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Messages - TFoN

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Requests For Features / Re: Shell
« on: December 21, 2006, 12:58 »

'e' - see equipment, see traits, unequip WITHOUT swap
   For melee without mweapon avoiding RL suicide, walk over lava so you don't damage your boots 'cause there's a Supercharge anyway, same for armor and minor enemies.
Very useful when micromanaging, unattainable through 'i' wtihout foregoing other advantages. Also good for access without 'w', 'W', 'T', 'P' and so forth.

'i'  - see inventory (and relative room left, at a glance), use items(?), equip WITH swap
   Well, why that's good's obvious. Too bad I wasn't aware of the swap earlier :) Does it make any practical game difference?

'u' - use items

I'd say the only duplication here's 'i' and 'u', if you can 'use' through 'i' (haven't tried).
Even then it's a convenient listing of your medkits.

As for Crawl and NetHack, they've very different mentalities. Here we don't worry about the BFG taking up space for our RL, CG, PR and CS combined, and can get a quick list of our worn equipment with a touch of the 'e', not 'I'>'foo*too much'. Who cares. I doubt anyone complains about weapon selections in Doom-like FPSs, and that's basically one 'i' away.

PS: doesn't ADoM have hundreds of strange, effectively useless commands...?

DiabloRL / Re: DiabloRL 0.4.1-4
« on: December 21, 2006, 11:11 »
Does '453' make any sense in context? I'm not sure if that's the scancode or something else.
I'm still mostly at my first steps :)

I was playing (, from the DRL homepage) and was attacked by an (untouchable and invisible) Fallen One in a wall (I was later alive at 0 HP):

The fallen one misses you. The fallen one hits you.

                                   +........¦........#     #............#
                                   #.................#     #............#
                                   ##........¦......##     #............#
                                    ##.............##      ########+##'########
                                     ##..........###             #............#
                                      ##.........#               #............#
                                  ##########'#####               +............+
                                  #...#   #...#                  #............#
                                ###...#####...###                #.....>......+
                                #......@#.......#                #............#
                                #.......'.......+                #............#
                                #.......#.......#                ##+##+#####'##
                                ###...#####...###                         #...#
                                  #...#   #...#                         ###...#
                                  ##'#######'##                         #.....%
                                  #...........#                         +.....%
                                  #...........#                         #......
                                  #....0......#                 ##+##+#####...#
                                  ##+###+##+###                 #.........#...#
    ....                                                        #.....%.####+##
----------------------------------------------------- Church, level 2 -######---
   ######                                                              ######
    ####                                                                ####

 The fallen one misses you.

                                    +........¦........#     #............#
                                    #.................#     #............#
                                    ##........¦......##     #............#
                                     ##.............##      ########+##'#######
                                      ##..........###             #............
                                       ##.........#               #............
                                   ##########'#####               +............
                                   #...#   #...#                  #............
                                 ###...#####...###                #.....>......
                                 #.....@.#.......#                #............
                                 #.......'.......+                #............
                                 #.......#.......#                ##+##+#####'#
                                 ###...#####...###                         #...
                                   #...#   #...#                         ###...
                                   ##'#######'##                         #.....
                                   #...........#                         +.....
                                   #...........#                         #.....
                                   #....0......#                 ##+##+#####...
                                   ##+###+##+###                 #.........#...
    ....                                                         #.....%#####+#
----------------------------------------------------- Church, level 2 -######---
   ######                                                              ######
    ####                                                                ####

Pre-0.9.9 / Re: [U|AoB|Win] The Malicious Knives OMG LOL
« on: December 21, 2006, 10:46 »

Think you could write sort of a trailer here, on how the hell you're making it so far?

Isn't chaingun 1d6? +2 is 3-8.
avgdmg=5.5, 5.5*5=27.5
Errr 28.75 with Killer...?

Anyway, IMVeryUneducatedO:

SoaB(1) is a ~28.5%(*) avgdmg increase on chaingun, 20% pistol, 10% RL.
Killer (at 10%) - ~7% chaingun, 6% pistol, 6% RL, and that's before the average raising SoaB(2) (Killer is, as Blade pointed out, completely dependant on the number of possibilities, which SoaB doesn't raise).
I didn't check for Killer(2) or SoaB(2), but it seems SoaB(2) raises the new average more than both Killers (i.e. 20%) raise the old one combined. 15% per rank should be a flat 50% increase of the bonus percent (i.e. total +9% for pistol). Even as a basic trait it really sucks.

*corrected from 40%

Bug Reports / Re: AoMarksmanship ends tragically*2
« on: December 21, 2006, 09:46 »
*Gasp* But that means my PREVIOUS game had this embarassing death! I don't even remember it. How awkward :P
Well, YASD to the list.

Discussion / Re: Unofficial Challenge : The Malicious Knives!
« on: December 21, 2006, 09:16 »
And a damn fitting one, too!

I made it to lvl3... Maybe 4... Bahh...

Pre-0.9.9 / Re: [U] YAVP what a rush!
« on: December 21, 2006, 09:12 »
mindmg=1? My bad, and a nice thing to hear :P

I'm really not one to melee. I keep that spirit for the Hacks and Crawls, where you're less often blasted from afar while pushing forwards... But I'll check it out :)
The only time I really managed to make progress in AoB, I met an unexpected demise at the hands of the AoD (at least 48% in one hit. I was like, "WTF mate?"). I've since heard he's got that Ludicrous Slicer(tm? :) ) you mentioned, and will certainly try THAT again!

Nightmare! / Re: [N!] Any suggestions?
« on: December 20, 2006, 13:03 »
To me it's already pure luck if I make it past the 6th floor :p

"Pure luck"? You've made it to lvl7 on Malicious Knives, and for that I salute you (not to mention Blade :P )! Pure luck brought me to lvl3!
I've made it to lvl4 Nightmare! (unhasted) on my first and only try. Now, maybe that WAS luck. I'll let you know in a couple of days ;)

Pre-0.9.9 / Re: [U] YAVP what a rush!
« on: December 20, 2006, 12:54 »
It was there, but anyway:

"Chaingun+SoaB(3)=32.5 avgdmg per trigger, 6.5 per shot, piercing almost any monster armor value at mindmg=4 per shot, with ammo carefuly watched taking out beasties through the late-game."
That's almost double damage, and much more if you consider the armor-piercing effect.

To clear my point on a number basis:

Normal -
SoaB(3) -
   6.5-1=5.5 (more than double damage!)
   6.5-2=4.5 (triple damage!!!)
   6.5-3=3.5 (what's it called? Septuple dmage? MUAHA!)
0 armor monsters don't do much anyway, by this point.
Also, since the Wiki says Cybie has 4 armor, it causes him avgdmg=2.5 mindmg=0, compared with the normal avgdmg=-0.5 mindmg=-3. That makes the avgdmg infinitely better with SoaB(3).

And: 3dmg=6% of Doomguy's 50 HP. *5 from a chaingun, that's 30%+weapon damage.
The way I see it, if it hurts me - it hurts them.

IMHO that works better than the 30 HPs from Ironman because 1) I use ToN(3) anyway, so I rarely have life issues as it is; 2) it enables me to kill Knights and Barons MUCH faster, meaning they shoot MUCH less, if they ever get close enough for the AI to allow them AND I conserve ammo, which for me runs out much faster than medkits do.

Pre-0.9.9 / Re: [U] YAVP what a rush!
« on: December 20, 2006, 12:17 »
Thanks alot :)

I think I mentiond SoaB on my post in the Strategies page. If I haven't, I'll mention it here in a sec.

As for the Mortuary, I've cleared it before, and didn't do it now for that reason exactly. I knew what's there, and I didn't need the equipment enough to risk YASD.
The AA's cool, but TaN(3) closes the gap and more... And SoaB(3) outclasses most advanced weapons anyway... The possible bonuses were too marginal...

Requests For Features / Re: Idea: Arena Mode
« on: December 20, 2006, 12:03 »
Me like! Me like ALOT!

But where is it in the discussion page...?

Requests For Features / Re: challenge mode: angel of vampirism
« on: December 20, 2006, 12:01 »
"Angel of Disease - player starts supercharged, but loses life down to 10%-20% (5-10 HP if Ironman=0). Gains small amounts of health when kills (up to 200%? 150%?), making for a sadistic, morbid angel ;) I'm not sure if he should gain normal health from globes and medkits. Also, it might make Nightmare a little easier, but on the other hand, only if you're ALWAYS killing, avoiding no-one and not holding back."

Making him unable to heal but gain health from kills is too-much of a directly easier version of AoMasochism.
I don't know if my idea's much better, but in any event I suggest at least partial health from kits'n'shit, and more importantly, life-loss to a critical point at all other times (making at least part of it directly more difficult than AoM).

Requests For Features / Re: challenge mode: angel of vampirism
« on: December 20, 2006, 11:54 »
In the Wiki I suggested something similar called Angel of Disease.
I'll post it here in a sec...

Discussion / Re: Poll : Backpack
« on: December 20, 2006, 11:45 »
I voted trait because there are people who stack up on medkits and have Ironman, making medkits more valuable numerically (as well as healing powerups).
On the other hand, there are people who stack up on ammo, and making every ammo slot a little more valuable (not including pure damage/to-hit traits as I'm not including pure armor/dodge traits) just seems fair.
I think a 20% increase per rank is good because it works smoothly for all current ammo stack maxes, doesn't make the rocket-launcher a one-weapon choice just yet.

As far as a backpack goes, maybe Inventory should be reduced to ~16 slots (8 AoLT), and a backpack increases it to 24 (12 AoLT).
You could call the trait "Armed to the Teeth", keeping the image of shell-chains and grenade-belts in mind :)

Followed by rocket-pistols and plasma-gloves ^^

Come to think of it, Fallout Tactics has a glove with a modified shotgun straped to it for a blast of a punch. Could make AoB a little more interesting... But rather Undoomish...

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