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Messages - Visalos

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Requests For Features / Re: Map memory
« on: March 25, 2009, 01:49 »
Useless and inferior to Intuition.

Requests For Features / Re: AoB improvement discussion
« on: March 24, 2009, 01:07 »
I've been berserking again, i WILL make Colonel! Having improved my berserk technique(though not enough to win), i've noticed that luck is too big a factor in at least the early levels of AoB. A good example is the first level. Not only is it possible to do everything wrong on phobos surface(short of not attacking, not collecting the medkits, and not picking up the knife) and walking down the stairs with all four health items and 90% health or so, it's possible to do everything RIGHT and walk down the stairs with only your two starting medkits and 40% health. As a result, i've taken to doing the first level wrong every time.

I have two ideas. One is to alter the spawn rates of sergeants and imps in the early levels. (i've been playing on HNTR, even HMP is beyond my savagery as of yet) It won't affect game balance in the wrong run, just throw more former humans in to even out the experience, and by the time one gets the chainsaw, one is back to the difficulty Kornel intended :P Don't have to remove them entirely, just reduce their numbers to two or three per level in dlvl1-4.

The second idea is a guaranteed berserk state at the beginning of each level(no free heal, though) This, I feel, would fix everything. EVERYTHING.

EDIT: I beat AoB a while back, and have been so disgustingly smug about it i haven't bothered with UV or AoMs yet. Not to mention the THREE HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND ENEMIES I STILL NEED TO KILL FOR V RANK.

Requests For Features / Re: New unique items
« on: March 09, 2009, 23:31 »
the caster gun from Outlaw Star. pistol, takes rockets, low accuracy, smaller blast radius, more damage. or something.

dead simple, yo.

Off Topic / Re: Dialogue in RL
« on: February 25, 2009, 15:51 »
who's there to talk to in Doom? "Hello, my lord Baron. I love what you've done with this layer of the Pit, the impalings really bring out the evil vibe of this shrine to Perdition. By the way, I hope you don't mind too terribly if I fry you with plasma." Baron: "ROARHOWL." yeah.

Requests For Features / Re: New unique items
« on: February 25, 2009, 15:39 »
Health is measured as a percentage. If you want realism, just pretend that Doomguy's wrists and ribs and organs DO break, but all the supernatural hell healing items fix that. Otherwise, realistically, it takes days or weeks for broken things to heal; would YOU want to be stuck in hell for days or weeks, with a broken wrist, wielding the gun that broke your good wrist in your off hand? Note: 10mm is somewhere between .44 and .50 caliber. Doomguy pops those off ALL DAY LONG. if your 'cannon' packs such a kick, just express it as slow firing time; one still has to go 'wooooo...!' like will smith with the noisy cricket. (side note: NO) Besides, it's really not necessary. If you've ever faced a new dlvl with 36% health, no armor or health items, two phase devices and that combat shottie you picked up two levels ago because you ran out of power cells, you know how tense DoomRL can get. And don't give me any crap about inventory management. i already know, and you already know it doesn't always help.

Requests For Features / Re: Challenge modes ideas - old and new.
« on: February 21, 2009, 19:23 »
must be people's natural inclination to suck.

Requests For Features / Re: Pickup quotes for uniques
« on: February 21, 2009, 19:17 »
Nuclear Plasma Gun or Nuclear BFG: now what do i do with all...these...power cells...? GRR@%$#!!!!

Requests For Features / Re: Pickup quotes for uniques
« on: February 18, 2009, 02:45 »
Anti-Freak Jackal: If thou presume to flirt with spirits, thou shalt surely join them.
-from Der Freischutz, The Magic Bullet Marksman

Gothic Anything: Looking good never weighed this much.

Requests For Features / Re: New unique items
« on: February 04, 2009, 13:25 »
tone down the accuracy a bit. in all those bond FPS's, it is a one hit kill(against normal, non-possessed humans), but it's not as if the bullet tracks enemies.

Requests For Features / Re: New unique items
« on: February 03, 2009, 00:25 »
Madness? THIS...IS...PHOBOS!!!

Requests For Features / Re: AoB improvement discussion
« on: January 25, 2009, 00:36 »
yeah, but i hate leaving live enemies behind me. i'm addicted to experience points, and i have an infinite supply of melee-specialized space marines who will literally charge into hell to get me my fix. poor stupid bastards. Seriously though, I'm gonna try putting Berserker on hold until i pick up TaNx2 at least. maybe that'll work out better...

Pre-0.9.9 / Re: [E|90%|19|YASD] Death by an Arachvile
« on: January 25, 2009, 00:19 »
I HATE ARACHVILES. with their resurrection powers and their plasma rifles, grr!

Requests For Features / Re: The Nuke
« on: January 21, 2009, 13:53 »
yup, real tactical nukes can be disarmed. at least the old ones could. thing is, arming them in the first place was a delicate and tense procedure, same for disarming; one had to manually prime the thing and one sneeze put you at ground zero. i'm sure they've refined it to a simple keypad kinda thing by now. considering how rarely one would actually CHOOSE to disarm a nuke, i think the ability to do so wouldn't affect the game too much. on the other hand, in DoomRL those things are on a ten-second timer. not a lot of time to push buttons.

Discussion / Re: The Big Jump Poll
« on: January 13, 2009, 12:49 »
I've alrady had to start over several times because my computer is a pile. this one will be the worst though, since A. it's planned, and B. I'm THIS close to Major, and probably halfway to Colonel once i do AoP. speaking of which, that got a lot easier when i realized that medikits still work >_< got my challenges confused

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