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Messages - Napsterbater

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Discussion / Re: Master assemblies
« on: August 10, 2012, 11:53 »
I wish the two mods in the main part of Hell's Armoury were, sometimes, anything other than yet another A and B mod. Y'know, just to switch things up some. But, then again, every time I think that, I find TWO B mods. I once found four B-mods at the Armory and left three of them behind. (5th mod was Onyx, Trigun also generated in that level and it was a pistol run so I wasn't too mad)

Nightmare! / Re: [N!|AoPc|13%|24|YASD] Didn't have a nuke
« on: August 09, 2012, 16:47 »
You start with a nuke... am I missing something?

Edit: oh wait, you used it on Cybie. Is that strictly necessary? Seems like AoPc should start you off with two.

Off Topic / Re: Doom Tetris!
« on: August 07, 2012, 19:57 »
I got to level six from 0. It's not too hard once you get a feel for how the two difficult pieces fit. There is a bug I found where occasionally the gibs don't move down after a line's cleared like they're supposed to. Other than that, pretty neat twist on classic Tetris!

Enemies turn red when they will attack on their next turn--could be useful when deciding whether to run or keep shooting.
Please God, no. That would be an "I win" button for sure. Even as a master trait it would be ridiculously overpowered, much less as an advanced trait that almost any character could get.

AliensRL / Re: Brightness
« on: July 21, 2012, 19:54 »
Your terminal colors are defined by the operating system, any game that uses the terminal can only pick between the colors the terminal is using. You should be able to redefine them in your terminal config. You didn't give an OS, so I can't give more specific advice here.

Alternatively, you may find a colors definition file in your game folder. I know DoomRL has it, not sure about AliensRL. You may be able to shuffle the colors around to brighter ones if you play with it.

Vis-a-vis the Inferno mod: read a lot, seen nothing. I'm not quite sure which ideas are being referred to either, so please elaborate if you will.
Well, there's plenty of special levels with neat elements. I thought the cave pillar elements from the very first level, after the bridge, were pretty neat. I'd rather see larger, more distinct pillars in the caves than what's there now, which looks more like fractal noise than a cave, probably because it is. Also interesting were the divided rooms.

Releases / Re: The Inferno Module
« on: July 20, 2012, 13:11 »
I used to make cerberus boots first thing on all my Ao100 runs, thinking I really needed it, until I went to the Century board and found most people were making A-modded Tac boots for the move speed/dodge bonus, when they didn't find a nano mod. I would have thought the cerberus boots would be a no-brainer, but the lava really isn't all that difficult to work around.

I was gonna say, if you just want something worthy of putting a bounty on, why not just come up with some decent level generation ideas, then put a price tag on implementation. There's some decent ones that have already been done in the Inferno mod.

Also, if you look at the stuff that's already on the board, there's plenty of things that seriously need funding. Both the DoomRL and the DiabloRL 0.4.6 releases only have $30 on it. (I just put $20 on DoomRL) Kornel scored over a grand for, so we need to motivate him some! Fixing the Fireangel bug has to be worth something!

Discussion / Re: Assemblies
« on: July 11, 2012, 11:09 »
Well, with Shottyman and a Double Shotgun, the Shambler goes down really easy. If you aren't playing AoSh, then shoot rockets/missiles left as soon as you pull the lever, really softens him up. There's a good chance of getting that essential power mod you need for a TS in the lab cache. But I'm arguing that the TS isn't as much of a no-brainer as it seems. You can do just as well with a T-modded CS, saving the Power mod for Power Armor/FDS. Of course, if you get a bunch of power mods, sure, finish your TS, but I honestly don't think you need one, seeing as how a T-modded CS fires almost as fast as a TS.

Once you get MSh, the picture changes, a TS becomes more powerful than a CS, But I find that by that time I'm using a DS for most of my killing. A TS is nice to have, but not really necessary.

Discussion / Re: Assemblies
« on: July 11, 2012, 09:00 »
It's at the bottom-left, and it's good to learn how to clear the Mortuary, rather than just trying to get to the exit. It's not THAT hard. If you're not playing AoSh, then you should have at least two BFGs and a boatload of cells, including the power battery from the Spider's Lair, which you can then drop after you leave it. (you won't need them for SM if on a MSh run) Just don't fire them in the bottom-left side of the map. You should also have a skull or two, hatred's really nice. You'll need a medpack or two, but not too much more, as there's plenty of healing in the Mortuary. You'll need a few stacks of shells, but enough sergeants spawn so that you'll be good. Rockets help too, but aren't strictly necessary.

If you're just trying to get the Assault Shotty, then yeah, you can reliably get it every run.

Releases / Re: The Inferno Module
« on: July 10, 2012, 07:00 »
Used an invisibility sphere before going downstairs, when I got there, the powerup still said I was invisible but I died very quickly trying to sneak by stuff. Don't think it was working at all.

Discussion / Re: Assemblies
« on: July 09, 2012, 17:22 »
If you're doing a Shottyhead run then the Tactical Shotgun becomes way more valuable.
Just wait until the Mortuary and pick up the guaranteed assault shotty, and slap your power mod on it. Makes the SM go down easy.

DiabloRL / Re: Is this *EVER* going to be released?
« on: July 09, 2012, 13:44 »
Most reasonable languages (see Pascal or Ruby) use keywords. I don't know what idiot came up with the curly braces idea ;).
HAML/SASS/Coffee-script taught me that the best way is just indentation. Why not...

Code: [Select]
define output(string)
    print string
for x in some_array
    output x

Explicit delimiters are just tiring.

DiabloRL / Re: Is this *EVER* going to be released?
« on: July 09, 2012, 13:36 »
What? C? Low-level? Damn I'm old.
I usually reserve that descriptor for FORTRAN or COBOL or Rogue :P

Oops, didn't mean to totally derail the topic..*cough* DiabloRL!
In case you didn't know, "low-level" refers to it's closeness to machine language. C is lower-level than both FORTRAN and COBOL. The whole purpose behind C was to create a language that was very close to the x86 instruction set. Both of the aforementioned have to be interpreted before they can be compiled into machine language, C, when targeting an x86 system, is compiled directly. That's why C is still around even after all these years, it still runs crazy fast because there's no ambiguity involved in compiling it.

Releases / Re: The Inferno Module
« on: July 08, 2012, 16:02 »
Man, you have cerberus boots and ballistic onyx armor??? Why not make cerberus onyx armor, and grav boots? That would have made you nigh unstoppable.

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