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Messages - yaflhdztioxo

Pages: 1 ... 14 15 [16] 17 18
226 / Re: [Ao100/M/YASD] Sniper bug.
« on: May 06, 2010, 14:47 »
Sniper pack not acting like a sniper pack is a known issue.

Modding / Re: Modding wishlist
« on: May 02, 2010, 09:22 »
54: 'spread' flag works on rapidfire weapons in the way you'd expect it to (not until async comes out though, otherwise it'd be slow)

Modding / Re: Infinite Arena (
« on: April 25, 2010, 22:19 »
New version.  Certain code should be clearer, Vs are less likely to swarm you, chainsaw, BFG.

What about mods that are nothing more than a lua file?

"Was excommunicated" <-- for the church

Modding / Re: Invasion (
« on: April 25, 2010, 11:08 »
I vaguely remember an underwater level.  I've played it before but I don't think I kept it.

Is it the one that would write down the author and their difficulty estimation in the lower left corner?  And which had a special lever that basically involved mashing levers to smash enemies?

Modding / Re: Modding wishlist
« on: April 25, 2010, 11:03 »
37.  Split CF_BLOCKMOVE into a BLOCKMOVE and BLOCKMISSILE flag (and possibly even a BLOCKPLAYER).  That way we can make windows that can be shot through but not walked through and gateways that can be walked through but not shot through.
38.  Do not make the UNIQUE flag automatically mean UNDESTROYABLE.  We already have a flag for that.
39.  NODESTROY flag, when applied to powerups, currently prevents them from being destroyed when consumed.  That can already be replicated with hooks.  What I want is a powerup immune to splash damage, not infinite uses.
40.  Any other flags that serve two purposes should be split up.
46.  Powerups should have customizable ascii....
47.  Should doors and barrels really be cells?  Possibly this will be taken care of when furniture like flair is added... (Will not be done)
41.  Ability to fine tune player inventory--hook equip, remove, remove individual items, etc.
42.  Adding ammo to inventory directly should stack properly.

I need Simon to search through his logs for 'wish'.   I know a lot of things are coming and that design changes might render a lot of these moot but requests 27-32 I really want :)

43. can specify win type
44.  add Player.lose()
45.  Some way to mess with the UI similar to berserk, inv, and env suits but without going through affects.  UI.setColorEffect(foreground, background, invert)?

Modding / Re: Invasion (
« on: April 25, 2010, 10:50 »

I don't remember this map though.  Could you point to the wad?  I've played so many they all blur together :/

Modding / Re: Infinite Arena (
« on: April 25, 2010, 10:48 »
Bug fix with the resolverange function.  That function (rather annoyingly) takes a number as well as a table.  Due to how Lua handles arguments resolverange(1, 2) is effectively resolverange(1), which will always return 1.  The correct syntax is resolverange( {1, 2} ) which passes a table.

Why oh why it does that we may never know.  But I was calling it the wrong way originally.

The commenting and reorganizing IS the major change.  Just to make this crystal clear:
The point of these updates is to MAKE the above code crystal clear :).  If there's a section you think could be easier to understand or you don't like the organization speak up.  If you have your own suggestions you can include them as well.

Modding / Infinite Arena (
« on: April 24, 2010, 19:25 »
Since several are based on it but not everyone knows what it is, the infinite arena is attached (1.03).  Wiki version also updated.

Bug Reports / Re: Armor durability 255%
« on: April 23, 2010, 19:41 »
If doomrl needs to start pinching bits and bytes the various flags are far more wasteful.  Fortunately it doesn't.

Bug Reports / Re: Armor durability 255%
« on: April 22, 2010, 17:06 »
It's a bug. *twitch*

Bug.  Must fix.  Bug.  *error*

Modding / Re: Metal Gear RL (
« on: April 20, 2010, 18:02 »
Yeah, Metal Gear is tough :/

Chaff grenades help but I've yet to beat him.  God only knows how to beat him with 0 alerts 1 kill and 0 rations...

Modding / Re: Metal Gear RL (
« on: April 20, 2010, 11:05 »
I ended up pasting his sound.ini into mine.  That worked.

It's a legit bug.  It's been mentioned elsewhere I think but not as its own thread.

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