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Messages - Melon

Pages: 1 ... 27 28 [29] 30 31
Requests For Features / Re: New unique items
« on: March 13, 2009, 00:49 »
You give imp's head to cacodemon. Cacodemon devours imp's head. Cacodemon seems to be pleased.
Cacodemon happily floats around you ^_^ .
Buhahahaha :D
I guess we should name cacodaemon "Idefix".

I think this going to far. Soon we will talk about implementing altars and shops in DoomRL [;

Discussion / DoomRL over Telnet
« on: March 12, 2009, 15:16 »
I guess all who played Nethack tried to play it over Telnet in order to compare with other players. Ever thought doing it the same with DoomRL? It would be also great if the Angel of Bones was present. That would really bring a lot to DoomRL.

Requests For Features / Re: New unique items
« on: March 12, 2009, 15:14 »
No! Bad Cacodemon! You know you're not supposed to eat the BFG9000!

The barell explodes! You kill your cacodaemon! You hear rumble of a distant thunder...

Requests For Features / Re: New unique items
« on: March 11, 2009, 15:14 »
I just wonder what kind of ammunition it could use =) .
Some really big rockets. And you would need a cacodaemon to carry and load them

Requests For Features / Re: New unique items
« on: March 11, 2009, 04:08 »
But now when I look at howitzers or sniper rifles they all have long barrels, one exception I found is the Karl Gerat 60 artillery ( But that's just a little off-topic [;
This is not an exception. Karl Gerat is more of a self-propelled mortar rather than howitzer.

Now that makes sense. Maybe in new version of Doom there will be a "Karl Gerat" unique item? [;

Requests For Features / Re: New unique items
« on: March 10, 2009, 06:46 »
I think it has shorter effective range (chance to hit a target). The shorter the barrel, the longer the range, but less accurate is the gun.

Actually the shorter the barrel the shorter the range and the worse the accuracy. That is one of the reasons a rifle has a longer range and is more accurate than a pistol. Longer barrel means the powder combustion gases propel the bullet longer. (after leaving the barrel they go whichever way they want.)

Sounds reasonable, I always thought the other way. Still, I am waiting for such gun to be implemented (although I am a chaingun person).
But now when I look at howitzers or sniper rifles they all have long barrels, one exception I found is the Karl Gerat 60 artillery ( But that's just a little off-topic [;

Off Topic / Re: <3
« on: March 10, 2009, 05:06 »
This story has very strong erotic subliminal messages.

Discussion / Re: A few newb questions
« on: March 09, 2009, 15:41 »
Another question: Does triggerhappy apply to the double-shotgun since according to the wiki it fires 3 shots?

no because only stock 2 shotgun shells

And weapon magazine mode doesn't work on shotgun and double-barreled shotgun (but works on combat shotgun)

Requests For Features / Re: New unique items
« on: March 09, 2009, 15:38 »
It has wider spread, but shorter reload time (it's less cumbersome).

Don't forget it has significantly shorter range even shorter than the DB shotgun.

I think it has shorter effective range (chance to hit a target). The shorter the barrel, the longer the range, but less accurate is the gun.

Requests For Features / Re: New unique items
« on: March 08, 2009, 07:00 »
Hm, just came to me.
Why didn't anyone proposed sawed-off shotgun? It has wider spread, but shorter reload time (it's less cumbersome).
That would be easy to implement and would be well suited to the DooM universe.

Bug Reports / Re: Doom crushed
« on: March 07, 2009, 01:51 »
DoomRL version:
OS: Vista Home Premium

Doom crashed again, this time I managed to write down the error message:

 You reload the chaingun with 10mm ammo.                         =========#???#
 Game saved. Press <Enter> to exit.                              =========/???#
    ?????????An unhandled exception occurred at $77823387 :??????????????????#
EAccessViolation : Access violation???????????#?????#?????????????????????#
An unhandled exception occurred at $0011DF8E :#?????#????????????????????#
EAccessViolation : Access violation???????????#?????#?????????????????????????#
  $0177701C                 Armor : blue armor [2/2] (71%)
 Health: 100% Exp:  6/75%   Weapon: modified chaingun (1d7)x5 [50/50] (D1)
Abnormal program termination! Please write down the above    Phobos Base  Lev7
to help get rid DoomRL of all those bugs! You only need
to write down the filenames and linenumbers.
Attempting to save game.... Press <Enter>
An unhandled exception occurred at $00000000 :
EAccessViolation : Access violation

Sorry for this screen being so garbled, but that's exactly what I got.

Discussion / Re: Ummmm.......How do you win? help?
« on: March 06, 2009, 11:23 »
Remember, that actually only monster that you have to kill to win the game is Cyberdaemon (and one of the Doom's programmers if you are smarter than Hell itself).

Fixed ;)

Ai! I also fixed that [;

Bug Reports / Doom crushed
« on: March 06, 2009, 03:46 »
It immidiatelly exited to Windows, with no apparent messages. What file do I need to send so the problem can be checked?

I wasn't doing anything unusual, played Ultra-Violence, found Grammaton Cleric Berreta. On one level (I think it was Phobos Hell level 4) I had about 5 Arch-villes and a dozen and a half of Hell Barons (there were Arch-villes). So I decided to use my BFG (no uniques were on the level). When I wipeot everybody out and started exploring the level, BAM, the game crashed.

Damn it, this was a nearly win on Ultra-Violence, SoBx2, SoGx3, EEx2, CEx2, Ironman x2, TaN x2. With Grammaton Cleric and lots of power cells from Arch-Villes and BFG... Arrrgh!

Discussion / Re: Ummmm.......How do you win? help?
« on: March 06, 2009, 03:39 »
Well, if you have two homing phase devices, you can easily skip those levels. Is arch-ville is behind a group of monsters, try to get at his back.

When I have lots of ammo, I just tend to shoot blindly hoping to hear the "Arch-ville pain" sound. That's where my next round of lead will be coming. Remember, that actually only monster that you have to kill to win the game is Cyberdaemon (and one of the Doom's programmers if you are smarter than Hell itself).

Besides, it  is always good to die 100 times and find the strategy that best suits you. I for example tend to get eagle-eye, then cat's eyes, and then Son of a Bitch. If I get unique pistol, i pack everything to Son of a Gun. This way, I have at least little control who attacks me (with that traits and unique pistols monsters get knocked back easily). A sidearm is BFG. Good, if it is with magazine mod.

Other people will tend to say, nah, this is useless, you are low onn health, can get killed easily, etc. etc. I am right, and they are right. You have to find a strategy that best suits you!

The main rule is to watch everything what is going around you. Never, never ever try to run using the cursors. If some monster spots you, and you just keep tapping the arrow keys, that monster will get 2-3 free shots at you. At higher level it means certain death.
Watch out for levers. I use them after I finish the level. Sometimes they will spawn monsters (this usually means free xp for you!), sometimes they will heal you, sometimes the barrels will explode. The main rule, when using levers: make sure that barells won't damage the powerups that are on the level and that they will not damage you when you use the lever. And always use the levers, that are near to exit or door, in case that room becomes flooded with lava, you get a chance of escaping.

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