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Messages - Thexare

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Requests For Features / Re: New unique items
« on: March 27, 2012, 20:06 »
Probably should be an exotic, the idea is that it's an undestroyable armour that provides considerable armour rating with no drawbacks other than it has to be repaired often. Doesn't really suit DoomRL, but hey.
You're thinking of Onyx Armor - takes no damage, indestructable, 2 def, exotic. I could potentially see a unique like that but either with more defense or some resistances added...

The only thing I can think of is that you left a lost soul in Anomaly...The amount of times I've done that is irrefutable...

ITYTD. No Souls spawn there.

Used no such levers.

Only used one lever, in fact (other than the required one at Dis), got the "the smell of blood surrounds you" message. No effect, probably because everything was already dead.

This bug's been in place for a while now... As is the smart thing to do on a 100% kill run, I made sure to check for that blue message.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)


Wait a second.

You hit the Spider Mastermind. You hit the Spider Mastermind. The Spider
 Mastermind dies. Congratulations! You defeated the Spider Mastermind! Press
 You feel relatively safe now.
 You hit the arch-vile. You hit the arch-vile. You are engulfed in flames!

I wonder if we found our problem?

Discussion / Re: HereticRL
« on: January 16, 2012, 12:43 »
DukeNukemRL? :P
Nah, for that you'll have to wait for 1.2.0, and half the features will still date back to

Requests For Features / Re: The Horrible Ideas Thread
« on: January 16, 2012, 02:08 »
Do we finally get one where we don't have to march (or sprint, as the case may be) into a bunch of monsters with ranged attacks?

Well, if you aren't walking into enemies to attack with it, how can it be called a melee weapon?

Thanks for this report.  I'm pretty sure this happened to someone else in an old version. (Note to self: track down that old report.) I never figured out the cause, though.  I'll look at it again, of course.

That was me, I think. Bug sounds the same.

My report.

38 / Re: [M|AoD|71%|YAVP] They get back up?
« on: December 08, 2011, 11:23 »
Not a particularly impressive run I realize (first time through AoD). I wanted to point something out. Maybe it was a bug or something, but I thought AoD was only where the level didn't stay revealed. I didn't know your sight range was reduced (or monsters have an increased sight range) and that monsters got back up even on the lowest difficulty. Maybe this could be clarified (if it isn't a bug) in the challenge text.
Yeah, it was decided that the old way was too bland for a challenge.

They get knocked down, but they get up again, you're never gonna keep 'em down~

Requests For Features / Re: Less exotic/unique assemblies
« on: December 04, 2011, 20:14 »
Man I hate when I make an ass of myself.

Carry on!

Requests For Features / Re: Less exotic/unique assemblies
« on: December 03, 2011, 20:09 »
*Sigh*, I think he means Unbreakable. In the same sense that the Lava, Cybernetic and Malek's armor "Cannot be destroyed by damage."
I'm fully aware of what he means.

But making it impossible to be destroyed by damage doesn't do anything becuase it doesn't take any damage! Once again, damage won't destroy something that takes no damage.

Now, if you wanted to make it impossible to remove, like Power or Cybernetic, that's another thing entirely. But Angelic Armor can be taken off, and that's what he cited as his example.

EDIT: Wiat a second. Are you talking about changing it from "takes no damage" to "takes damage but is never destroyed"? Sorry, been tired and allergic to everything lately, and kept reading it as adding never-destroyed to it.

Requests For Features / Re: Less exotic/unique assemblies
« on: December 01, 2011, 22:45 »
Undamageable != indestructible. I mean indestructible in the sense that Angelic Armor is.
How is that at all relevant when it doesn't take damage to begin with?

Requests For Features / Re: Less exotic/unique assemblies
« on: December 01, 2011, 12:45 »

Suggested: plate armor (red armor + PBB)
Same stats as old plate armor. If any of you think it's too powerful (rolling eyes) then make it 200% durability and indestructible or something.
Current plate armor is indestructible too, so if it's the same stats...

Requests For Features / Re: Less exotic/unique assemblies
« on: November 27, 2011, 20:42 »
I've had quite a few games where I used a Tactical Shotgun and an Elephant Gun - using the Elephant Gun as a replacement for the Double Shotgun. In short range, it's almost as good (after considering the way armor affects the double, plus its weird knockback issues), and uses fewer shells.

I use the tactical shotgun more in open spaces and as filler for non-shotgun builds, but the Elephant Gun does a decent job in a shotgun game.

Yeah, I reported that bug back in, but the way it was fixed (if it had been) might've only been specific to the Trigun cause.

For what it's worth, the score calculation still seems to be right.

A bit convoluted and overelaborate, I think, but this one should serve nicely to make AoPc even more painful...

Archangel of Pacifism:

You hate violence, you hate death, and were it not for necessity you'd have never taken this mission. Your saintly devotion to nonviolence has attracted attention, and not the kind you want: any demon would take pride in striking you down, and they'll hunt you relentlessly. Your former comrades weren't quite so easily swayed, but you still can't even raise your arms in defense against them. Worse, every death, even of demons, takes its toll on you, and even if you're never hit once, you may not make it through this...

All demons (all enemies except Formers and possibly the Angel of Death, though that depends on the DoomRL definition) are in Hunting mode. Former Humans (all variants) have the equivalent of SoBx2; your lack of defensive maneuvers against them means they'll hit you that much harder.

Every enemy that dies within LoS causes 1 damage to the player, 2 if over max health. Additionally, if an enemy dies by gibbing, the last action you took (open/close door, look, use of a specific item, equipping of a certain type of armor) is locked for two minutes game-time (120 steps without movespeed changes), and you take an additional one damage from every attack due to the mental scarring.

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