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Messages - Creepy

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Discussion / Re: Finally, I have all the badges.
« on: March 29, 2012, 17:11 »
Maybe he is already married.  With children.  And grandchildren.

His real name is William "BJ" Blazkowicz.

Discussion / Re: Bad habits
« on: March 29, 2012, 17:08 »
Berserk means you're resistant to damage, not invulnerable. "AHAHAHA, MEAT" is not a sustainable combat strategy.

Maybe one day I'll actually LEARN that lesson.

Discussion / Re: Pimp my Rocket: Rocket Launcher Builds
« on: March 29, 2012, 17:03 »
My only problem with a tac launcher is that it's an assembly. I prefer Whiz2 and five mods, which typically beats assemblies in power and versatility; a trio of powermods and a few bulks and/or Reloader along with a rocket box put your reload speed low enough that lack of magazine isn't a problem and you do a lot more damage that way.

The fact that a tac launcher doesn't toast every item and barrel in the level is a great help in a primary explosive device, though. If there was a equivalent small-blast exotic that I could overmod like crazy, I would marry the damn thing.

Requests For Features / Re: Monster Infighting
« on: March 29, 2012, 16:49 »
Infighting would be problematic, not because of the coding, but because the levels are somewhat less open than areas in Doom and thusly monsters are a LOT more likely to be shooting through each other. We already have a lot of instances of monsters killing each other in corridors because an Imp doesn't care that a Demon is in the firing line, and the way shotguns work here means that a former sergeant will draw fire like crazy.

DoomRL 2 would probably be better able to handle it simply because it can have the firing behavior and map layout designed with the idea of infighting from the beginning, when it starts being a thing that is happening and not just a thing we see discussed sometimes.

Discussion / Re: How to pass Phobos Anomaly on AoH?
« on: March 27, 2012, 18:17 »
The run was almost perfect and very easy after I made a nano missile launcher in the armory, but I got greedy and a mancubus killed me on 4th level of hell =(

It seems like anytime I read about an infinite-firing kill-everything-ever gun, a mancubus pops up and kills the creator. It's like there's some Curse of Tubba out to kill people with superguns.

Discussion / Re: Pimp my Rocket: Rocket Launcher Builds
« on: March 27, 2012, 18:14 »
Fireangel making items immune to your own explosions would be awesome. With your mastery over the art of boom, you can ride explosions harmlessly and place them so that you do not hurt the items you want. No more having to fear your own destructive potential!

Making items immune to mancubus shots would be a little harder to explain, though.

Though if you want crazy trait improvement, try thinking about that required level in Shottyman giving it's auto-reloading prowess to the rocket launcher.

Melee Rocket Surprise really needs Juggler. I personally don't really like the trait, but it would be good for keeping your rockets always equipped while still letting you chainsaw everything.
I would think there's a small gap in tiles where you're outside melee but too close to safely use a rocket. In that gap one could switch without juggler and not worry over the lost time, maybe? I don't exactly have the timing down on weapon switching. If I'm wrong then yeah, a level of Juggler is probably needed.

Discussion / Re: Pimp my Rocket: Rocket Launcher Builds
« on: March 26, 2012, 23:45 »
I'm not so sure about the Tactical Rocket Launcher. It's basically an inferior Missile Launcher, except that it reloads a whole clip instead of one at a time. The fact that you have to assemble it is sort of a problem, since the only way to get a good boost to rocket damage is Power mods; SoB isn't very good on non-rapid weapons. A Missile Launcher with a pile of powermods is probably going to be a lot more useful than a Tactical Rocket Launcher.

Though I guess if the tacrocket is being used as a berserker pogostick, you don't want a million damage. I'm not sure why Missile Launchers don't have a rocket jump option, either.

Discussion / Pimp my Rocket: Rocket Launcher Builds
« on: March 26, 2012, 23:08 »
I've read that Rockets are generalist mid-game weapons that go well with anything but lack the same overall power as, well, every other option. Best use of a secondary slot, not good choice for primary weapon. Also, the only trait that screams "rocket launcher!" is both bugged into not working and also is a shotgun trait, right down to requiring shottyman (Which is useless for rockets, though it's prereqs are not). So even the one RL trait is placed to keep it barefoot in the kitchen, making shotguns a sandwich.

Why use rockets? They are awesome, yes. The blow the fuck out of things. Of all the standard weapons that aren't BFGs, they do the most damage in one shot. They blow up walls. The blow up crowds. They can miss and still hit things, if the target is silly enough to stand next to a wall. They are actually available relatively early, in the Arena, and the Wall gets an exotic version along with a backpack and fuckton of rockets. Rocket Jumping can be the fastest mode of transportation in the game on a good roll, if you can afford a spare rocket and a pile of damage.

But rocket do have serious problems, and a lot of them are based on the fact that they are the compliment of shotguns. Shotguns are close-range crowd-eaters that are bad at taking armor. Rockets are long-range crowd-eaters that alright at taking armor. They both have reload time issues. Rockets can miss, unlike their cousins. Rockets at close range have a MUCH bigger penalty than a shotgun at long range. Plasma rifle beats rockets for overall damage, but it's on a different weapon track... but so does Double Shotguns, which is on the same track. And most damningly, while all the shotgun weaknesses get traits and whatnot specifically to correct them; MAD removes armor problems. Shottyman removes reloading problems. A double shotty can be assembed into a weapon with more damage potential and much less damage drop-off. Rocket have no equivalent traits, except Fireangel, which doesn't work, and the tactical rocket launcher is basically the missile launcher (which is guaranteed at the wall). Excepting Eagle Eye, any trait that improves rockets are also useful shotgun traits, while traits that improve shotguns are not necessarily going to improve your rocket any. As far as I can tell, shotguns are essentially better than rockets at what it is rockets are intended to do, except for removing walls. There really is no reason to focus on rockets when you could use shotguns.

But fuck that, let's make a rocket launcher build. Not a shotgun-build-with-a-dash-of-rockets-sometimes, but a build designed entirely around taking maximum advantage of sexy, sexy rockets.

...except I'm not a great player and have no idea what would work. I've got ideas, but not really big experience in fixing builds. Most of my character "builds" are "pick a master trait you want this time, beeline it" and there AREN'T any rocket masters. Anyway, ideas:

Scout Rocketeer:
Levels 1-4: Reloader 2, Intuition 2
Levels 4+: Finesse2> Whizkid1, Eagle Eye2

The idea is that you use a shotgun and intuition to survive the early levels, particularly the Arena, until you have the rocket launcher. At that point you're on tactical mode, using Intuition to hit things at long distance and Reloader to keep your rocket's tummy full. Cornershooting tactics rule the day. If the enemy is near a wall but too far from an opening to get at, blow through and use the new opening instead. You want to kill things before they're close enough to actually get a shot off, and use cover at all times and knockback to keep them at bay. Later levels revolve around getting Whiz1, so you can powermod that rocket as far as you can: Powermods are the only way to boost up rocket damage appreciably, as SoB is nigh-worthless for a single-hit rocket and they don't have SoG or Bru-type traits that pump it up by more than one per level. Eagle Eye makes it that much easier to hit things at distance or even in the black, which goes with the "kill them at a distance" plan very well.

Technical Rocketeer:
Levels 1-4: Reloader2, Whizkid2, Shottyman?
Levels 4+: Shottyman?, Hellrunner2>Dodgemaster

This is an early offense build. Reloader and shotguns get you though the first levels, then you use Whizkid to start whipping up classy gear. Shotguns remain important longer, since you need them for radar shooting, so Shotty is an attractive Level 3-5 option. After that is mostly defense; Whizkid is expected to carry your rocket to victory, while Hellrunner and Dodgemaster keep you healthy. When Fireangel is fixed, this build can be reshuffled to work with it.

Melee Rocket Surprise:
Levels 1-4: Brute2, Reloader2
Levels 4+: Finesse2, Whiz1, Berserk

This build relies on shotguns and melee until it hits the chainsaw and rocket launcher, at which point it goes melee with rockets, or rockets with melee, whichever is more useful at the moment. At a distance you throw rockets at their face, close up you chainsaw them. This uses a very split build, which is something of a problem; neither rockets or melee is maxed out, obviously, and this leaves defense wide open. I'm not sure how to fix it to work well, but I love the idea of melee and rockets coming together, and they do compliment each other nicely. Also, I have no clue which class to throw on this, which would make a difference; Melee master traits can be terrifying, if you want to use this as a melee/rocket baseline instead of a rocket/melee baseline. It could be pretty nasty on Ao100, with Malicious Knives and rockets, but that would probably require fiddling when you want to grab what.

More monsters means more danger from hordes falling on your head, so the extra exp from having to cut through them all would be appropriate enough. Though with double-damage shotguns and rockets, I'm not sure the riot weapons would actually have much more difficulty. Even if there's a whole wave of the bastards charging your position, you fire a shotgun and watch everyone go flying backwards.

On the other hand, I've found such levels easier for melee builds. You just crash through the wall behind whatever you want to kill, Blade Runner style.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Exotics and uniques are not always going to be useful for every run they show up on, though. Seeing a firestorm on melee is just as annoying as getting nothing but plasma and shotgun exotic/uniques on AoMk, and it's just as much part of the game. I do think that exotic/unique assemblies need to use less nano though. I've seen that fucking thing once, if that wasn't a fevered hallucination, but never again afterward. I'm this close to deciding it's mythical and that people just pretend it still exists to screw with casual players like me. =P

Speaking of uniques one can't use; can we make it so after we've picked up uniques they lose their super-invulnerability to being hurled into lava or acid? Nothing is more annoying than trying to spite the RNG by destroying useless uniques only to find out they can't be destroyed for some reason, unlike everything else.

Requests For Features / Re: The Rocket Launcher.
« on: March 20, 2012, 11:27 »
I really don't want the behavior of the rocket launcher to depend on whether I target an unseen square, a floor tile, or an enemy.  Any change belongs on alt-fire.

On traits: since the introduction of classes, there has been an empty space at the bottom of the trait screen.  This has always bugged me.  I endorse splash damage master traits.  And fireangel belongs as a splash damage master trait, not a shotgun one.  That's also bugged me.

Yeah, it always bothered me that Fireangel, which removes the dangers of short-range rocket use and lets you go nuts with rockets, required shottyman. It has nothing to do with shotguns. Reloader makes some sense as a prereq for feeding the launcher, but shottyman? I know fireangel is thought of mostly as a defensive trait for telling splash enemies to fuck off, but I always thought the best part was that you could shoot someone point-blank with a rocket and come out unscratched; it removed most of the danger of happy, prolific rocket use. All you had to worry about was blowing up your spoils.

88 / Re: [M|AoMr|94%|YAVP] Sharpshooter is kinda scary
« on: March 18, 2012, 17:36 »
I hear you on the Lost Souls; until I got sharpshooter AND three powermods, they'd take several shots to kill. The only reason I survived the Anomaly is because those helpful Cacodemons managed to thin then out for me. I was more afraid of pain elementals and lost souls than anything else in the game.

And yeah, the Mastermind is kinda... I know it's Doom-ish and all, and I guess the super-chaingun-plasma?-thing it uses is more effective against Dodgemasters than the Big Cow's rockets, but the Cyberdemon was a lot more dangerous as a final boss. The dude creamed me in a close-quarters fight the first time I saw him.

In the game she had a few demons for backup, didn't she? That might be worth throwing in with her here. Or not; I'm not exactly the super-experienced player.

How the hell did Lost Souls get so hardcore all of a sudden?

90 / Re: [M|AoMr|94%|YAVP] Sharpshooter is kinda scary
« on: March 18, 2012, 16:53 »
You're a better player than I am, so you'll probably have an even easier time of it. Natural whizkid access can probably make up for the lack of dualgunner by turning any pistol into a beastgun, or one could take Intuition and start picking off enemies from outside visual range; with three Eagle Eyes and a computer map to help me aim, I was seeing enemies killed from halfway across the map sometimes. I'm guessing you play on a higher difficulty than I'm used to, so you could probably pick up both with the bonus exp.

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