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Messages - DisaffectedBeta

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They are drunk...  on WIKI POWER!!

Bug Reports / Re: autorun difficulties
« on: July 14, 2007, 03:29 »
You are cruel. 

True enough, but I do it so I don't have to get arthritis tapping the same button to cross a long room.  I know the enemies are on the other side of the board, for instance, and I just want to get on with clearing a room and get back to what I was doing. 

Even if the board is cleared, conceivably you could have trouble:  say you're cleaning out the last of the board before going through the elevator.  Everything is dead, you've already waded through a big field of acid, and you don't have enough health to get back through it.  But when running through the room, just to save time, like the function purports to do, you run smack into a teleporter, which puts you on the other side of that frigging acid field again, making it a numbers game which you will lose because your health is low.

While someone could just say it's some sort of Punish the Weak thing, I think it goes against the general function of autorun, which is to stop before the player would have to make a choice about a thing.  You could also punish a player for running by letting it run straight over acid, but I don't think anyone would suggest it.

Cheers then, DaEezT.  I was probably defensive because I felt I could have written it better.

You're right not to do that, Rabiat.  Ad hominem attacks don't go anywhere on a reasonable forum.  Sticking to the issue is best, even when the admin is playing inquisitor.

I've avoided taking up an account many times with wikipedia because I felt like it was a wasted effort.  The misattributed or misstated quotes are the ones that really get to me, because that just illustrates sloppy research, but I felt that if anyone wanted to really look up information on a topic, they might, at best, use the dread Wiki as a stepping stone to actually learning about something, as I usually do, instead of treating it as the final step.  Unfortunately, though, we tend not to have time to do full research on a given topic, and human beings are rumor-animals at times, making something that SOUNDS like knowledge become knowledge.  Even when you find out later that a fact you'd heard through the grapevine is false, it's hard to dislodge it from the brain.

I think editorial authority is something too important to ever be phased out, which is why I can't take wiki as seriously as I think its founders would like it to be taken, although I admit I use it quite a bit.


Wikipedia seems goofier every time I learn more about it.  I've seen rather large, unattributed articles that are completely ignored.  Read one yesterday, even.  This nitpicking seems strangely inefficient.  They discourage meat puppets, but technically there's nothing wrong with it since it's bringing in other people to debate an issue.  It's utterly fascinating.

Requests For Features / Re: look expand and map memory stuff
« on: July 12, 2007, 12:30 »
I think the map used to reveal flooring, but that was changed so you could see where you'd been before as opposed to where you hadn't.  When you visited a place in the new version, you saw the floors and you could tell the difference when you compared areas.  Helps when you're trying to figure out where the little bloodbags are hiding, and it's one of my favorite tweaks.

What I took from your suggestion was just to have the weapons map on to the screen and stay there, but like fog of war, you wouldn't be able to see if anyone had taken them until you went back and checked.  I think it's an OK idea, but I don't mind a little hunting for things I've already seen.

Requests For Features / Re: Tactics refinement, capslock
« on: July 12, 2007, 01:50 »
At the risk of irritating your de Niro avatar, I'm wondering what you think should be done.  Did you like the skill based suggestions? 

Barring any changes for the new version, I don't think reducing key presses is a waste if the effect doesn't change the basic structure.  It's just a patch rather than a fix, but reducing keypresses isn't a bad thing in my book, and may provide a stepping stone for later changes.  It just depends on how much effort is needed on Kornel's part to implement the various changes, proposed or as-of-yet unsaid.

Requests For Features / Re: Tactics refinement, capslock
« on: July 11, 2007, 14:16 »
It almost sounded like you were with me for a second, saying that switching was automatic.  Not sure how long or how diverse the conversation has been, but since the refinement I talked about eliminated a step or two while preserving the mechanic, it wasn't terribly radical.

What would you prefer, with regard to tactics?  Or are you suggesting to leave it alone?

Maybe it needs to be merged with another entry to increase its survivability, then?  I don't think a subject's obscurity makes it worth deleting.  Roguelike itself seems like a more robust entry, and could possibly just have a little add-on that talked about contests.  I dunno, I rarely dip my pinkie in that wiki trough, myself.

a to-hit bonus would definitely help sell melee attacks better.  Maybe the chainsaw's damage advantage would be offset by it taking a while to finish up.  Paralyze your current target, but have it do less damage per round sorta thing.  As long as you're attacking the paralyzed target, it stays paralyzed, but if you switch weapons or targets, the paralysis doesn't last and the chainsawed enemy can attack back.  Maybe paralysis would be a function of its current HP so you don't do this on stronger enemies, but I remember chainsawing weaker enemies in Doom and having them just sit there switching until the chainsaw had finished with them.

Requests For Features / Tactics refinement, capslock
« on: July 11, 2007, 06:01 »
I realize I've been making a disproportionate amount of posts.  Let me know if it's too much. 

I've found that the tactics switching thing can be a bit tedious.  Other posts here have talked about decreasing the amount of keypresses to make things better.  I find that, if I'm playing full-on, I tend to run with coward until I encounter something, then decide if I can take it down in a single turn.  If I can, I switch to aggressive to increase my chances of hitting.  If not, or I'm going to be fireballed, I tend to stick to coward and hope that I hit, taking advantage of the increased dodge.  But always, when there are no monsters, I revert to coward, because there's no reason to be otherwise.

Is there an advantage to being aggressive when there are no monsters in sight?  If not, I'd almost say that having different firing buttons for different styles of shots would make more sense than having to cycle through tactics during every encounter.  Something like hitting "f" to target, followed by "f" again to switch to aggressive tactics.  This would leave you open to being hit more often due to the aggressive stance, but since it takes no time to switch tactics during your turn, you would revert back to coward anyway unless there was an advantage again to the increased to-hit of aggressive (then you would just hit "f" twice again).  If you wanted cautious, you'd have a different keypress, and a different one for coward.  These buttons would only work this way during targeting mode (just like tab changes function during firing mode (from tactics to switching aim)).

Should there be a way to disable capslock?  I sometimes accidentally hit it, then sit there getting shot at and wondering why the key I keep hitting doesn't work. 

Requests For Features / Arch Viles
« on: July 11, 2007, 05:06 »
One of the things about Viles in the original game was that they took time to use their column of flame and their resurrection power.  So you could run out of sight before you'd be hit by the column, and you could unload on a Vile when it was bringing some minion back to life.  The nicer thing was that, since it wasn't random, you didn't get a bunch of barons clustered around a Vile, who would bring them back faster than you could destroy them.  Balance for me has been getting too many damned high level monsters in huge chunks that are too close (or too quick) for the rocket launcher...

I'm never quite sure how Wikipedia works, but apparently someone is trying to delete the current entry because it apparently has no verifiable sources.  Why they'd pick on a small stub like that I don't know, I guess there aren't enough people to try to get the deletion notice removed, even though some unsourced fanboy entries in wikipedia that manage to resist deletion are relatively horrible.

If anyone knows how to reverse this process, and wants to, I guess now would be the time.

Requests For Features / Ghoul perk
« on: July 10, 2007, 06:05 »
I like the corpse eating thing.  I wouldn't have mentioned it in my post had I seen it here first.  Maybe if you max out ironman you can get it, and sipping up blood pools or eating corpses will give a few hitpoints if you're low (like my wolfenstein 3D reference in another post).  Not sure if you should get the corpse thing straight away.

As far as Ironman being more valuable, I'm sure everyone has their opinion on traits, but ironman helps me survive longer in Ultra Violence than any other skill.

Requests For Features / Armor Mods
« on: July 10, 2007, 05:57 »
I'll just put this here:

Armor mods?

Like, something that increases the protection slightly?  Reduces damage for a single type of weapon (vs. bullets, vs. shot, vs. fireballs, vs. plasma, vs. acid, vs. lava).  Something that increases the percentage above 100 (as silly as that sounds). 

I've seen power armor mentioned before, so you could have a mod that increases skills like powered armor would, adding a bit to HtoH damage, or speed, or staying power. 

Reactive armor, that destroys itself while taking full damage from a single hit. 

Deflective armor, which adds a change in vector percenage to the to-hit roll, which will send bullets flying in random directions away from the player (great for being stuck in the middle of crowds).

Maybe this is straying a bit from the Doom forumla, but the weapon mods are fun if you can manage to get an advanced weapon...

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