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Messages - Melon

Pages: 1 ... 28 29 [30] 31
Bug Reports / Bug: A new trait?
« on: March 03, 2009, 01:55 »
Could you tell, what the hell does that mean?

No, seriously, what is it? A new trait, Boomerang Bullets? :D
I had Cat's Eyes level 1 when this has happened.

Discussion / Re: My Dream Patch Notes v1.0
« on: March 03, 2009, 01:19 »
Wow! You took a lot of effort to write that post.

I really like your ideas. Espiecially the skill tree and the "boss" monsters. I would be good, if each of the character classes had some unique abilities (like medic can easily diagnose his injuries so he can heal himself faster or the sniper gaining cat's eyes every n-levels).

It looks like DoomRL will soon be more complicated then ADOM or Ivan [;

Hm, at least those options could be explained so you don't have to browse all the posts. Guess it's time to look thorugh those post anyway

Okay, so while playing doom, you get a chance to fight the hell minions, including daemons, evil spirits, and resurrected, such as former humans and revenants. If you die, do you think, that Hell would just rip you apart? Hey, why not put him back to life, he has got the gear, he knows how to use it...

Ever imagined entering a level and meeting you character that died some time ago? Just like ghosts in Nethack.

Balancing such "character zombie" would be difficult, but I think, generally this is a good idea. What do you think?

It just came to my head. How about, if you kill a certain "boss" monster, a part of wall would collapse or it would force a door to open? This would provide the level design would few more tricks...

Off Topic / Re: Dialogue in RL
« on: February 27, 2009, 03:55 »
There goes the plot [; This covers most answers in this thread.

"Quickly Marine, disarm the Nuke!"
"Which wire should I cut?"
"The green one! The green one!"
"Eh, it doesn't matter. They all look the same to me."

"Greetings Doom Marine! Welcome to our peaceful village. What do you want to talk about?"
"Slay me an arachnotron magus to prove ye valour. Return to me when you succeed!"

You wield the pistol. The pistol wields itself to your hand! You shoot the pistol. The D-1A-1S2 cursed pistol is jammed!

This is the scroll of identify. What do you want to identify first?
c - The D6 pre-set Nuke of Annihillation (2 turns left to explosion)

Off Topic / Re: Dialogue in RL
« on: February 26, 2009, 01:25 »
who's there to talk to in Doom? "Hello, my lord Baron. I love what you've done with this layer of the Pit, the impalings really bring out the evil vibe of this shrine to Perdition. By the way, I hope you don't mind too terribly if I fry you with plasma." Baron: "ROARHOWL." yeah.

Well, if you want such clever dialogue, why not ;P

I think what the author of this tread ment, was to create some plot in DoomRL, after that dialogue would be nice. Anyway, I mentioned above, it's just to much work to think about a plot, that would make sense. It would take even more time to make dialogues.

Nah, guess we will just stick with the normal one-against-all DoomRL.

AliensRL / Re: Hello (and suggestions)
« on: February 25, 2009, 05:45 »
This is not DoomRL, this is AliensRL ;) .
Oh God, sorry, my bad :D

AliensRL / Re: Hello (and suggestions)
« on: February 24, 2009, 05:17 »
I would rather see piercing as a passive ability (If you get SoBx3 you can get AP (Armour piercing)). Each stage of AP increases the chance, that your bullets will pierce the enemy.

Off Topic / Re: Dialogue in RL
« on: February 24, 2009, 05:15 »
Hehe, dialogue? Well, you are thinking of DoomRL as ADOM I suppose?

You start on Mars surface, you can wander from location to location. You have to follow the orders from High Command from Earth (since there is noone alive (really?) on Mars except you). At some point, you could join the dark side, turn into some hellish mutant, get granted with new powers (hurling fireballs, spitting acid). Your task would be to wipe out all remaining human forces on Mars.

But there also would be a third alignment, Aliens that ones ruled Mars. Hey it's the official story behind Doom 3, right?

Implementing such stuff (maps, plot, characters, new weapons, powers) would be really, really difficult, and there is only one men behind the project. This would require a bigger effort, from many people so such game could evolve.

In the beginning, thinking up a plot would be really difficult. What is UAC really up to? Why the  hell forces want everybody dead? What are those aliens? What do they want, etc. etc.

Requests For Features / Re: New unique items
« on: February 22, 2009, 23:39 »
Hm, those sniper rifles of yours are very powerful.

I think that letting the sniper rifles into the game would be a cool idea with one little catch:

If you want to shoot the sniper rifle, you have to stand still for one turn. This way it won't be the ultimate slaughter machine. Also, welding a sniper rifle slows you down (it is really hard to run with 1,5m metal pipe attached to your hands)

Bug Reports / Re: Level cleared, The former human fires!
« on: February 18, 2009, 03:05 »
You didn't happen to use a switch after clearing the level?

Pre-0.9.9 / Re: [H|98%|YAVP] First win on hard for me - pistols!
« on: February 14, 2009, 16:08 »
I remember using few dozens of shots against walls on a level before The Wall. They did not seem to do any damage as far as i remember ...
I may be wrong of course - so it would be nice if any of our testers/cheaters obtained AFJ (by any means) and went on that level just for testing purposes.

If you do it is probably because you are shooting blindly or you are hoarding too many med-packs.
Special levels tend to eat ammo as well.

AntiFreak Jackal destroys walls! I have it now, 2xSoG, and it does happen, although very rarely! But I had the Wall level before the Jackal |:

EDIT: Now I have 3xSoG, 2xSoB and I destroy walls more often

Now that's something really useful. I died once, because I was low on health and former commando (I think it was former commando) dropped large med-pack.

I didn't even get a chance to use it...

Bug Reports / Language bugs ans misc.
« on: February 14, 2009, 11:03 »
This is my post-mortem file, Medium level, Angel of Berserk. I have found some bugs:

  On level 16 he invaded the Unholy Cathedral!
  On level 16 he found the Longinus Spear!
  He then destroyed the Unholy Cathedral!

I think the order of what happened is wrong, I have found (picked-up) the Longinus Spear *AFTER* destroying the Unholy Cathedral.

Some rumours though, say that the Cyberdemon was killed already!
 Is he immortal? 1 souls claim to have killed him...
 1 killed the bastard and survived.

1 soul claims to have killed him...

Anyway, these are just language bugs, not so important.

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