you find both a rare object, the disk, and a rare lever, the computer terminal, and you use them together; and even then you only get a certain number of uses before the computer terminal shuts down, like any other lever.
There is a rule about adding "powerful but rare" and "powerful but difficult to achieve" items that says they can either end up as absolutely crucial or absolutely useless. With as small inverntory as we do have in the game... I'd venture a guess that noone would pick up the_very_rare_disk unless he was convinced that:
1* the terminal WAS going to spawn
2* the terminal was going to spawn soon enough to be USEFUL
3* the effect was worthy having one slot occupied for some time (the very same slot that can be used to carry a spare armor, a medikit or a portable nuke)
4* the effect was worthy putting two point in Whizkid
5* the terminal was certain to show AFTER we have two points in Whizkid
6* the terminal was certain to show AFTER we got the disk
As you can see - it makes implemention POINTLESS.

but what I'm suggesting wouldn't change the way DoomRL plays in a very important way
It would add things that wouldn't be useful.

Other good disks the player could find: "a disk containing Doom," and "a disk containing DoomRL." I have no idea what should happen if the player runs these disks at a computer terminal, though.
DOOM:RL is a game that strictly avoids having fortune cookies and other useless junk like that. Part of the reason is the intentional simplicity and inventory management, I guess. We screw that up - the game ceases to be fun and atractive.

Yay, a Former Doomguy challenge!

Angel of Fallen Heros

Ummm... Do you have any idea what the poll in this thread is about ;) ?

Requests For Features / Re: Medals
« on: April 06, 2008, 15:47 »
I'll have to side with Daqin on this one (LOL)...
The first thing that comes to my mind is: THIS IS NOT A CONSOLE GAME. Seriously - all unlockables, medals, badges, achievements, etc tend to annoy me as a perfectionist and as a player.

* It's like Pokemon - you want to have them ALL... which leads to hours upon hours of playing mindlessly just to add another achievement to the list. You don't have fun playing a normal game, you limit yourself to ridiculous rules and end up confused having reached another goal (you got the achievement you started the game for... Might as well quit, huh ?) - like "taking 300 HPS worth of damage in lava or toxic pools in one game".

* What FOR ? If achievements were for useful things to do in a game - you would get them anyway and the "fun" would be over too soon. Namely - after a few games. Guess what - that's why they're usually:
   -> for absurd and/or suicidal behaviour
   -> for taking a specific approach and taking something to the extreme
Both kinds force you to make separate games just to get them. Short and/or tedious games with a purpose so narrowed that you hardly can do anything else.

* Keeping you from accessing all of the content... That's just mean, most of the time.

* What worst about all of this ? Losing that progress in any way - usually with rest of the data from the hard drive but it's not the only way... Also - inability to take the progress with you or the irritating file swapping or the imperative of keeping the game on a pendrive.

Yeah - three things come to mind in analogy. Game modes, the highscore and the player profile.

The game modes are different because they just change the rules of the game without adding any goals. They narrow your options but not as much as a single achievement would.

The highscore is just a way of viewing what you've done. It does not require anything of you. Neither does it have an upper limit. If you want to do better - you're the only person to tell you HOW much better do you want to play.

The profile is what bothers me the most... Yet - while it's kept simple enough and the titles are as linear and make as much sense as as they do now - it's just a matter of playing normal games until you've learnt and did enough.

AliensRL / Re: Hello (and suggestions)
« on: March 30, 2008, 09:37 »
There is no difference in words to me. The only difference is in meaning behind. I didn't think you attempted to ridiculous anything. I simply pointed out your way of thinking.
Your psychic abilities amuse me ;)... Or they would - if you didn't contradict yourself so evidently. You understand that words have different meanings, yet are somehow certain that your interpretation is the correct one... even if the author says that it isn't.
Either show a little bit more humility or lighten up. Having your head so far up your own ass doesn't ease the conversation.

Quote from: Daqin
You can't ridicule me. This always will be your point of view.
I know I'm gonna be mean but... hell - I already am ;P.
If you really think that talking about emotions has no point - WTF was that supposed to mean ? Besides - who cares about having you ridiculed or not ? You just show a bit o insecurity by mentioning it, that's all you've gained.

Quote from: Daqin
(...) To me, the point of a Roguelike is (...)
Yes, to You. Are there any restrictions on roguelikes ? If someone makes some, it doesn't concern anyone.
He says: "IMO". You say: "I don't care about your opinion". Why the hell would anyone care about what YOU think if you have absolutely no respect for others ?

As for the whole point - there are things that people ussually assume when we say "roguelike". You may have an idea for a game that incorporates some elements of the genre but doesn't include some other (also considered "core elements") - fine. Just don't insist on calling it a standart roguelike on one hand... and DON'T tell us that you understand the term better then anyone else... or that there is nothing in common when people say "roguelike" because they somehow manage to understand what that means... excluding you, I guess.

Quote from: Daqin
Up to the point where you talked about lighting up an area with gunfire, the system you were describing seemed to be intended as a purely cosmetic enhancement that would only make tiles lighter or darker. Certainly the mockup you drew shows such a system. It would be quite different to talk about changing the visibility of tiles according to the light on them, which is not purely cosmetic, and entirely within the "spirit of the roguelike" as I see it.

Whatever. (...)
OMG... A single-worded summary of how much you care... I'm speachless.

Quote from: Daqin
(...)it would be much less effort than a set of proper artwork.

Again, if you want things without effort it is no problem to me.
Missing the whole point... AGAIN. Roguelikes with graphics are like a Resident Evil with aliens instead of zombies. That is: if you want something different... look elsewhere. I dunno - play Thief, Oblivion or Incubation. There are a lot of games with graphics.
Seriously - programming all the stuff you've described seems pointless - it's far easier to do all of this in a graphical environment, where there are no needs to find makeshift solutions to obvious limitations.

Code: [Select]
Former commando inside and another just appeared behind..

I think I move south-east .. and the rest you can see in mortem. The upper commando shots, blows barrel and dies, then other one finishes job. Hah!
You shouldn't have opened the door before AT LEAST pushing that barrel another square to the left, for one thing...
Another thing is making sure is everything in the open area is wiped out (hard to do, as you can't really see everything at once)...
Lastly, what could've helped you here - staying clear of barrels (and that means NOT entering rooms near them) until you splatter everything in all the other rooms.

(...) walking with barrels around like that is more like inviting death than ignoring them I think. (...)
If all the doors in the room are closed and you've cleared every part of it (or it was initially empty) - it's safe... as safe as it gets ;). It may seem useless at this point but comes in handy if a monster walks in through the door or anything chases you back inside - one less thing to worry about.

Remember - when you see a barrel and you didn't get a message like "You sense something very valuable here !", blow it. You'll surely kill (or at least wound) a few enemies, and maybe cause a chain reaction. It's better to lose some good items and don't risk being killed by barrels and a former sarge hiding somewhere in the shadows, than have good stuff and die few seconds later...

Yeah, that makes sense. But I think blowing them too much can possibly destroy too many useful items. Good 'show', though.. heh. As, allways, balance is just the thing that fits everyewhere.
You can just push them away *before* opening the door for most of the time ;). Also - computer maps show you every single item, making you perfectly aware whether or not sticking barrels around a room and detonating them is a safe way to save ammo and health or a waste of few med-packs and power-ups...

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