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Messages - DisaffectedBeta

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Bug Reports / Re: Typos
« on: July 19, 2007, 08:10 »
I remember way back when I first heard there might be a Doom movie.  I was all excited, just like when I first heard they were throwing concepts around for Aliens vs. Predator.  But so many years passed I stopped caring.  And from what I've heard about both movies (I've not seen either of them) it's a good thing!

Off Topic / Re: Frozen Depth 1.02 released!
« on: July 19, 2007, 07:48 »
I think your simple use mechanic has a lot of potential.  Since you just came out with your newest version I doubt you want to just dive back in and start creating new content, but the fact that an item's single-use changes means you can do that with other things, like a wand that turns out to be a peppery piece of beef jerky or something :)


One thing you could do with potions is just have them act like wands, that way if you're afraid of drinking them you can throw them, which means you may accidentally benefit the monster you're throwing it at, but it might also encourage the introduction of more harmful potions.

Bug Reports / Re: Typos
« on: July 19, 2007, 07:19 »
Argh, I just read the Doom comic.  I think it was funny in its own way, not terribly dramatic...  The main character sorta reminded me of all the idiots who comment on Youtube and the like, all welded into a single person.

Bug Reports / Re: Typos
« on: July 19, 2007, 06:59 »
Well, if you just say bullets you have a specific image in your head, which I think is OK.  Often I go a bit nuts with the chaingun and find I've run out when in the middle of a running battle, and the reload skill comes in handy then.

I think the humanity thing works, because it's drawing from the Hindenberg disaster quote from the journalist who witnessed the crash.  Although it's not a huge tragedy :) "Oh, the humanity!"

Bug Reports / Re: Typos *puts on editor's cap*
« on: July 18, 2007, 23:45 »
What was the context for the "humanity" quote?  I forget.

Your second idea is correct, the tenses need to match.

The third could easily be changed to "Evil, most pure," (like murder most foul).  "Almost pure evil" sounds good (though why not just say "pure evil?"  Is the Arachnotron subject to fits of kindness?), but "evil, almost purely so" lacks punch.

Don't worry about criticisms :)  Kornel's quite the gentleman.  He's made a good game, so I think he doesn't sweat the small stuff and really pays attention to suggestions.

The incremented running would sure help with those long rooms, where, if you run the full length, you might miss some loot.  The increment could be defaulted to allow decent coverage from your field of view.

And also, hi :)

Off Topic / Re: Frozen Depth 1.02 released!
« on: July 17, 2007, 05:35 »
You can imagine a walking bomb as not literally a walking bomb, but like a spherical, fat little grinning creature with fiery oils in its belly that it needs to keep warm in the depths.  Usually other predators stay away from it because of its foul odor and tendency to explode, (and it tastes bad even if you do survive the blast), but the adventurer doesn't have the luxury of ignoring it.  When you do kill it, its body ruptures, spreading the fiery oil in a burning burst around it.

This is the image I sorta have in mind (after coming up with the idea above):

@ - sage says (be wise, stock up on arrows while you can, just in case you need to pop a bomb at a distance!  Arrows on sale now!)

As far as the crocodile:

Even if it's dead, maybe its mouth is still around your leg.  It has a death grip on you and you have to pry its mouth open before you can get away.

I can come up with other explanations, although I think I could just give you alternate names and such for some of the monsters.  I mean, there's intrinsic humor in being chomped on by angry caribou, but I think your game could have its own, unique creatures too, with a little flavor text about them.  Just ask me in a private message if you want a hand with any of that.

Is it possible to throw potions?

Berserk! / Re: Had anyone tried doing a...
« on: July 17, 2007, 02:47 »
Oh, shoot, wrong forum.  I thought this was Cake Town.

Off Topic / Re: Frozen Depth 1.02 released!
« on: July 16, 2007, 03:12 »
Yeah, the asterisk thing is nice, although sometimes it's a bit misleading.  If there's a higher class of item, but you have a blessed item of a lower class, sometimes the blessed item has the same statistics.  So, while the class of the item gets it the asterisk, you really don't need to change (and risk getting cursed).

Can you pick things up piecemeal when they're in a ground stack?  I haven't figured out how yet.

My skill availability ups slowly.  I guess because I tend to concentrate on a few stats instead of spreading it out, so I get the stereotypical skills for my class instead of having them all increase. 

I keep forgetting about the tactics, but they do make a difference when I do use them.  Glad they've been so effective for you.  I'll have to remember to use them when things look bad.  I did use it once on the second boss to escape a big cloud of enemies, and it worked to a point...

Discussion / Re: Chaosforge group
« on: July 15, 2007, 07:12 »
I joined, but I didn't download the software.  Was fun picking my own avatar :)

Bug Reports / Re: autorun difficulties
« on: July 15, 2007, 06:57 »
Before I used autorun I just tapped the move button, but that's where I ran into buffer problems.  Crossing the whole screen became boring, so I would either hold the key down or type them faster than the computer could run them, so there would be a buffer of movement.  I'd then slide into hazards.  It's a risk either way, really, if you're impatient like me:), but just changing the teleporter aspect to be a thing that stops you during autorun would be all that was really necessary. 

I tend to stay away from teleporters too.  I only hop into them when I'm desperate, which is why I'd love for autorun to reflect my paranoia :)

I don't think I've ever seen Crawl.  Where is it?

Off Topic / Re: Frozen Depth 1.02 released!
« on: July 15, 2007, 06:51 »
You had the cursed bow thing too?  It was actually a cursed bow incident that lead me to scumming!  I was a human warrior, kicking butt, then I tried out my fancy new bow.  Thing for me was, I never saw a sage.  I throwing every throwable weapon, and expending my few arrows, then zapping things with wands, often teleporting myself away when I got surrounded.  Worked, as far as tactics goes, until attrition killed me.

I agree about the monsters, although I wouldn't mind the fire monsters as things that generate their own heat and thus are more able to survive cold climate.  I just get the usual nethack feeling: "why are all these cute little animals zombying toward me?"

Like you, Rabiat, I'm digging the single use command instead of dealing with all those context-specific verbs, and the clothing dimension to keeping warm.  I wish there was a way to combine the equipment screen, so sorting through the best stuff while getting rid of excess baggage didn't take hopping between the two screens to do it.

Skills are nice once you figure them out.  At first I felt that it was a bit of a hassle to activate the non-active skills every time but I'm used to it now and it's helped in tight situations.  Actually, doesn't every character start with a single skill already?  That'll let you practice using them.

If the sage's prices were a bit lower, I wouldn't mind so much that they went up.

I was going to have a productive day, but now I think I'll play a few more levels of this game...

I'm curious, what was the content, specifically.  You can memorialize it here :)

Off Topic / Re: Frozen Depth 1.02 released!
« on: July 14, 2007, 16:14 »
OK, thank you for mentioning that with sages.  The first, like, three times I played, I kept running into sages early on.  One time twice in three levels, and so on my next game I gleefully stored a ton of goods waiting to unload them on the sage I'd see...  and I never saw one..  I'm like, I don't know how many levels down and I haven't seen one yet.

They may yet be sages, they seem unhindered by cold (or heat or monsters).  Maybe they've achieved enlightment, but the cost is that they have to sit around, torturing adventurers with high prices.

And yes, after dying too often, I've decided to savescum :)  The only time I don't like to savescum is in the not-technically-roguelike Dwarf Fortress, since it still sorta contributes to the world when you die, and Doom, just because I'm hardheaded.  Any roguelike that will have your old, dead characters somehow affect the world later always gets a plus in my book (like the old nethack, if I recall correctly).

Off Topic / Re: Frozen Depth 1.02 released!
« on: July 14, 2007, 11:24 »
I just played through it.  Got quite far before some rather evil enemy buried me in stuffed animals (not really, but sorta).  I like its straightforwardness.  Minimal keypresses to memorize, but still a good number of dungeon features.

The site seems to be down at the moment; was going to ask the designer a few questions...

I will say I probably would behead the sages if I could.  They're a bit hypercapitalist for my taste :)

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