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Messages - Vestin

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Requests For Features / Re: Spicing up Ao100
« on: September 19, 2009, 22:42 »
Pain elementals which spawn ANGELS OF DEATH. WITH RANGED ATTACKS.
And over 9000 HP ;) ?

0.9.9 / Re: [M|82%|YASD] FUUUUUUUUUU-
« on: September 19, 2009, 19:39 »
 Entering level 9 he was almost dead...
  On level 9 he found the Butcher's Cleaver!
That's what I call good timing...
The Angel of Berserk challenge just got a lot harder, then.
Relax. It's also gotten a bit easier ;)...

Discussion / Re: Publicity
« on: September 14, 2009, 07:09 »
I was thinking along these lines:
As much as I don't want to be a naysayer, some of these just don't seem right.
Guy who is bored to death starts to play some Doom RL and gets hooked.
The idea sounds OK, but then again - there's something depressing about ads which start off with sad/sick/bored people. One might even say that if the first impression is so important, then the thing people will remember the best after watching something like that is the mentioned negative state. No really something you wish to achieve, right ?
If that doesn't convince you - how many commercials have you seem where people are apathetic or crying ? That's right - most of them feature upbeat and energetic characters. That's because they don't want to use the "without x the world is worse" approach instead of "x makes our good world better".

Unless you consider "join us or burn in Hell" as a religious type of advertisement ;)...

Then some awesome gameplay-records (ofc we need jokes like: "Stunning new-age graphics that melt your eyes")
That's like an Apple commercial saying "Our products are dirt cheap ^^' !". Not only doesn't it help - it's counterproductive as hell.

Then the guy again and hes like: "Woah this is t3h awesomest, but I can't play it all the time I've got to play some-"
Let me put it this way: unless you advertise a novel, insurance or pension fund - you don't want to use more than 5 words in a sentence (or even total).
The reason ? It's hard to stay madly enthusiastic and at the same time provide elaborate explanations. This just doesn't look honest.

*Doom imp aggro sound*
Imp on the door -> fireball to the screen as in taking a hit in original Doom -> Doomguys death-sound -> blood down the screen
Besides it being cheesy - I SERIOUSLY doubt we could do it in a professional way... And otherwise - it would look like special effects in AVGN videos - lame and out of place.

and a slogan:
Doom RL
Play it or go to Hell.
If you play it, in a way, you're also going to hell. Not much of a choice, is there ?

Also - while not even trying hard to be serious, that slogan is a blatant threat. I know there are probably plenty of people out there with slave mentality but I don't respond well to coercion attempts. Not to mention that it sound downright disrespectful to the viewer.

Discussion / Publicity
« on: September 12, 2009, 22:26 »
1* Do you know what's the first thing that comes up when you search YouTube for 'roguelike' ?

That's right.

* is the ONLY DOOM:RL video we have on YT (AFAIK)
* is short (4:15, not even half of the 10min limit)
* is poorly edited (shows a lot of unnecessary things)
* contains poor gameplay (the guy dies ON LEVEL 2 !)
* shows v.

It has still managed to get 5,877 views regardless. This number may seem small and insignificant but it's large enough to indicate a huge potential for a similar video without the aforementioned flaws.
While Kornel already suggested this, it would be nice to finally get it done.
Here's what we need:
* one person modern hardware, DOOM:RL skills and a screen recorder of choice
* one person (may be the same as above) with basic video-editing skills
I know we might use the footage we already have but it would be nice to show as up-to-date version as possible.
Also - it would be nice to have footage made with this kind of exposure in mind.

2* We already know that some people enjoy watching others play games, right ? Sure - some may prefer to either play themselves or use hotseat/splitscreen or LAN multiplayer... but most people don't mind watching how others do it, from time to time. Think of it as pr0n (a broad analogy) - even if you have a very fruitful sex life you might still enjoy watching how others (both n00bs and/or pros) do it.
Also - being able to interact and possible having some sort of impact adds to the excitement (think: webcams and cybersex).

So - how can we use this type of curiosity for our own agenda ? Aside from the obvious "dude - what's that ?" over-the-shoulder types of interactions we have... live streams !
I even managed to find a single roguelike stream. I don't know how many Crawl Stone Soup fan are out there but 500 views this month sound impressive for such a thing.

It's pretty easy to guess what my point is. We have quite a few DOOM:RL fans from different time zones and as such - we could create single, dedicated stream that would be on air (almost) round the clock ;).

(The only problem so far seems to be that Procaster works only for DirectX games and full desktop... but we can easily fix that by choosing the desktop broadcast and running DOOM:RL with console font set to something like Lucida Console, 36)

3* The DOOM:RL site should get somewhat updated with new screenshots, embedded videos from #1 and stream from #2.

4* Once we get done with all of the above, we will finally have something to show people. This is the point when we can spread the world by forum sigs, tweets... Whatever.

Any other suggestions ?

Discussion / Re: Custom music?
« on: August 31, 2009, 17:10 »
Can I put custom music in Doom RL?
If so, how can I do it? I tried in a lot of ways but I couldn't...
1* Edit doomrl.ini from
Code: [Select]
// Load music bindings (see music.ini)
#include "music.ini"
// Alternative music set (see musicmp3.ini for explanation)
//#include "musicmp3.ini"
Code: [Select]
// Load music bindings (see music.ini)
//#include "music.ini"
// Alternative music set (see musicmp3.ini for explanation)
#include "musicmp3.ini"

2* Place the desired mp3s someplace inside your DOOM:RL folder.

3* Edit musicmp3.ini to change the bindings.

Discussion / Re: Doom Singleplayer Pen & Paper RPG
« on: August 31, 2009, 17:04 »
You're right Vestin, it probably would do better as a computer game. It would definitely make testing and balancing alot easier!
It not only would... It does ! That's why we're here, isn't it ;) ?

Discussion / Re: Doom Singleplayer Pen & Paper RPG
« on: August 31, 2009, 02:22 »
Inspired by a tabletop RPG thread on Doomworld, I've been playing around with a pen and paper version of Doom. I don't really have anyone to play with, so I made it singleplayer.
P&P RPG without a GM and other players ? Also - what about the plot, the setting, etc ? If the game is less plot-driven than D&D, it's better off as a computer game.

Discussion / Re: Illustrations of Doom
« on: August 30, 2009, 08:36 »
I'll post the first few as soon as I've got them hosted on a suitable photobucket or other.
How about deviantART ;) ?

I'd say that you should give him the goodies instantly. You've already earned them; why have some guy go like 'no, suicide in ITYTD 50 more times!'?
I second that.
When it comes to achievements, skill >> persistence.

Discussion / Re: Illustrations of Doom
« on: August 29, 2009, 21:43 »
I'll take that as a "No" then. Fair enough.
Nah - I guess we're simply trying to be funny ;).

Then again - you kinda set yourself up by getting into detail about the utter badassness of it all... and then, all of a sudden, mentioning that it was all furry. While I know that it's possible to draw mean furries, you have to admit that they mostly come to mind as cute and cuddly; definitely not marine material.

That said, as long as they're nicely drawn, I'd be curious to see them...

Discussion / Re: Illustrations of Doom
« on: August 29, 2009, 20:10 »

Requests For Features / Re: New unique items
« on: August 20, 2009, 02:09 »
That would depend on exactly how much health is drained. 2 hp for 10d8? Yeah, no.
Well - it shouldn't drain half of your health for one shot either. It's obvious that it shouldn't be overpowered. I'm more worried about it becoming underpowered.

Another idea:
Pendant of Retribution
While wearing (i.e.: having in the inventory) the PoR the player cannot lose sight of his opponents (once a monster is in his LOS, he cannot move in a direction that would change that and, obviously, cannot descend to the next level). PoR can only be dropped when there are no enemies in sight.
When the player receives fatal damage he gets supercharged instead (see: limit break), while the PoR gets destroyed in the process (although the 'cannot-run-away' effect lasts until the end of level regardless).
If that's too little for too much - the general idea is to give the player a second chance ONLY IF he can maul down everything around him. As such - the "no-escape" rule might simply apply ONLY after the limit break and not while just wearing the pendant.

On the other hand - we could have an Angel of Retribution where you'd have all the drawbacks of the pendant... without the pendant :>.

Targets anything (like Revenant's Launcher). Everything within its effect radius changes to a random object (anything, really - floor, ammo, lava, door, wall, weapon, barrel, powerup...). Extensive use would be highly dangerous, as it is likely to block the way to the exit. Also - CD, JC (and, perhaps, the player) are immune to the randomization effect.

Requests For Features / Re: New unique items
« on: August 19, 2009, 17:29 »
That'd make it pretty berserkish. You'd run, loose pvs and deal damage like a madman. :>
I'd rather make it cost health to reload. This would indirectly mean that excessive healing powerups and medpacks become a type of ammo...
Also - it should deal a LOT of damage to justify life drain. BFG-like amount of damage.

Requests For Features / Re: New unique items
« on: August 18, 2009, 18:18 »
(...) it would be incredibly strong and it has to be able to go through multiple targets just like in the manga.
Doesn't the Railgun already work that way ?
It could have multiple power levels too.
In b4 >9000 ;).

(...) your some of buddy's actually managed to survive!
The goggles ! They do nothing ;_; !

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