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Messages - Silhar

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Play-By-Forum / Re: [IC] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« on: July 04, 2012, 15:42 »
Seeing you walked by Brom, people tend to back away and vanish from sight. They all seem as if they lived under a constant pressure - wary, they keep their heads low all the time, their eyes open broad seem like they knew only a little sleep.

You are led to the hut standing to your right hand. There's no door, just a heavy, tattered blanket hanging in the way, covered in dust and ember. Its cloud raises as the guardsman pushes it off the way.
The inside doesn't seem comfortable at all.
A pile of old blankets and rags in the corner - probably a lair - and a small table in the middle are the only pieces of furniture in the dusty room you enter. There are also some crates and boxes piled under the wall - and the window you've seen from the outside.
Two things you notice - a man in tattered robes kneeling in front of the table - and an open tome on it, really heavy book, judging from its size.
Brom doesn't manage to say anything as the middle-aged man of dark hair and pale complexion rises on his legs.
"Greetings, Brom. You here to report?", he asks.
"Yes, boss. Things are the way they used to be. Also, we met these fellas on our way. Seem decent, an' dey say dey might be needin' some help."
"We, children of Him on Earth, have to help each other in these grave times."
The priest gives you all a short, yet intense, curious glimpse, while the guardsman bows his head in respect and backs out and outside.
"I am father Clem, the founder of this village and a humble servant of the Throne. Who you might be, travellers?"

Play-By-Forum / Re: [IC] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« on: July 03, 2012, 09:10 »
Brom stops and turns to you, while the other two are walking away.
"Hey, an' ye two?"
"Canteen time, fella", Vyrd responds. "I'd use some starch'n'stuff. You'll report us at da Boss', alright?"
"Ye, sure. Save ale, though."
"No worries, we'll be keepin' some for yer broad mouth."
After the two guardsmen are gone, Brom looks back at you.
"I'll have ta see you with the boss. 'e's a wise guy, and a holy one too. Used to be Emprah's priest, but den sumthin' happened an' he came here. Helps us folks go along together, keeps this place rollin'.", he explains, then looks again at the statue. "An' this thing? Nobody knows but maybe Boss and The Seer too. Stood here for a long time 'fore we set a town in 'ere. Ask them if you wanna. Come, he wants ta know who comes and leaves. It's all for sake o'safety."

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Play-By-Forum / Re: [IC] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« on: July 03, 2012, 07:11 »
In a while, you find yourselves stumbling through the twisted webway of dark, humid tunnels. It's hard to keep the pace with the three sentinels, who apparently know every step the way already.
Each of them moves in perfect silence, not speaking, not even whispering, not giving out a sigh or a sound of steps. The only things you hear are drops of water falling from the ceiling somewhere in the distance.
Your backs nearly freezing from the tension, you would promise that there's that skittering again, lurking at the treshold of hearing.

Finally, you enter some round, enormous cave stuffed with litter of ruined buildings - apparently a settlement that caved in long ago, now abandoned and wasted. In the distance, behind the site, a few lights flash.
"Password!", you hear a voice like thunder, from the top of one of insecure towers overhead.
"Sickness. Response!", Brom barks out.
"Seeping. You may pass, but make it quick. We've noticed some junk-eaters scoutin' around half a cycle ago. Who's it wif ye?"
"Off-world folks, but dey seem decent. Needin' help or stuff.", the patrol leader explains.

So you proceed forward, leaving the wasted buildings behind you. There's silent humming in the air, growing in power as you walk towards two torches - made of malformed human skulls.
Behind it, a few large tents circle a small place with an ominous statue in the middle. It somehow resembles a black knight from old-timer tales... or a battle-ravaged Space Marine? You can see a round rift in the ground barred with wooden bars at the statue's feet.
There also are two wooden huts, one to the left, the other to the right. The left one seems loud and crowded from the inside. Perhaps a tavern of some kind. The right one is more mysterious - the light in only window sheathed in silk is dim and the walls are covered in ivy.
A few shady people wander around uselessly, regarding you with intrigued stares. They all seem dirty, poor and dangerous.

Play-By-Forum / Re: [OOC Thread] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« on: July 02, 2012, 14:15 »
No reason to delete anything, it's just for the future. Okay?

Play-By-Forum / Re: [OOC Thread] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« on: July 02, 2012, 14:09 »
Also, buddies... can you solve such matters on PM or IRC? I'd like to keep this topic in theme at least briefly...

Play-By-Forum / Re: [OOC Thread] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« on: July 02, 2012, 13:48 »
I'm terribly sorry about that, but didn't somebody here write about his daughter "pooping in the pool"? Now isn't it more private than "I might be off for a few days"?

Sure, mate, that's all your opinion. Just do what you believe is right.

Play-By-Forum / Re: [OOC Thread] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« on: July 02, 2012, 09:46 »
I have no idea - why. I'd say OOC thread is a perfect place to post such stuff. In the Internet, you have no identity.

Play-By-Forum / Re: [IC] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« on: June 30, 2012, 15:07 »
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

"Never mind. The Wise One says it's a kind o'flying animal feedin' on dead bodies. Me, I've never seen one", Brom responds carefully, shaking his autogun carelessly. It seems that the pale man knows his way around this item, giving a strong impression that he's already fed many with lead. "If you wanna get anywhere, you'll be crossin' our hab anyway. Come, we'll introduce ya to people. You'll rest, restock on guns'n'ammo and maybe get a word of wisdom from The Seer herself."

Play-By-Forum / Re: Doom: The Text Adventure
« on: June 28, 2012, 11:17 »
If you like, I might take this burden from you. If you fill me on the details of mechanics and plot, of course.

Play-By-Forum / Re: [IC] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« on: June 28, 2012, 05:35 »
"Yeah, that's the real thing in the Underhive - you can't tell bad guys from good guys at all. Not that it differs from what happens overhead", the gunner responds. "So we gathered all the decent folks we could find and thought it'd be easier to gang up together and strive somehow... It works for two years now. We even managed to get some ol' an' rusty water purifier to work. This is why there are many bad guys around. Ever seen a vulture?"
As HexaDoken shows up, Brom examines him with a brief look.
"You look like you would need something to fix you, mate."

Play-By-Forum / Re: Doom: The Text Adventure
« on: June 28, 2012, 05:20 »

Play-By-Forum / Re: [IC] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« on: June 27, 2012, 09:51 »
"The name's Brom, I'm the head of this squad. We're patrolling the place in case of any raiders coming close to our settlement", the voice replies. "The grumpy one is Chaz, the guy with the tentacle where his arm should be goes by the name of Verd. Your lander messed up, ye say. That's too bad... Come, maybe The Seer will know how to help ye."
As Xilla enters the cave, after a short and careful walk through the uneven terrain she can see the three characters clad in hardened leather and waving around with automated weaponry. One is bald and pallid, one hideously bloated, and the third one seems to be completely alright despite his left arm being a meaty tendril.

Play-By-Forum / Re: [IC] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« on: June 25, 2012, 10:14 »
"Ha! Now we're talking!", one of them, not heard before, booms out.
"Hold it. Yer not goin' any further until we know who ye are, what do ye want and how many of ye are thar. I care not fer yer story", cuts in the third voice.

Play-By-Forum / Re: [OOC Thread] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« on: June 25, 2012, 08:08 »
But the rulebook describes it in a "now you can't say that character development system is crude, sod off" manner. What I do is giving you a clear way how to accomplish it.

Play-By-Forum / Re: [OOC Thread] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« on: June 25, 2012, 02:00 »
That's... kind of neat. I can ask Xilla to teach me a few stealthy tricks :O

Can I magically find that autogun underwater? I wanna it :P

I guess it was in horrible state anyway...

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