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Messages - Santiago Zapata

Pages: 1 ... 13 14 [15]
Off Topic / Programming
« on: February 28, 2006, 15:25 »
Quoting: Igor Savin
How did you learn it? I tried studying it armed with "Thinking in Java" and failed...

I was given a brief introduction at college and immediately got in love with it; I learned by force getting myself involved into my first RL project, 'Amber Dragon' and my first shoot at a Civ clone, 'History'; I also learned a lot by reading the 'Core Java' books 1 and 2, they are really awesome... as for the web applications stuff, I knew nothing about it until I got into this software company and had to learn it in 1 week :p

I guess the only way is getting into a project, and take it to personal levels.

Off Topic / Programming
« on: February 28, 2006, 15:03 »
I program in Java for a living, have been using it since about 3 years and it is my language of choice for almost everything, including standalone, mobile and web applications. Before Java I used to program in QBasic and even made a complete game, Neo Archer Fire (which is saying something already) as well as some minor shooters and a puzzle. I have a lot of unfinished projects, as everybody does, including 2 RPGs, 2 Shooters, 1 civ clone, 1 browser based game, 1 RPG Creation Kit and 3 roguelikes (OfficeRL, Guardian Angel and GREEKIE). My 'major' roguelike (as in 'most-vapourous'), Guardian Angel, is going for its 3rd rewrite, and hopefully its last one :p

The project I am most proud of is CastlevaniaRL, which is now fully playable, has many unique features and is fun to play, it has been called one of the first  'arcade roguelikes'. It was born from the first 7DRL challenge and evolved during the last year to what it is now.

I am currently participating on the 2nd 7DRL challenge with 'ANT, the OP'

Well, I guess thats it ;)

Off Topic / CastlevaniaRL ?
« on: February 25, 2006, 21:28 »
As one of the townfools says... the castle is just east of the town :p

And no, they dont turn into zombies... ;)

But well, this be no place to discuss the game, else we may cause the anger of the Kornel ;p  please place your comments at the game website ;)

Discussion / Doom the Movie
« on: February 25, 2006, 19:05 »
I was pissed off by the movie almost as much as I was with Final Fantasy The Spirits Within...

Doing a movie that pays homage to a saga such as Doom is a hard thing, but I wonder why dont they just *ask fans* what they'd like to see? what is *Doom* for them, what universe they do perceive?

It is like the plot designer never played Doom, or wasnt given enough freedom to do what he wanted... a movie like this *has to* satisfy the fan base, even if people that dont know the game reject the movie because -it looks too much like a video game- or anything.... in the end, for them, it is just another crappy action movie, but for us it is a lost oportunity.

Just hope they dont screw up with the castlevania one that is coming soon :'(   (And it seems they will... I have been told the director is the same of Alien vs Predator... somebody shoot me..)

Discussion / action or rpg
« on: February 25, 2006, 18:55 »
Quoting: Anticheese
I find that its alot more fun being chased by the capital black 'D' than a crappy 32X32 dragon :-)

A capital *black* D on a terminal screen? how would that look? ;)

Off Topic / CastlevaniaRL ?
« on: February 25, 2006, 18:53 »
Well yes, I personally prefer to only release when it is worth it, perhaps i must have released it as 1.2, as the game itself is much more enjoyable and stable.

I hope to see a YAVP soon ;)

Discussion / Doom the Movie
« on: February 24, 2006, 15:22 »
I really didnt like it too much... the plot was... there was no plot :p

it was too much residentevilesque.... I must say that I expected a lot more from it, I couldnt see the gates of hell or anything similar, and it all seemed to me like it was happening on a 3 stories building instead of a giant base

I would have prefered much more an adaptation of the doom 1 plot, but I guess that's just my way of thinking... I really enjoyed Advent Children, but I guess DooM is just not good to produce that kind of things

Off Topic / CastlevaniaRL ?
« on: February 23, 2006, 22:13 »
Indeed... but then again, look at the thread title :p

Requests For Features / Graphs for DooM Roguelike
« on: February 23, 2006, 18:21 »
Quoting: Kornel Kisielewicz
Yeah, that was what I meant :]. The mockup is basicaly the direction I want to take, tough it might be TOO dark -- for me it's fine, but I'm on a LCD, and nothing looks too dark here ^_^.

Well, it looks pretty ok in this computer display... but then again, I have had many problems with the bright of things when I use other computers :p

Off Topic / CastlevaniaRL ?
« on: February 23, 2006, 17:55 »
CastlevaniaRL 1.1e has finally been released!

It is finally a playable game from begin to end, allows save/load and is full of monsters, artifacts and stuff.

find it at

Requests For Features / Graphs for DooM Roguelike
« on: February 22, 2006, 14:48 »
A sample mockup of how it would look with better terrain background and darker hues:

Requests For Features / Graphs for DooM Roguelike
« on: February 20, 2006, 18:53 »
The Sprite set is beginning to look amusing.... I really like it!

In my opinion, doing directional / animated sprites would be a waste of time... which can be best spend on perfecting the sprites or working on the scenery tiles.

About 'fake multitiles' monsters, it is a great idea... they could even be *high*, so that you can walk behind them, that would really give a good impression of size.

Requests For Features / Graphs for DooM Roguelike
« on: February 01, 2006, 20:14 »
They all look cool ;)

Discussion / Questions about Caceri (I know I spelt it wrong)
« on: January 11, 2006, 16:28 »
AFAIK, Carceri is not the DoomRL Engine; it is a different engine intented to work with human readable datafiles and optionally lua bindings.

Off Topic / CastlevaniaRL ?
« on: January 06, 2006, 01:06 »
Yes, I will be glad to make a full review for 0.9.9, so just let it come ;)

So, you dont have 7MB available for the JRE?? :p

I hope you can give a look to the game in the next version; it comes with a lot of enhancements ...

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