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Messages - Cyber Killer

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 6
Announcements / Re: AliensRL 0.8 RELEASED!
« on: June 09, 2010, 00:08 »
going to try this ASAP ;-D

w00t? no Linux version yet :-(

AliensRL / Re: AliensRL Beta Testers needed!
« on: May 25, 2010, 06:02 »
I can help - mostly Linux testing.

I got some exp with testing different apps (been testing Marave, Vanthia and Collector among others, I also submitted some DoomRL Linux related bugs in the past), plus some knowledge on software development so I guess I'd be able to make good bug reports.

Bug Reports / Re: No sound/music in .9.9 Linux version
« on: January 12, 2010, 23:40 »
The problem is that generally the sound setup is screwed up in the last Ubuntu release. It's even worse in case of Kubuntu (which I'm using), where you get sound only in KDE apps and in apps where you can force them to use a specific output device ;-P. I'm really waiting for a new version.

Bug Reports / DoomRL 0.9.9 linux - numpad not working
« on: December 18, 2009, 04:29 »
Running on Kubuntu 9.10 amd64 with 32bit compatibility libs, game running in Konsole (KDE terminal emulator)

When the numlock is on the game thinks I want to switch weapons, and with the numlock off it doesn't respond at all. This is probably due to numpad keys having different keycodes in linux (not mapped to the arrows and home/pgup/end/pgdown if the numlock is turned off).

I mentioned this in the IRC:

Requests For Features / Re: Not so much a feature request...
« on: December 09, 2009, 06:12 »
The linux version should be able to run on Nokia N900 if compiled for arm ;-).

I'm against the crushing ceilings on the same base as Kornel said - it would be hard to determine where the ceiling is @ the moment. But crushing walls... now that's another story...

take a look at this example room:

Code: [Select]

now, let's add a crushing wall moving at 1 tile per turn:

Code: [Select]







easy to see, a clear idea on how to avoid it (if the wall moves on the tile where anything is standing it should be pushed aside in the direction where the wall is moving)

Code: [Select]


and as deadly as the falling celling if not more (you can't back up to the door that is covered by the wall.

What do you think?

Well maybe the concept of a filled moving wall is somewhat abstract, especially where there would be no place to keep the moving block when it's open, but a single line of wall would be not so clear to comprehend.

Discussion / Re: Berserk, DiabloRL or AliensRL?
« on: December 07, 2009, 02:16 »
AliensRL... I'd love to see a new version of this game.

You enter Phobos Hell, lev 2. Khe, khe, khe, this will be a mess. Your Geiger Counter is going crazy (meaning, there is a nuke on the level).

So you shoot accidentally a barrel. Guess what happens next...

That's why I said it could be an optional feature...

Bug Reports / Re: Bug 0.9.9 linux
« on: November 21, 2009, 09:13 »
I confirm - setting the music off fixes the problem. Thanks for the info ;-).

Bug Reports / Bug 0.9.9 linux
« on: November 21, 2009, 04:51 »
I think I found a bug in DoomRL 0.9.9 i386 snapshot 2009-10-13 for Linux.

Running on Kubuntu 9.10 amd64 with 32bit compatibility libs, game running in Konsole (KDE terminal emulator)

Right after entering level 2, after a couple of keypresses the game hangs, and stops responding to keypresses. I think this is fully reproducable. I can make a video if needed.

log.txt ?

* Cyber Killer likes the idea of dropping a nuke into lava ;-) (exploding ammo packs of rockets, cells, etc - also)

This would give a kind of "volatile ammo" mutator from Unreal Tournament feel into the game ;-).

Only as an optional feature though, cause it could get sometimes annoying.

Discussion / Re: Help Wanted!
« on: April 29, 2009, 12:23 »
Right now I am starting the Prata's book on programming in C++.
A really good book, I highly recommend it.

As for the help, I forwarded the info to my sister, who is an artist, she might try to get one of the art positions ;-). As for me I got too little spare time to help out myself.

Discussion / Re: Post all Chaosforge games videos here!
« on: October 24, 2008, 00:36 »

Whenever modding will be, I'm looking forward to (trying) making a postapocalyptic rl... maybe based around Neuroshima? (a Polish RPG set in postapo, has lots of themes from lots of movies like The Terminator, games like Fallout and many many more, this would be a copyright bomb if anyone would take a closer look atr this ;-) )

window$ only.... sorry. nowadays software should be written in a way that allows it to run on multiple systems or at least to be easily portable.

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