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Messages - skarczew

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 ... 55
Discussion / Re: Soooo... AoMr in
« on: April 05, 2013, 09:31 »
Oh, you should try it on N!.
True. Especially YAAM N!.

Discussion / Re: Soooo... AoMr in
« on: April 05, 2013, 07:29 »
... actually, no. I give up on AoMr permanently. Killing 200+hp of 4-armor boss with pistols is just too damned tedious.

I should point out that it's not damage-per-game-second that affects tedium for me, but damage-per-keystroke - on which no firearms build except possibly MAc+WK2 can compete with Bru3 + bulkmodded chainsaw.
I do understand that game can be tedious, but with that kind of approach I hardly see you stepping out of HNTR.

Discussion / Re: Soooo... AoMr in
« on: April 05, 2013, 05:57 »
Any good tips on a class / build / approach for HNTR Angel of Marksmanship on
Scout GlassCannon. Start with this:

then take EE (if you feel you need it).
For a Cybie you may take

Aim for CatEye - but remember to take 4th and 5th SoG when it became available.

For weapons, I like Speedloaders - very useful when fighting bosses.

Ah, I'd been following instincts on my marine build: no DG, because DG slows you down when you're chewing through a bunch of glass cannons.
Slows you down? How is it so? And where do you see glass cannons among daemons?

No compromises on this one.
HAHAHAHA, a very bad joke, Sir.

Tell me why UV is harder than N! in certain aspects? Huh? You don't know? Go check then ;) .

ave fun trying to finish Ao666 taking weeks or even months of your life with a powered-on computer. Just pray to the Goddess of Luck Tymora that no power failure happens. And that no-one else in your family might accidentally shut down or restart your computer........
You have to upgrade your PC to a laptop, or buy an UPS. Don't forget about 8 GB of RAM, some multicore CPU and 1 TB SSD drive. Oh and progamer keyboard is a must.
Only then you can think about being "like 2Dev" and playing N!.

Combat pistol (3d6) [26/26] (P3B2) + MSs = :pray:
GCB looks cooler though. Nice run.
Though i think that taking EE1 would be very noticable.
He will notice it once he switches to UV/N!. =)

Don't worry, I've changed the requirements again in

You'll never figure out what I just did.  Mwahahahahahaha...
Who cares about an item that does not exist? :P

To prevent from dying of boredom (in my "defense" I killed every single demon up until about level 100) ;-) Seriously, will all the equipment I got on me and my traits it was no challenge at all anymore. I used like 2 medkits if even on the last 500 or so levels and besides that the soulcubes, health globes and whatnot were sufficient.
This is Ao666. It is supposed to be awful boring grinding.
Grind always smells this way - even if it is Korean MMORPG game.

I think this Angel needs a badge for YAAM UV or N! ...

And by the way, I am female :-)
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...and only 7 hours, that's better than some folks Ao100 too!
How is that better?

He just fled away from daemons without killing anything.

I've never really had the patience to master the gift dropping technique that will allow me feats like YAAM or Explorer/Conqueror.
Patience is one thing, being much easier is the second thing :P .

You missed all the special levels D:. On purpose?
I guess he did it on purpose, Kornel. That's how you play Berserker, especially when you get Inv / Ber Globe.

Post Mortem / Re: [U|AoMr|100%|YAAM] Marksman Platinum(again)
« on: March 30, 2013, 06:08 »
Sharpshooter is probably still my favourite though (by a whisker :-) )

The Cateye thing makes sense on higher difficulties (or A100); sadly, in a standard HNTR there's just not enough xp to go around.
Yep, you are right. I play almost exclusively UV (and sometimes N! as well).

Requests For Features / Re: Balance suggestions
« on: March 15, 2013, 19:03 »
Tactical Boots are not the problem. Lava/Acid protection is the problem. You don't need it often enough to make other parameters of boots as important as the speed/dodge bonus is. You encounter impassable areas you have to walk on very rarely, and when you do, they cause too much damage to use boots anyway -- you have to use an envirosuit pack or a homing phase device.

Don't concentrate your attention on symptoms and look deeper: it's never lupus.
Well, the most problems I had with lava were due to level-flooding levers. Aside from that, there were not many cases in which I died to lava. Most of my deaths were due to Mancubi blasts I bet...

Requests For Features / Re: Balance suggestions
« on: March 15, 2013, 12:25 »
I would also argue that it's not about the use(ful)(less) quality of the options but the lack of use of Agility mods in general.
"Hey I found an A-mod I'll just dump in to tact boots/armor because I don't have an accuracy problem"

Buff everything else or nerf tact boots and you know what I'll do? I'll still make tact boots

Anyway the whole mod system is a case-study in systems dynamics and decision theory - it's difficult to balance it without starting over completely
Maybe speed is too overwhelmingly important in this game, just to simply ignore it?

And A-mods are quite useful for Ammochain, for example.

Requests For Features / Re: Balance suggestions
« on: March 15, 2013, 03:59 »
Maybe the right answer will be to nerf the tactical boots.
It is not only about nerfing one thing. It is also about making other stuff more useful :) .

Requests For Features / Re: Balance suggestions
« on: March 14, 2013, 10:17 »
That way, you don't need to worry about the boredom of assembling tactical boots every time.
So, you do want to change the variety of one optimal assembly into the variety of one possible assembly? What an interesting idea you got there.

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