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Messages - Melon

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 ... 31
Requests For Features / Re: Spider's Lair -> The Lair
« on: April 09, 2011, 01:48 »
Better. After killing everything that moves in Spider's Lair you get a chance to enter the Lair.

There is the mother of arachnotrons. And she's not very happy you killed her children...

Requests For Features / Re: Formers with rockets
« on: April 09, 2011, 01:46 »
Formers with thermonuclear device!


Forum / Re: ChaosForge Forum Mass-Murder
« on: February 08, 2011, 12:43 »
Captchas really don't work anymore for some reason, even on my forum.
But maybe instead of that simple question, you should try my simple technique (the RetardCheck thing)?
It's a randomized question in a randomized sentence (refresh the page a few times to see the randomness in action). And that works fine for me. :D

Just type the twentieth character of this very sentence in the field below. (includes spaces)

0-based or 1-based? :D

Off Topic / Re: 2011! OMG... 1 more year to 2012!
« on: January 03, 2011, 10:11 »
Hm. I heard there is a reward for any non-Pole that can say properly Kornel's name, plus he also has to say this:

Off Topic / Re: 2011! OMG... 1 more year to 2012!
« on: January 02, 2011, 12:54 »
The only thing that could be called a resolution on my list of things to do this year:

Meet Kornel Kisifwagasfish, and attempt to pronounce his last name correctly.

Kee-sh-yeah-le-wee-sch (the last one like in word kitsch)
Read sh-yeah together and wee-sch together

Requests For Features / Re: New unique items
« on: August 30, 2010, 03:17 »
He can't.  I'm sure DoomRL will crash from having too many sprites to display on the limited sized map...

So how about 5 Cybies and 3 AoD? :P

Requests For Features / Re: New unique items
« on: August 28, 2010, 06:33 »
Boots? That would be very unbalanced. These boots will grant you automatic Full-win. You just pump-up yourself with health, approach the Cybie, put on the boots and you do not need to dodge his rockets anymore. Not to mention what happens when you get to JC. He can summon even 1000 BoH and this won't help him.

If such unique item would exist, it would certainly have to be a normal armour. Boots only get damaged on hazardous surfaces.

Requests For Features / Re: New unique items
« on: August 28, 2010, 01:26 »
Demon's Mark
 Unique Boots
All parameters are 0.
Description: You feel it won't be easy to wear this.
Special: Every 2 seconds you wear this you loose 1 health. Demons can't hurt you while you wear this.

By what do we understand daemons? All the monsters? We don't include possessed?

Requests For Features / Re: A small idea - Gender selection
« on: August 18, 2010, 04:26 »
Well, I am against it, since the female character would have significant advantages over DoomGuy. Game would be unfair

Berserk! / Re: Just found it...
« on: August 12, 2010, 00:29 »
<voice id="yoda>You should! You should... </voice>

ERROR at line 1: Unterminated "curly" quotation mark. Bailing out!

Discussion / Re: Screenshots: ASCII and Graphics
« on: July 31, 2010, 03:18 »
That is probably not the coolest position to be in.  That said, this raises an interesting stress test: how many spawned monsters can the DoomRL engine handle before it segfaults and dies?

That won't be tested here, because our here dies in two turns

she was smiling

Discussion / Re: .exe file
« on: July 31, 2010, 03:14 »
We use computer languages to communicate with our machines. They are divided into high and low level languages. High level languages are very abstract, let's say that easily understandable by humans. Such language is Java for example. Here you have an example of a program that writes 99 beers of bottle

There are also low level languages. These are closer to the machine. Probably the lowest and most useful is assembly. Here you have an example program just as above but written in assembly

Please do not try to understand them, just take a look.

What you see in your notepad when opening an .exe file is a machine code. You see, machines only communicate with each other using '0' and '1'. The assembly language is translated into such machine code. You can use a disassembly language if you want, put your .exe file there and you will get a similar out put like the 99 bottles of beer program written in assembly [;

Understanding the .exe file is a waste of time (unless you are a hacker or have a REALLY good reason to). As a beginner, you should read .exe files, you will become schizophrenic.

If you want to start to program, I think you should start with this:

from old gypsie.

smelt of caramel

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