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Messages - ZicherCZ

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Discussion / Re: The Journey to 100%
« on: September 15, 2017, 01:13 »
Quote from: DRL Wiki (energy-shielded vest page)
In the Cybernano assembly, it's almost IDDQD.

Discussion / Re: The Journey to 100%
« on: September 11, 2017, 11:21 »
I'm a bit late, but still - welcome, and thanks for your "blog", it's nice to see someone doing and recording their overall progress :).

I still need 2000 melee kills, 25000/50000 kills, 100 Cyberdemon kills, and 50 JC kills to finish the ranks!

If you are willing to go through an ultra-grind, just go for a single UV AAo666 game. You don't even need to focus on melee at all - with some luck, you can find a chainsaw to rack up easy melee kills, and 50k kills / 100 Cybies can be done in a single playthrough. Of course, there's no JC along the way, but it's more than enough for a Cyberdemon rank.

Discussion / Re: DRL: Xtreme Arena
« on: September 05, 2017, 05:23 »
Just my luck.

Cybie killed. Spidey killed. Chained Court and Military base cleared. First three arenas cleared. All of that with a 100% killrate. Four monsters left in the last wave of the fourth arena, all tucked in the other half of the map. Me with 100% health and 136% armor. And then wham ... power outage.

Ah well. Maybe next time ...

Discussion / Re: DRL: Xtreme Arena
« on: August 22, 2017, 01:33 »
It would be nice to give the game another shot after a few years - but for all the hell I can't find the post where DRL Xtreme Arena was available for download. Would anyone point to where I could download it?

Discussion / Re: How to get to JC?
« on: July 17, 2017, 01:52 »
Tormuse is just too fast :).

I checked the source code, and indeed the edges of the map are generated as permawalls.

Discussion / Re: mortuary strategy
« on: May 23, 2017, 14:36 »
Well, I would heavily vote against the first two steps - if you don't hit an early target, the supercharges in the corners would be caught right in the radius of the BFG blasts, thus destroyed. I would fire the BFG straight up an down instead, to clear corpses with no danger to the items.

Otherwise, speed is the key here, you have to find the Viles quickly, before they can resurrect too many corpses. Rocketjumping is helpful here, and I would kill an Archvile as soon as I spot it (no more than seven ever appear there), and only then follow up with more rocketjumps.

Using skulls of any kind is a wise move, no questions asked. Clearing the City of Skulls / Abyssal Plains can be definitely recommended if you plan to try your luck in The Mortuary.

If you roll Limbo, consider the layout. It plays for you (you can clear one part of a level at a time, without too much worries from the other parts), but against you as well (the Viles in the corners will have much more time to resurrect the corpses). Weapons with area effect, especially BFGs, are of great use in this case.

Discussion / Re: Quick questions thread!
« on: May 22, 2017, 13:43 »
In fact, storm bolter might be _weaker_ on combat pistol, due to knockback coming into effect at 12 damage. If the first bullet causes knockback, the second bullet might simply fail to target the knocked-back creature and automatically miss.

With SoG3 (a standard for pistol builds) this is not an issue for standard pistols, causing 11 damage per bullet at most. With a combat pistol, the maximum damage is 12. And that's not counting ranks in SoB, which stress the problem even further.

To say it in a diplomatic matter - in my humble opinion, storm bolter is one of the less useful assemblies.

Discussion / Re: Quick questions thread!
« on: May 21, 2017, 15:09 »
OK, I'll try to answer the other questions as well:

- Shrapnel damage is affected once by resistance and twice by protection (thats what you probably mean by "armor"). IIRC, no monsters have inherent shrapnel resistance, but some monsters can pick up and wear armors with such a resistance.

- Resistance seems to round the damage taken to the nearest integer (this took quite a bit codediving to find out, and I hope I understood it properly :) ).

- Berserk gives no protection (if that is what you mean by "armor"). 60% resist all is powerful in and of itself.

- Storm bolter: What do you mean? Ammo capacity does increase with this assembly by 50%.

Discussion / Re: Quick questions thread!
« on: May 21, 2017, 14:38 »
Is shotgun spread or falloff affected by sniper or agility mods?

Not at all. These mods have no effect on shotguns whatsoever, outside of contributing to their assemblies.

Is juggler keybinding planned to remain?

Is reloading from the ground feature planned?

With the dawn of Jupiter Hell, DRL development looks pretty much nonexistant now, so it's unlikely that you will see such changes anytime soon.

Nightmare! / Re: [N!|YAVP|92%] Demonic Platinum Badge
« on: May 19, 2017, 02:44 »
Congrats on a solid win, and kudos for your courage with special levels, some of them can get really nasty on UV.

Regarding random phases, this is the only way to complete The Wall / Containment Area on AoMr or AoSh, outside of being even more lucky and finding a blaster, plasma shotgun or mods for corresponding assemblies. The same applies to Vaults without Arena Master's Staff. Clearing these levels in this way is required for certain badges (Brick Silver and Scavenger Platinum and Diamond).

First, welcome to the forums!

Now, you confused me a bit, mentioning a shotgun build in the post title and then listing a lot of weapon assemblies that are not shotgun (IIRC, shotgun do not benefit from bulk mods directly, assemblies or otherwise - they do decrease reloading times for them, but taking Reloader trait is always a better choice, and Shottyman makes this use completely obsolete). Nanomanufacture assembly, for instance, does not work for shotguns.

Bulk has other uses though. First and foremost, it alone doubles your armor durability. Then, you can later turn the armor into a fireproof one - this is quite a cheap (non-Whizkid) way to gain lots of fire resistance, especially when made of red armor. And you can use it for a plenty of secondary weapons you already listed (BFG or chainsaw - most of the other assemblies are way better used by appropriate builds, instead of shotgun builds).

And if you're not happy with these uses, you can simply leave the bulks on the floor.

Yay for a Sharpshooter win, and congratulations!

I may object a bit against stormbolters and GCB fired in full-auto mode. With SoG5, you cause a guaranteed knockback, which may in turn make you each of your bullets beyond the first. It's almost a non-issue with a storm bolter combat pistol, but full-auto GCB you can lose five bullets this way, and you have to reload after just three bursts. Spidey is immune to knockback, so you would not waste ammo against her, but the 2 seconds of reloading time make it much more effective to fire single shots. IMHO, if you feel safe as far as armor goes, Reloader may have been a better choice than Iron Man, but then again, Iron Man can make the late game more forgiving.

If you're lucky enough to find a combat pistol, I would recommend to assemble the White Death, as I call it - a P3B2 combat pistol. 230 DPS, sustained for two and a half seconds, just can't be equaled. It's enough to kill a Cybie in a single clip.

Oh, and your firing speed with SoG5 should always be 0.1s, and the equation you posted is correct.

I certainly didn't expect you would win that soon after your "silly" post. Congratulations!

Going to try a masterless build I think, as getting to level 25 doesn't leave you with many options (for traits) once you have a master trait, and with such a variety of weapons available, why not?

Do you have any particular build in mind?

Ouch. You got already pretty far. YASD indeed.

IMHO, Blademaster build appears to the weakest melee master trait for this challenge. Vampyre can spam healing from resurrecting enemies, while a Malicious Knives build gets all those nice resists even when actually using other weapons, as long as you have a knife in prepared slot (the resists are weaker than from zerking, but they are constant). I know that Scouts have their own advantages.

And for the record, nano packs can start appearing on level 10, but their generation weight is quite low. Going 100+ levels without seeing one is no surprise.

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